Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Event Processing

Event Processing enables administrators to pair predefined events and actions together. Events and actions are “self-contained” entities that provide institutions with the flexibility to perform crucial tasks at an appropriate time in the application lifecycle. When a defined event occurs, the corresponding action automatically fires, or is queued until the configured time-delay expires. 

For example, the cross-sell processing action can be tied to application approval event. In this example, the approval of an application triggers cross-sells to generate in the background while a user continues processing the application.

The Event Processing page in System Management (System Management > Origination > Event Processing) enables administrators to maintain and customize event processes for their institution. This page displays a list of all system-defined and custom event/action pairings available at the institution, and provides administrators with the functionality to configure event processes to meet their institution's business needs.

A series of “system-defined” event and action pairs are available, which include system recommended functionality, such as the identification of fields. For more information, please see the System Defined Events and Actions section in this topic.

This page is organized into the following two tabs:

The Event Processing topic includes the following information to assist administrators with creating and managing event/action pairs:

Event Processing

The Event Processing tab displays a list of all event/action pairings configured in Temenos Infinity, and provides administrators with the functionality to create and maintain the event processes available at their institution.

The grid within this tab displays the following columns of information for each even/action pair:

Column Description
Name Displays the name of the event/action pair.
Events Displays the event(s) configured to initiate the process.
Actions Displays the action(s) to be performed during the event(s).

Displays a to identify the pair as active in Temenos Infinity.


Displays a to identify that the pair includes a time delay.

For more information on the execution of delayed event/action pairs, please see the Executing a Delayed Event/Action Pair section in this topic.

When an event/action pair includes a time delay, the status of the pairing can be viewed within the Delayed Actions Report tab. Please see the Delayed Actions Report section in this topic for more information.


Displays a  to identify an event/action pair as system-defined.

For an overview of the system-defined event/action pairs available, please see the System Defined Event/Action Pairs section in this topic.

Last Modified Displays the date of the most recent modification to the event pair.
Modified By Displays the name of the user who made the last modification.
Date Created Displays the date and time the event pair was created.
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the event pair.

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Event Pair Attributes

Each event/action pair contains attributes that are organized into a series of tabs. The defined attributes determine the functionality of each pair.


The General tab allows administrators to define basic information for the event/action pair, as well as set any time delay configurations for the event process.

The following fields are available within the top section of the General tab:

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the event/action pair.
Description Enter a description for the event/action pair.
Active Select the check box to enable the event/action pair in Temenos Infinity.

The Delay Settings section enables administrators to set the event/action pair on a time-delay. When set on a time delay, the assigned actions are not immediately performed when the event occurs, but execute according to the delay type and duration set for the pairing. This section includes the following fields:

This section is disabled for system-defined event/action pairs.
Field Description
Delay Action(s)

Select the check box to enable a time delay for the event/action pair. By default, this field is disabled.

Synchronous events cannot be set on a time delay. If this field is enabled for an Event Processing pair that is assigned a synchronous event, an error message is received that prevents the event/action pair from being created.

When an event type is synchronous, a  displays under the Synchronous column in the Events tab. For a complete list of the synchronous events, please see the Events section in this topic.
Delay Type Select one of the following options to identify the amount of time the pair is to be delayed:
  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds
This field is disabled until the Delay Action(s) check box is selected.

Enter a whole number to identify the duration of the delay type. For example, if configuring an event/action pair to include a time delay of three days, select a Delay Type of Days and enter a value of 3 for the Duration.

This field is disabled until the Delay Action(s) check box is selected.

For more information on time delay settings, please see the Time Delay Process section in this topic.

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The Events tab provides administrators with the ability to identify the event(s) that must occur in order for the defined actions(s) to execute. 

A toolbar appears at the top of the tab to enable administrators to perform the following actions:

The following buttons are disabled within the Events tab for system-defined event/action pairs.
Button Description
Enables the ability to add an event to the Event Processing pair. When clicked, a window appears to allow administrators to select the Event Type to be added.

