Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide

The Common settings include configurations such as Start/Stop Services, Application Identity and Database Connection.

Start and Stop Services

Start Services enables Temenos Infinity database, application, DMZ, reporting and other supporting processes. Stop Services suspends Temenos Infinity database, application, DMZ, reporting and other supporting processes.

Clicking Start Services or Stop Services generates a pop-up which provides details of the items being started or stopped. Any service errors experienced are displayed.

Application Identity

The Application Identity section is used to maintain the service account credentials that run critical Temenos processes and operations. If updates are made, click the Update button to commit the changes.

Upon clicking Update, the SQL Admin Authentication window opens. Within this window, identify whether the Windows User or SQL Admin User's creditials are being used, then enter the associated username and password. Once the credentials have been entered, click OK.

If multiple servers are used, log onto each server that contains an installed feature. Use the Server Manager to update the respective values.

Database Connection

The Database Connection section is used to maintain the SQL server connection parameters, which includes the server name (or SQL instance name), database name and authentication mode. If updates are made, click the Update button to commit the changes.

Upon clicking Update, the SQL Admin Authentication window opens. Within this window, identify whether the Windows User or SQL Admin User's creditials are being used, then enter the associated username and password. Once the credentials have been entered, click OK.

If multiple servers are used, log onto each server that contains an installed feature. Use the Server Manager to update the respective values. 



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