Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide

Cases enable the tracking of specialty processes within the Lifecycle Management Suite. Cases provide a streamlined method of tracking processes such as bankruptcies, foreclosures, and repossessions, and are easily customizable by a System Administrator.

Listed below are the case details and the actions that can be taken while working a case:

A case in context is displayed as a Case Tasks tab in the Overview section of the workspace. This tab contains a task navigation panel in the left side of the screen and Case Task Details, organized as tabs in the main area of the screen.

If no task is in context, the main area of the screen displays a "Select a task from the tree to the left" message.

If a task is in context, the main area displays the name of the task and the task details.

If a person has multiple cases associated to them, a drop-down list is included in the Case Tasks tab to quickly navigate between cases.

Task Navigation Panel

The task navigation panel displays the tasks that have been scheduled to be worked to complete the case. Tasks display in a tree that groups individual tasks into processes which have been assigned to a case type by an administrator. From the task navigation panel, users can open a task, add additional tasks and case processes to the case, and cancel case processes.  

If no processes or tasks exist on a Case, the system prompts users to close the case, when the task tree refreshes.

The task tree loads in the following scenarios:

  • Case status changes
  • Completing a task
  • Canceling a task

Task Statuses

A Task Status is assigned to a task to indicate the state of the task. There are three states of task statuses: Active, Inactive, and Closed.

When a case is created, every task in that case type is assigned a Task Status. Users can change task statuses by completing or canceling tasks.

The below foreclosure case process example provides a reference for all the Task Statuses in the Lifecycle Management Suite.

ShowIn Progress

A task that is either ready to be worked or currently being worked. Users can close In Progress tasks by completing or canceling them.

In the Foreclosure Case Process example, the Notice of Sale task is currently being worked and is In Progress.

When a task is In Progress, a  displays next to the task in the task navigation panel.

ShowWaiting to Start

A task that is scheduled to be worked at a delayed start time. Once this task is started it has a status of In Progress.

In the Foreclosure Case Process example, the Foreclosure Auction task is delayed from starting to allow time to pass from the time that the Notice of Sale is completed and has a Waiting to Start status.

When a task is Waiting to Start, a   displays next to the task in the task navigation panel.


A task that has been worked to completion and is considered closed.

In the Foreclosure Case Process example, the Notice of Default and the Reinstatement Period have been completed by the user and have Completed statuses.

When a task is Completed, a   displays next to the task in the task navigation panel.


A task that is manually closed by a user without being completed.

In the Foreclosure Case Process example, the Reinstate Loan Task was canceled because the account holder failed to make the delinquent payments. This task has a status of Canceled.

When a task is Canceled, a   displays next to the task in the task navigation panel.

ShowNot Started

A task that is dependent on an active task. Depending on the results returned when an active task is closed, a task that is Not Started becomes either active with a status of In Progress or Waiting to Start, or closed with a status of Will Not Start. 

In the Foreclosure Case Process example, the Real Estate Owned, Surplus Payment, and Deficiency Payment tasks have statuses of Not Started. This is because they are dependent on the result of the Foreclosure Auction that has not yet taken place.

ShowWill Not Start

A task that is dependent on a closed task and the results necessary to start the task have not been returned.

In the Foreclosure Case Process example, the Unfreeze Accounts task has a status of Will Not Start. This task will not be used because the Reinstate Loan task has been canceled.

Tasks are ordered in the task navigation panel by the task start date, which is set when a task status changes from Not Started to either Waiting to Start on In Process. If tasks share the same start date, the tasks with the same start date are ordered by task name.

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Case Task Details

When a task is selected from the task tree, it opens in the main area of the case and provides task details grouped into tabs. The task's Work Task, Summary, History, and Attachments details are system defined screens. By default, when opening a task the Work Task tab is displayed.

Work Task

The Work Task screen is used to complete all the work needed for a task. The work task details vary based on Task Type and change when a task changes status types from Active to Closed.

To view instructions on how to complete a task, click  in the task toolbar.

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The summary tab provides an overview of the task. Depending on the task status, the information displayed varies.

Status Type Details

A task that has a status of In Progress or Waiting to Start is considered active. The summary details of an active task are:

Field Description
Name Displays the name of the task.
Status Displays the current status of the task.
Task Type Displays the task type.
Assigned Queue Displays the name of the queue in which the task is currently located.
Description Displays the description of the task provided by an administrator.
Last modified by Displays the name of the most recent user to make modifications to the task.
Last modified on Displays the date and time the most recent modifications were made.
Started on Displays the start date and time of the task.
Expected completion Displays the date and time the task is expected to be completed.
Overdue Displays a message based on the expected completion date.
  • If the expected completion date has not passed, No is displayed.
  • If the expected completion date has passed, Yes is displayed.

A task that has a status of Completed or Canceled is considered closed. The summary details of a closed task are:

Field Description
Name Displays the name of the task.
Status Displays the current status of the task.
Task Type Displays the task type.
Description Displays the description of the task provided by an administrator.
Completed by If applicable, displays the name of the user that completed the task. This field only displays if the task was closed due to completion.
Completed on If applicable, displays the date and time the task was completed. This field only displays if the task was closed due to completion.
Canceled by If applicable, displays the name of the user that canceled the task. This field only displays if the task was canceled.
Canceled on If applicable, displays the date and time the task was canceled. This field only displays if the task was canceled.
Results If the task was completed, displays the result(s) of the task.

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The history tab tracks the work done at the task level of a case. By default all history types are displayed; however, users can filter the history displayed by selecting and clearing check boxes next to the history types.

The columns displayed on the History screen are:

Column Description
User Displays the name of the user that performed the action.
Details Displays a description of the action.
Date Displays the date and time of the action.