Enables the ability to edit an event assigned to the Event Processing pair. This button is only enabled for those events that require additional information, such as Field Changed. 

Please see the Editing Events section in this topic for more information on the event types that can be modified.

Enables the ability to remove an event from the Event Processing pair.

When an event type is added, the following information populates in the grid:

Field Description
Event Displays the name of the event.

Displays a to identify an event as synchronous. If the event type is not synchronous, a blank check box is displayed for the event.

Please see the Events table below for an overview of the synchronous events in Temenos Infinity.
More than one event may be added to an event/ action pairing. If more than one event is added, the event pairing is treated as an “Or Statement” meaning that if either event occurs, the action triggers.

Reference the Events table below for an overview of the system-defined event types available in the Origination module:

Additional events may be available within the Select Event Type window when certain third party connectors are active at the institution. For information on the events that are available for a connector, please see the applicable Connector Guide.
Event Description Synchronous
Account Number Pre-Generation Raised whenever the Generate Account Number functionality is called during the application process; when Generate is manually clicked in the Loan Account Number or Account Products section of the Change Account/Loan Number screen, the Generate Account Number action is fired, or during the disbursement process. X
Account Product Disbursed Raised whenever an account product is disbursed. X
Application Approved Raised whenever an application is approved (Auto or LO Approved).
Application Created

Raised directly after the creation of a new application in Temenos Infinity.

This event provides the ability to set fields, or apply a change, once an application is created.
Application Declined Raised whenever an application is declined.
Application Disbursed Raised whenever an application is disbursed.
Application Opened Raised whenever an existing application is opened.
Application Pre-Creation

Raised at the same time an application is created in Temenos Infinity.

This event occurs simultaneously with application initialization to populate values from the Applicant Import, and/or apply a change, prior to the application being created in Temenos Infinity. 
Application Pre-Decision Raised prior to decisioning an application. X
Application Pre-Disbursement Raised prior to disbursing the application. X
Collection Added Raised whenever a collection is added. For example, Applicants, Addresses, and References.
Collection Removed Raised whenever a collection member is removed.
Comment Added Raised whenever a new comment is added on an application.
Counteroffer Change Raised whenever an application counteroffer has changed.
Credit Report Request Started Raised prior to requesting a credit report. X
Custom Event

Raised at a time determined by a custom event code.

While this event type is available as standard functionality, the required event code is custom to each institution. If interested in using this functionality, please contact a Temenos Account Manager.
Decision Removed Raised whenever a decision is removed from a previously approved or declined application.
Decision Suggested Raised whenever a decision is recommended on an application.
Document Attached to Application

Raised whenever a document is attached to an application.

This event is triggered each time a document is attached to an application. If desired, a rule can be written to stop the action from executing if the Document Source does not equal a certain value, such as that of a particular third party connector. For more information, please see the Send Notifications to Notification Group rule template example in this guide.
Document Pre-Generation Raised during the Document Generation process, prior to documents being generated. X
Field Changed Raised whenever a field changes.
Next on Workflow Screen

Raised whenever Next is clicked on the Workflow screen.

Due to the way screens function in a virtual application, the Next on Workflow Screen event cannot be used for Event Processing in Virtual Capture.
Pre-Create Member Account Number Raised upon execution of the Create Member Account Number action, manual generation of a member account number within the Change Account/Loan Number screen, or when an application is disbursed. X
Virus Scan Failed Raised whenever the Virus Scan Status for a document uploaded in Virtual Capture is set to Failed Virus Scan.

While most events are straightforward, events such as Collection Added, Collection Removed, Comment Added, Next on Workflow Screen, and Field Changed require additional input.

ShowCollection Added or Collection Removed

A Collection is a group of like entities such as Applicants, Addresses, and References.

When the Collection Added or Collection Removed event is selected, the Select Collections window appears to assign the desired collection(s) to the event. This window displays a list of all collections that are available in Temenos Infinity’s Origination module.

