Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Assignment Groups

Assignment groups allow administrators to group users together that operate in the same capacity at the institution. Using this functionality allows institutions to automatically assign applications to individuals within an Assignment group.

Assignment groups can be created and managed from System Management > Groups > Assignment Groups. This page displays an alphabetical list of includes all Assignment groups in Temenos Infinity.

The following columns display in the Assignment Groups page:

Column Description
Name The name of the Assignment group.
Description A description of the Assignment group.
Last Modified Indicates when the last modification was made.
Modified By Indicates who made the last modification.

Creating and Managing Assignment Groups

Assignment Group Attributes

All Assignment groups share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a group within the Assignment Groups page.


The General attributes include the basic information about the Assignment group.

The followings attributes are defined within the General tab: 

Attribute Description
Name Provide a name for the Assignment group. This is a required field.
Description Provide details about the Assignment group.
Notification Group

Use the drop-down list to select a Notification group that receives alerts when:

  • The user assigned an application has reached or exceeded maximum capacity.
  • There are no available users in the Assignment group.
The options available in this drop-down list populate from the Notification Groups defined in System Management > Groups > Notification Groups.
It is recommended to leave this field blank when creating an Assignment group with no users.


Within the Users tab, assign active Temenos users to be a part of the Assignment group.

Users can also be assigned to an Assignment Group within the Assignment Groups tab in System Management > Users.

Assignment Group Actions

Within the Assignment Groups page, administrators are able to perform the following actions:

Creating Assignment Groups

To create a new Assignment group: 

Copying Assignment Groups

To copy an Assignment group: 

Editing Assignment Groups

To edit an Assignment group: 

Deleting Assignment Groups

To delete an Assignment group:  

Application Assignment Process

The Application Assignment Process assigns the most available user in an Assignment group to the application. This process runs after Queuing rules, and is initiated when an Event Processing pair including the Assignment action is triggered in the application.

When the Assignment action triggers, all Assignment rules authored in Rules Management are executed to determine the group to which an application is assigned. Once an Assignment group is assigned, the system determines which user in the group is to receive the application.

To determine the appropriate user, the system calculates the number of applications assigned to each user in the Assignment group, considering the value of each user’s max number of applications assigned.

Users scheduled out of office are not considered in the calculation.  

The value for Max Number of Applications Assigned is set within the Assignment Groups tab in System Management > Users. For more information, please see the Assignment Groups section of the Users topic in this guide.

The application is then assigned to the user with the lowest percentage of assigned applications. 

If two users have the same percentage, the user with the highest value for Max Number of Applications Assigned is selected.

Configurations for Application Assignment

Once Assignment Groups are created, the following configurations must be made in System Management to execute the Application Assignment process, and assign applications to Assignment Groups:

Configuration Location in Temenos Infinity

Create an Event Processing Pair:

  • Event: Institution-Defined
  • Action: Assignment
System Management > Origination > Event Processing

Author Assignment Rules:

  • Entity: Application
  • Template: Assign to Assignment Group


System Management > Origination > Rules Management

Ending Application Assignment

To unassign applications from a particular Assignment Group, system administrators must create a separate Assignment Group with no users to receive the applications. The following attributes should be set for the Assignment Group in the Assignment Groups page:

Once a group with no users is created, an Assignment rule must be authored in Rules Management to determine the conditions in which applications are re-assigned to the appropriate Assignment group.

The following image displays an example of a rule authored to assign an application to an Assignment group with no users (Removed Assignments) based on the status of the application:

With this rule, applications in a Withdrawn or Auto Withdrawn status are automatically re-assigned to the Removed Assignments group when the rule executes.



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