Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Field Configurations

Field Configurations eliminate the need to retype the same information each time a field needs to be filled. Lookup lists allow for the creation of fields to store data that have a limited number of possible values. When a field needs to be completed, simply click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate value.

Navigate to System Management > Field Configurations. From this screen, administrators can edit System Lookups and Default Values.

System Lookups

System Lookups are predefined lookups that come with the Lifecycle Management Suite. These cannot be edited but additional values can be added to the lookup.

The System Lookups tab contains the following columns:

Column Name Description
Field Name The name of the field in the database.
Field Label The user-friendly label of the field in the Lifecycle Management Suite.

ShowEditing a Lookup

To edit a lookup, double-click the lookup, or highlight the lookup, and click Edit . The Edit System Values screen appears.

Creating a Lookup Value

To create an additional lookup value, click Create. An additional row appears at the bottom of the list of values. Type in the desired value and description in the new row.

System-defined values are displayed in grey boxes and cannot be edited, but they can be deleted.
If authoring Business Rules, it is recommended to select the Sync.Lookups button on the Application Toolbar in Rules Manager before authoring a new rule in order to ensure the newly created Lookup Values are available within the Rules Management Application.

Deleting a Lookup Value

To delete a lookup value, select the check box next to the value and click Delete. A confirmation prompt appears. Click Yes to delete the selected value(s) or No to retain the selected value(s).

Ordering Values

To assign a display order to the values within a Lookup, enter a numerical value of zero (0) or greater in the desired ascending order under the List Order column.

By default, the List Order column appears blank in the System Values window, and lookup values are listed alphabetically in an application.
Only numerical values can be entered within the List Order field. Additionally, an error is received upon saving a lookup field if the same number is entered in the List Order column more than once, or if a number is not defined for each lookup value.

In the example below, the following list order is assigned to the lookup values for the Bankruptcy Creditor Class lookup in Field Configurations:

Once all values have been ordered, click  to retain the data and close the window.

Default Values

Default Values can be set up on the Default Values tab so that when a new account or case is created, or added to the Lifecycle Management Suite, the system updates the account or case level field with the chosen default value, if the field does not already have a value.

The nightly process that sets default values only runs for new accounts and cases; and is triggered when a new account or case is added from the workspace via Create Account or Import Account, after the daily account import process is complete, and any third party account import processes are complete. This nightly process sets the default values for the configured account fields for all new accounts, case fields for all new cases.

The Default Values tab contains the following columns:

Column Name Description
Type The type of field that has a default value. From the drop-down list, select Account or Case.
Field Name The name of the field.
Default Value The default value assigned to the field.

ShowCreating a New Default Value

To create a new default value:

Field Type Control Rendered
Lookup Field A drop down control with available values for that lookup.
Date Field A calendar control with the option to set the date formula like TODAY+1D.
Decimal Field A textbox for entering decimal values only.
Integer Field A textbox for entering integer values only.
Boolean Field A checkbox.
String Field A standard textbox.

ShowEditing a Default Value

To edit a Default Value:

ShowDeleting a Default Value

To delete a Default Value:



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