Multiple collection types may be added to an event; however, the event name is only displayed as Collection Added or Collection Removed in the Events tab. It is recommended that the Name and/or Description entered for the pairing in the General tab identifies the collection(s) that are being used for the event.

In the Audit History screen, Collection Added and Collection Removed events do appear as auditable actions under the Add a New Application item, but this information does not reflect updates made per the triggering of an event/action pairing. While these events do occur as part of the application initialization process, the Collection Added and Collection Removed events configured in Event Processing are only triggered AFTER an application is already created.

ShowComment Added

When the Comment Added event is selected, the Select Source window appears to identify the source of the comments to be considered for the event. This window displays the following options to identify what type of comments must be added to execute the action(s) assigned to the pairing:

Multiple sources may be added to an event; however, the event name is only displayed as Comment Added in the Events tab. It is recommended that the Name and/or Description entered for the pairing in the General tab identifies the source of the comment being used for the event.

ShowNext on Workflow Screen

When the Next on Workflow Screen event is selected, the Select Workflow Screens window appears to assign the desired screens to the event. This window displays a list of all Workflow screens assigned to each Workflow Model.

Multiple Workflow screens across various Workflow Models may be added to an event; however, the event name is only displayed as Next on Workflow Screen in the Events tab. It is recommended that the Name and/or Description entered for the pairing in the General tab identifies the the screen(s), Workflows(s), and Workflow Model(s) being used for the event.

ShowField Changed

When the Field Changed event is selected, the Select Fields window opened to assign the desired fields to the event. This window displays a list of all fields in Temenos Infinity’s Origination module.

Multiple fields may be added to an event; however, the Event is displayed as Field Changed. It is recommended that the pairing’s Name and/or Description indicates the field(s) that are being used in this pairing.

In the Audit History screen, Field Changed events do appear as auditable actions under the Add a New Application item, but this information does not reflect updates made per the triggering of an event/action pairing. While these events do occur as part of the application initialization process, the Field Changed events configured in Event Processing are only triggered AFTER an application is already created.

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The Actions tab provides administrators with the ability to assign the action(s) to occur as a result of the defined event(s). When an event occurs, the action assigned within tab automatically fires or is queued until the configured time-delay expires.

 A toolbar appears at the top of the tab to enable administrators to perform the following actions:

The following buttons are disabled within the Actions tab for system-defined event/action pairs.
Button Description
Enables the ability to add an action to the Event Processing pair. When clicked, a window appears to allow administrators to select the Action Type to be added.

Enables the ability to edit an action assigned to the Event Processing pair. This button is only enabled for those actions that require additional information, such as Execute Rules and Execute Code. 

Please see the Edit Actions section in this topic for more information on the action types that can be modified.

Enables the ability to remove an action from the Event Processing pair.

When an action type is added, the name of the action populates within the grid.

More than one action may be added to an event/action pair. If action priority is a concern, it is recommended to pair multiple actions to an event as opposed to creating two separate event pairings. When more than one action is added, the pairing is treated as an “And Statement,” and are triggered simultaneously. If an event occurs, all actions trigger. If multiple events and multiple actions are paired, all actions trigger when one event occurs. If actions are not contained in the same Event pair, the actions may not fire in the intended order. Pairing Actions within one Event ensures that priority is handled as intended, as long as Actions are ordered properly within the Event.

For example, a user may choose to have two actions fire when an Applicant is added. One action may be "Pull Credit," and the other may be a rule which prompts the systemto not pull credit if the applicant is less than 18 years old.

