Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Decision Models

Temenos Infinity provides dynamic and flexible auto-decisioning through the use of business rules. Decision Models provide administrators with the ability to assign specific business rules to sub-products in order to automatically render application decisions based on their institution’s lending and new account policies.

The Decision Models page in System Management (System Management > Origination > Decision Models) allows administrators to create and manage the decision models at their institution.

The Decision Model topic includes the following attributes and instructions to assist administrators with creating, copying, and editing decision models:

Decision Model Attributes

All Decision Models share common attributes that are defined when creating, copying, or editing a Decision Model.


The General attributes include the basic information pertaining to the decision model.

This information includes the following fields:

Fields Description
Name Enter the name of the decision model.
Description Enter a brief description of the decision model.

Select the check box to indicate the decision model is active.

Inactive decision models are not available for selection within the Decision Model and Account Decision Model drop-downs when creating a loan application type or account application type.


Each decision model contains one or more groups of rules called stages. Stages allow institutions to organize decision rules into logical groups that determine the appropriate order of execution, such as Auto Approval. All rules assigned to the same stage are executed together. If a Stop Processing action is returned when the stage is executed, then the next and all subsequent stages are not executed.

For more information on authoring Decision rules, refer to the Rules Management topic within the administrator guide.

Creating Decision Models

To create a new decision model:

Copying Decision Models

To copy a decision model:

Editing Decision Models

To edit a decision model:




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