Akcelerant Lending Guide
Upgrading Rules Management

From the Rules Management Home Screen, institutions are able to upgrade their Framework rule application to a newer version prior to upgrading to a newer version of the Framework. The rule upgrade process enables institutions to proactively address any necessary rule changes that might be identified during a Framework upgrade.

To determine if an upgrade requires modifications of business rules, refer to the Important Upgrade Information section within the Framework Release Notes document.


Rules Management upgrades should only be performed as part of a pre-upgrade process.

Upgrade Process

Within the Upgrade Rules tab located on the launch screen, click the Upgrade Rules button to proceed with the rule application upgrade. Once Upgrade Rules Management is clicked, the upgrade wizard launches.

The available version list only populates with the Rules Management versions later than the version currently installed at the institution.

After a successful upgrade, users should not update any rules within the current rule application until the Framework upgrade completes. Any updates made to the in the current version will be lost and the pre-upgrade process must be repeated.

Upgrade Failure

If the upgrade wizard fails to upgrade Rules Management, a failure message displays to users. Click OK to continue upgrading Rules Management in Upgrade Mode.

In Upgrade Mode, a protected instance of Rules Management opens that allows users to fix the rules which caused the upgrade failure.

Important Upgrade Information




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