Reference the table below for an overview of the system-defined action types available in the Origination module:

Additional actions may be available within the Select Action Type window when certain third party connectors are active at the institution. For information on the events that are available for a connector, please see the applicable Connector Guide.
Action Description
Assignment This action initiates the Application Assignment process. During this process, the rules authored under the Assignment category in System Management > Origination > Rules Management are executed to assign applications to a particular Assignment Group based on rule logic. Once the group is determined, the code determines which user in the group is assigned the application.
Auto Blacklist IP If an IP address has been blacklisted, this action automatically sets the IsIPBlacklisted flag to true on all applications that have the same blacklisted IP address.
The IsIPBlacklisted flag is available for addition to screens and rules.
Auto Disburse

This action automatically disburses the application if:

  • The application is not locked by a Temenos user.
  • If the IsLoanReadyForDisbursement and/or flags are selected.
If the application is locked:
  • The auto disburse action stops.
  • A notification stating "the application is ready to be automatically disbursed" is added to the application.
Calculate Rate Spread

This action triggers a web service call that sends application information to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Rate Spread calculator, and provides the ability to automate a rate spread calculation for HMDA regulations.

In order for this action/web service call to successfully execute, the following information is required:

  • ActionTakenType must have a value equal to Application > HMDA > Action - Code
    • For a Rate Spread to return, the actionTakenType must be 1, 2, or 8. All other actionTakenTypes returnApplication > Term a Rate Spread result of NA
      • 1 – Loan Originated
      • 2 – Application Approved but not accepted
      • 3 – Application denied
      • 4 – Application withdrawn by applicant
      • 5 – File closed for incompleteness
      • 6 – Loan purchased
      • 7 – Preapproval request denied
      • 8 – Preapproval request approved by not accepted
  • LoanTerm must have a value equal to Application > HMDA > Introductory Rate Term.

    The FFIEC calculator accepts loan terms in years (not months). Prior to sending out the calculation, this value is converted to years. For example, a LoanTerm of 3.75 is rounded up, and sent as a value of 4.

    The Application > HMDA > Introductory Rate Term field is not populated by the system, and must be set by the institution either automatically through rules, or manually in a screen.
  • AmortizationType must have a value equal to FixedRate or VariableRate.

    This is based on the Application > Is Variable Rate flag.

    • If the Application > Is Variable Rate flag is true, this is set to VariableRate
    • If the Application > Is Variable Rate flag is false, this is set to FixedRate.
  • APR must have a value equal to Application > Disclosure APR.
  • lockInDate must have a value equal to Application > Rate Set Date.
  • reverseMortgage must have a value equal to 2.
    This field is always set this to 2.

When this action/ web service call executes successfully, the rate spread calculation is stored in Application > HMDA > Rate Spread.

The Application > HMDA > Rate Set Date field is not automatically set based on the calculation of the FFIEC rate spread. This field may be set manually, or via rules.
If an error is returned from the Rate Spread Calculator, the error is displayed as a Notification in the application. If fields are missing, the notification includes the field names.
Create Member Account Number

If the application is for a non-account holder, this action automatically creates and returns an account number for the application's primary applicant based on the following logic:

  • If the Host Supports Person Account Number Auto-Generation parameter is set to "Yes" in the Origination page in System Management, and the Account Origination module is not active, the system executes code to create person account using Get New Member portion of interface specified as the Disbursement Method.
  • If the Account Origination module is active, the system creates the member account number based on Account Origination code.
  • If the Host Supports Person Account Number Auto-Generation parameter is set to "No" in the Origination page in System Management, the system stops executing the action.
  • If the primary applicant is a current account holder, and the value of the NewMembership field is Create New Member Account, a new member account number is created for the primary applicant in the core. When a new member account is created, the primary applicant's account number is set to the new account number in the application and the value of the NewMembership field is set to New Member Account Created.

Additionally, queue routing rules execute if the application is not currently in process by a user.

Evaluate Region of an IP This action automatically compares the applicant's current IP address to a database housed at Temenos. This database contains all IP ranges for the United States to determine if the IP address is domestic or foreign. If the IP address falls into the IP range for the United States, the IP_REGION_TYPE lookup field is set to Domestic on the application. If the IP address falls out of the IP range for the United States, the IP_REGION_TYPE lookup field is set to Foreign.
Execute Application Queuing Rules Executes the configured queuing rules.
Execute Calculate Application

Executes the calculation process in an application.

