Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
GL Balances and Journal Entries

Journal entries are generated when a transaction is processed to track the history of GL accounts. The GL Balances and Journal Entries page (System Management > Recovery > GL Balances and Journal Entries) provides administrators with an overview of current GL account balances, and access to all journal entries for GL accounts. This page is divided into two sections: GL Balances and Journal Entries.

GL Balances

The GL Balances section of the GL Balances and Journal Entries page includes a grid that contains GL accounts and their balances. By default, all active GL accounts are displayed and are fully expanded to show all of their sub-accounts.

Sub-accounts can be shown or hidden by clicking  next to the parent GL account.

Above the grid is a ribbon bar that contains the following functions:

Function Description
Click  to select all of the GL accounts within the GL Balances grid.
Click  to deselect all of the GL accounts within the GL Balances grid.
Enter any text within the search text box. The GL Balances grid updates dynamically to display the search results.
From the drop-down, select whether to display Active, Inactive, or All GL accounts within the GL Balances Grid.

The GL Balances grid displays information within the following columns:

Field Description
GL Account Number Displays a check box and the GL account number defined within System Management > Recovery > GL Accounts. Selecting the check box identifies the accounts to be viewed within the Journal Entries section. Multiple GL accounts can be selected for viewing at the same time.
When a GL Account is selected within the GL Balances grid, the Journal Entries section must be refreshed to display the transactions for the selected GL account.
GL Account Name Displays the GL account name defined within System Management > Recovery > GL Accounts. This is a read-only field.
Fully Qualified GL Account Number Displays the fully qualified GL account number, which consists of the GL segment and all parent GL segments.
Amount Displays the current balance of the GL account. This is a read-only field.

Journal Entries

The Journal Entries section of the GL Balances and Journal Entries page displays the transactions for the GL accounts selected within the GL Balances grid.

Above the grid is a ribbon bar that contains the following functions to assist with filtering the journal entries:

Function Description
Enter a date within the text box or select a date from the calendar icon to serve as the start of the date range for which to display journal entries within the grid.
Enter a date within the text box or select a date from the calendar icon to serve as the end of the date range for which to display journal entries within the grid.
From the drop-down, select whether to display 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, or 200,000 journal entries within the grid.
Selecting 200,000 journal entries may cause longer than normal processing times within the Lifecycle Management Suite, as the Suite is retrieving a large number of records from the database.
Once the date range and number of entries has been selected, click  to update the grid to display the desired results.

Once GL accounts are selected within the GL Balances section and the Journal Entries section of the page is refreshed, the below information displays in a read-only grid:

Each column in the Journal Entries grid is sortable. By default, the entries are displayed in descending order by Posting Date; however, they can be sorted by any column by double-clicking the column header.
Column Description
Posting Date Displays the posting date of the transaction.
Effective Date Displays the effective date of the transaction.
Account Number Displays the GL account number associated with the transaction.
Reference Account Number Displays the Account Identifier of the recovery account on which the transaction was processed.
Credit Amount Displays the amount the GL account was credited by the transaction.
Debit Amount Displays the amount the GL account was debited during the transaction.
A page filter is located below the Journal Entries grid to provide the ability to locate journal entries that may not currently be displayed within the grid.



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