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Attachments are used to provide supporting information to a task. Any document type such as .pdf, .docx, and .xlsx can be attached to the task. Users may attach a document for a number of reasons.

For example, while working a Loan Default Confirmation task in a Foreclosure Case Process, an institution may request users to attach a Loan Payment History directly to the task to display all payments made and the remaining balance of the defaulted loan.

A task can have multiple attachments.

Details about the attachments are displayed on the Attachments screen:

Field Description
File Name Displays the name given to the file when it was uploaded.
Description Displays details for the purpose of the attachment.
Date Created Displays the date and time the upload was added to the task.
Uploaded By Displays the name of the user that uploaded the attachment.

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Creating a Case

The Lifecycle Management Suite allows two different ways to create a case on an account. Cases can be created by using the icon or by running the Create Case workflow step.

Creating a Case from the Workspace Toolbar

Creating a Case Workflow Step

Users can create cases by running the create case workflow step as a part of a workflow. The system administrator can configure the workflow step to be either automated or manual.

Adding Additional Persons and Accounts to Cases

Additional persons and accounts can be added to a case after it has been created. To add a person or account to a case, navigate to the Case type screen that contains the Related Person and Related Account panels and click or . The Basic Search window displays.

A system administrator must configure a Case type screen (within System Management > Screens) to include the Related Persons panel and the Related Accounts panel, as well as the Relate Person, Relate Account, Remove Person, and Remove Account buttons.


Enter any person or account criteria to use in the search and click . Double-click on the desired result displayed within the Results grid to add the person/account to the case, automatically close the Basic Search window, and return to the workspace.

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Opening a Case

Existing Cases can be accessed through a search or by selecting a case from the Related Cases panel in the workspace.

Individual case tasks can be accessed through case queues. For more information about case queues, please see the Case Queue topic in this guide.

Opening a Case from the Workspace

Opening a Case from a Search

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Working a Case

A case is worked by resolving all the tasks in the Task Navigation Panel. While working tasks, users can perform actions such as changing the task status, posting comments, and assigning tasks to a case queue.

While hovering over toolbar actions, tool tips are displayed to indicate the purpose of the buttons.

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Managing the Task Navigation Panel

While working a case users may need to add additional processes and tasks or cancel existing tasks. These actions are performed within the task navigation panel.

If the new status is Canceled or Closed, all open tasks on the case are canceled.

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Viewing Task Instructions

Administrators provide instructions for users to reference on how to work a task to completion.

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Changing a Task Status

In the task toolbar, users can close a task by changing the status of a task within the Status drop-down.

The status drop-down contains three options: Complete, Cancel, and Undo. If a status is not available, the option is disabled. For example, if a task has not been canceled or completed, the status change cannot be undone; therefore, the Undo option is disabled.

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Posting a Comment

The Post Comment button in the task toolbar allows users to post a comment directly to a case task.

All comments posted to a task are also posted to the Person associated to the case and can be viewed in Workflow History in the workspace.

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Assigning a Task to a Queue

Users can assign tasks to Case Queues for reasons such as to escalate a concern or to turn the task over to another department to address an issue with data captured earlier in the case.

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Managing Task Attachments

Case task documents can be uploaded, viewed, or deleted from the Attachments tab within a task.

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Changing Case Status and Stage

While working a case, it is important to maintain the status and stage of the case. The case status can be updated by opening a case screen that has been configured to include the case status button.

To allow users to maintain the status and stage of the case, administrators must configure a case screen to include the status and stage button.

Clicking the case status button opens a Change Status pop-up. Select the status from the drop-down and supply a reason for the change in status. When finished, click Change.

Optionally, financial institutions may make use of the case stage that defines what stage or phase the case is in. For example, a repossession case in "Open" status has a stage of "Auction." The case stage provides better visibility to the progress of the case. The case stage can be updated by opening a screen that has been configured to include the case stage button.

Clicking the case stage button opens a Change Stage pop-up. Select the stage from the drop-down and click Change.

If no processes or tasks exist on a Case, the system prompts users to close the case, when the task tree refreshes.

The task tree loads in the following scenarios:

  • Case status changes
  • Completing a task
  • Canceling a task

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Storing Case Data

A number of fields are included in the database for value capture when creating, working, and linking cases. This replaces the need to create custom fields or rename User-Defined Fields and manually populating them. Business Rule functionality can be employed to set the values of these new fields automatically. The following fields have been added to capture data values and can be found in the field list when creating Screens and Reports:

Field Data Values
Bankruptcy-Related Fields
  • Balance At Bankruptcy
  • DQ Amount At Bankruptcy
  • Days DQ At Bankruptcy
  • Late Charges At Bankruptcy
  • Interest Due At Bankruptcy
  • Minor Code At Bankruptcy
  • Collateral Code At Bankruptcy
  • Purpose Code At Bankruptcy
  • Loan Type Code At Bankruptcy
Foreclosure-Related Fields
  • Balance At Foreclosure
  • DQ Amount At Foreclosure
  • Days DQ At Foreclosure
  • Late Charges At Foreclosure
  • Interest Due At Foreclosure
  • Taxes Due At Foreclosure
  • Escrow Balance At Foreclosure
  • Minor Code At Foreclosure
  • Collateral Code At Foreclosure
  • Purpose Code At Foreclosure
  • Loan Type Code At Foreclosure
Legal-Related Fields
  • Balance At Legal
  • DQ Amount At Legal
  • Days DQ At Legal
  • Late Charges At Legal
  • Interest Due At Legal
Repossession-Related Fields
  • Balance At Repo
  • DQ Amount At Repo
  • Days DQ At Repo
  • Late Charges At Repo
  • Interest Due At Repo
  • Minor Code At Repo
  • Collateral Code At Repo
  • Purpose Code At Repo
  • Loan Type Code At Repo

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