It is highly recommended to consider the order that processes occur in an application when assigning the event that triggers this action. For example, if this action is paired with the Application Created event, since no loan terms are set at that stage of the application, errors will be received when the Execute Calculate Application action executes. Similarly, if paired with the Field Changed event, when Save and Next is clicked, the next screen could load before the event is complete, which will override the calculation occurring with the action.  
Execute Code Executes system-defined or custom code to perform certain actions. This is also used to inform third parties about changes to the application.
Execute Core ACH Transfers This action checks if there is an Account Product Funding record of type ACH that is in an Incomplete or Error status. If a record is found, the action calls the Core to perform the ACH funding transaction.
Execute Core GL Vouchers This action checks if there is an Account Product Funding record of type GL Voucher that is in an Incomplete or Error status. If a record is found, the action calls the Core to perform the GL Voucher funding transaction.
Execute Core Internal Transfers This action checks if there is an Account Product Funding record of type Internal Transfer that is in an Incomplete or Error status. If a record is found, the action calls the Core to perform the Internal Transfer funding transaction.
Execute Counteroffer Processing This action attempts to create counteroffers based on the parameters, comments and stipulations configured within the rule logic authored to automatically create counteroffers.
Execute Fees During Next Calculation Indicates that fees are out of date. Usually paired with “Field Change” or “Collection Member Added” events to indicate to the user to reassess the application fees.
Execute Rules Executes the configured rules.

The rules executed via this action are able to perform the following actions:

  • Update data on the application
  • Send Emails
Users are not able to return messages since the actions are processed asynchronously.
Generate Account Number

This action assigns a new loan and/or account number/suffix based on the following logic:

  • If the Host Supports Account Number Auto-Generation parameter is set to "Yes"  in the Origination page in System Management, and the Account Origination module is not active, the system executes code for the interface specified as the Disbursement Method.
  • If the Account Origination module is active, the system assigns the next based on Account Origination code.
  • If the Host Supports Account Number Auto-Generation parameter is set to "No" in the Origination page, the system stops executing the action.

Additionally, queue routing rules execute if the application is not currently in process by a user.

Generate Credit Report Attachment

This action coverts each "in use" credit report on an application to a PDF, and attaches it to the application.


When a credit report is attached to an application, it is saved using the following naming convention:

  • <ApplicantFullName>_<ApplicationNumber>_<LoanSuffix>_<AccountNumber>_<CreditReportDate>
  • If multiple applicants are linked to the attached credit report, the following naming convention is used:
    • <Applicant1FullName>_<Applicant2FullName>_<ApplicationNumber>_<LoanSuffix>_<AccountNumber>_<CreditReportDate>
  • If this action triggers before the Loan Suffix or Account Number is generated, these fields are excluded from the file name, and the following naming convention is used:
    • <ApplicantFullName>_<ApplicationNumber>_<CreditReportDate>
If a credit report attachment currently exists on an application, the existing credit report is overwritten when this action is triggered subsequent times.
Generate Documents

This action generates new loan and/or account documents. As part of this action, the following processes occur:

  • Document Selection Rules execute to assign the document set to the application as well as any included account products.
    When a document set is generated for an account application, account product tags are added to the IMM XML for the application, as well as each account product.
  • Checks if the IsLoanReadyForDisbursement and/or flags are selected.
  • Checks the status of the document set.
  • Checks that the assigned Document Set was not already generated for the application.
    As part of this check, the document delivery method is also verified to allow the same version of a document set to be regenerated when the versions include different delivery methods.
  • Sends appropriate flag to IMM based on Document Delivery Method.
  • Executes queue routing rules if the application is not currently in process by a user.

While users are able to manually regenerate all document sets, there is logic in place that prevents a document set from being regenerated during execution of the Generate Documents action if certain criteria is met.

Document sets are NOT regenerated with the Generate Documents action when the following are true:

  • The status of the document set includes a value other than Expired.
    •  Document sets with a status of Expired are able to be regenerated with the Generate Documents action.
  • The document set was previously generated for the application.
    • If the current document set matches an existing document set, and includes the same delivery method as the version previously generated, the current document set is not regenerated with the Generate Documents action.
    • If the current document set matches an existing document set, but the document delivery methods are different for each version, the current document set is regenerated with the Generate Documents action.
Generate MLA Report Attachment

This action coverts each "in use" MLA Report on an application to a PDF, and attaches it to the application.


When an MLA Report is attached to an application, it is saved using the following naming convention:

  • <ApplicantFullName>_<ApplicationNumber>_<LoanSuffix>_<AccountNumber>_<CreditReportDate>
  • If multiple applicants are linked to the attached MLA Report, the following naming convention is used:
    • <Applicant1FullName>_<Applicant2FullName>_<ApplicationNumber>_<LoanSuffix>_<AccountNumber>_<CreditReportDate>
  • If this action triggers before the Loan Suffix or Account Number is generated, these fields are excluded from the file name, and the following naming convention is used:
    • <ApplicantFullName>_<ApplicationNumber>_<CreditReportDate>
If a MLA Report attachment currently exists on an application, the existing MLA Report is overwritten when this action is triggered subsequent times.
If a report is marked as both Use for MLA Check and Use for Credit Report, one document is created under the Document Classification of Credit Report, even if both actions execute.
Get Collateral Data from Core

This action uses configured Event Processing rules to retrieve collateral information from core liabilities to populate within the Liabilities screen and panel, as well as the Add-On/Refinance panel.

The ability to populate collateral data with this action is only supported for certain cores. For more information, please see the applicable core connector guide for the institution.
Notify of Required Loan Calculation Returns a notification which indicates that the calculations are out of date.
Process Cross-sells

This action generates the cross-sells for the application.

If creating a custom rule to process cross-sells, it is recommended that the StopCrossSellAction rule is assigned to the event pair in order to prevents cross-sell opportunities from generating on applications and child applications.
Process Loan Covenant Rules

This action processes Loan Covenant rules based on the configured event types. When triggered, all rules authored under the Loan Covenants category in Rules Management are executed, and new loan covenants are added to the application based on the rule criteria.

When this action is triggered, the system reviews all existing loan covenants on the application, and removes any covenants that were not manually added (Is Manual = False), prior to adding the new loan covenants from the rule(s).
Process Stipulation Rules This action processes stipulation rules based on configured event types. When triggered, all stipulation rules assigned to the application type execute.
Pull Credit This action initiates credit report processing for the applicants associated with the application. Credit reports are pulled according to the defaults configured in Loan or Account Application Types.
Request MLA Search Only This action initiates a military status search for the applicants associated with the application. MLA searches are performed according to the credit bureau use order configured in Loan Application Types and the Military Covered Borrower Check parameter on the Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion Origination connector pages.
Search Core for Applicant

This action initiates a search within the core for existing account records, if the applicant indicates that he or she is not currently an account holder, or the applicant has an invalid TIN/SSN. This action prevents a new account record from being created for an applicant if he or she already has an account with the financial institution.

The Search Core for Applicant action does not automatically retrieve applicant information, such as demographics, assets, and liabilities, from the core. To import applicant information after the Search Core for Applicant action is executed, an Update from Core action can be performed either manually via the workspace, or automatically through Event Processing.

If an Update from Core is performed during the virtual application process, a security risk may be exposed, as the Update from Core action can provide a fraudulent applicant with account numbers, and other secure information. To ensure this does not occur, it is highly recommended that institutions configure an ID Verification to occur in the application prior to the event that triggers the Update from Core action to execute.

This action runs once for each applicant where Is Customer is false, the Applicant > TIN field is NULL/Empty, or Applicant > Is Invalid TIN equals True.

  • If Is Customer is false for the applicant, but the TIN is valid, the action searches the core for any existing accounts for the applicant based on the TIN.
  • If Applicant > TIN = NULL/Empty, or Applicant > Is Invalid TIN = True, the system searches the core for any existing accounts for the applicant based on the Account Number, or Person Number, for the applicant.
    • If Applicant > TIN = NULL/Empty, the system uses the Applicant > Person Number to search the core.
    • If Applicant > TIN is not NULL/Empty, the system uses the Applicant > Account Number to search the core.

The following table outlines how an existing applicant is found in the core when a search is performed based on the applicant's TIN. This table includes the possible scenarios that can occur as a result of the search, and the information updated within the Temenos application:

ShowSearch Core for Applicant Functionality

Number of Search Results Scenario 1 Scenario 1 Fields Updated Scenario 2 Scenario 2 Fields Updated
Multiple The system selects the first account from the core where the applicant is Primary and the account is not closed.
  • Applicant > Account Number = Member/Customer Number from the core
  • Applicant > Source Account Number = Member/Customer Number from the core
  • Applicant > Person Number = Person/Individual Number from the core (if applicable)
  • Applicant > Is Customer = True
If there are no accounts that meet the criteria for Scenario 1, the system selects the first account from the core where the applicant is Joint and the account is not closed.
  • Applicant > Account Number = Null/blank
  • Applicant > Source Account Number = Member/Customer Number from the core
  • Applicant > Person Number = Person/Individual Number from the core (if applicable)
  • Applicant > Is Customer = False
One The applicant is Primary and the account is not closed.
  • Applicant > Account Number = Member/Customer Number from the core
  • Applicant > Source Account Number = Member/Customer Number from the core
  • Applicant > Person Number = Person/Individual Number from the core (if applicable)
  • Applicant > Is Customer = True
The applicant is Joint and the account is not closed.
  • Applicant > Account Number = Null/blank
  • Applicant > Source Account Number = Member/Customer Number from the core
  • Applicant > Person Number = Person/Individual Number from the core (if applicable)
  • Applicant > Is Customer = False
No accounts returned or all accounts are closed A notification is added to the application indicating that data could not be located or all accounts are closed in the core for the supplied TIN. N/A N/A N/A
Error is returned A notification is added to the application indicating that an error occurred during the Search Core for Applicant process. N/A N/A N/A
Store Decision History This action stores the decision information on the application. Once stored, a record of the decision is displayed within the Decision History panel.
Update From Core

This action updates an application with the most up-to-date information from the core, based on the option(s) selected for the action.

During the Update from Core process, Applicant Import rules are run to obtain information from the core; therefore, the fields updated with this process are dependent upon the core used by the institution. For more information, please see the field mapping document for the applicable core.

If an Update from Core is performed during the virtual application process, a security risk may be exposed, as the Update from Core action can provide a fraudulent applicant with account numbers, and other secure information. To ensure this does not occur, it is highly recommended that institutions configure an ID Verification to occur in the application prior to the event that triggers the Update from Core action to execute.

When configuring this action, system administrators are able to select one or more of the following options to determine the information that is updated from the core:

  • Include Demographics
    When this option is selected, a list of fields appears below the option to allow administrators to select the specific Applicant Demographic fields that are updated with the action. For more information, please see the below section titled Applicant Demographics.
  • Include Addresses
    This option is only available when Include Demographics is selected.
  • Include Income
  • Include References
  • Include Assets
  • Include Liabilities
  • Include Core Messages
This action does not consider the source of the application, and overwrites any applicant data that does not exist in the core, including demographics if the option is configured for the action. Additionally, if Include Addresses is selected, this action overwrites any address data manually entered in Temenos Infinity, and clears fields such as Start Date, Address Status, and Monthly Payment.

Applicant Demographics

When Include Demographics is selected, a list of fields appears below the option to select the applicant demographics to be updated with the Update From Core action.

This list is only available when Include Demographics is selected for the action.

This list includes the following Applicant Demographic fields:

This is a list of standard fields, which are not core specific. If a field is not available to be mapped from the core, but is selected in the Update from Core action, the field does not update when the action executes. For information on the fields supported by each core, please see the field mapping document for the applicable core.
  • Person Number
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Suffix
  • SSN
  • Date of Birth
  • Email
  • Mother’s Maiden Name
  • Member Code
  • Membership Start Date
  • Restriction Code
  • ID Record

    If ID Record is selected, the following ID fields are automatically included in the update:

    • ID Type
    • ID Number
    • ID Issue Date
    • ID Expiration Date
    • ID Country ID
    • ID State ID
    • ID Visa Type
    • ID Visa Expiration Date

    If ID Record is not selected, no ID information is updated with the Update From Core action.

  • Segmentation ID

By default, all fields are selected to update with the action; however, administrators can select and clear the check box next to each field as desired.

The fields defined in this action do not determine the applicant demographics that are updated through Applicant Import or the Update from Core button in the workspace.

While most actions are straightforward, actions such as Execute Code, Execute Counteroffer Processing, Update From Core, and Execute Rules require additional input.

ShowExecute Code

The Execute Code action is for development purposes only.

When the Execute Code action type is selected, the Edit Action – Execute Code window appears to enter the class name and assembly path required to assign the custom code to execute for the action.

ShowExecute Counteroffer Processing

When the Execute Counteroffer Processing action type is selected, the Edit Action – Execute Counteroffer Processing window appears to assign the Event Processing rules that execute for the action.

Only rules written in the Event Processing category in Rules Management are able to be assigned to the Execute Counteroffer Processing action type.

ShowUpdate From Core

When the Update From Core action type is selected, the Edit Action – Update from Core window appears to identify the items to be included in the core update.

The Include Addresses check box is only enabled when the Include Demographics check box is selected.

ShowExecute Rules

When the Execute Rules action type is selected, the Edit Action – Execute Rules window appears to assign the Event Processing rules that execute for the action.

Only rules written in the Event Processing category in Rules Management are able to be assigned to the Execute Rules action type.

ShowGet Collateral Data from Core

When the Get Collateral Data from Core action type is selected, the Edit Action – Get Collateral Data from Core window appears to assign the Event Processing rules that execute for the action.

Only rules written in the Event Processing category in Rules Management are able to be assigned to the Execute Rules action type.

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The Rules tab allows the administrator to set qualifiers for the Event Processing pair. Rules can be assigned to each event/ action pair to add clarification and control over the application of actions. These rules can be created under the “Event Processing” category in Rules Management to indicate if the action(s) should be executed.

This tab includes the following attributes to assign Events Processing rules to an event/action pair:

The arrows are disabled within the Rules tab for system-defined event/action pairs.
Attribute Description

Displays a list of all Event Processing rules configured in System Management > Origination > Rules Management. Assign rules by selecting the desired rule(s) from the list and moving them to the Assigned box.

The EventProcessing rules may employ a "Stop Event Processing" template which prevents an event/action pair from executing. 

Assigned Displays a list of all the rules that have been assigned to the event pair. Once the event fires, the assigned rules are executed.

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Creating an Event/Action Pair

The Create function allows administrators to define and structure a new event/action pair.

To create a new pairing:

ShowAdd Events

To add an event:

  • Click  within the Events tab.
  • The Select Event Type window appears. Click the  to display the available Event Types, and select the desired event from the drop-down list.
    For an overview of each system-defined event type, please see the Events section in this topic.


  • Once the desired event has been selected, click  to close the Select Event Type window and assign the event to the Event Processing pair.
  • If the event requires additional configuration, a window appears upon clicking  to present the options available to assign to the event. For example, the Collection Added event requires a Collection to be identified; therefore, a Select Collection window appears when the event is added to allow a field collection to be assigned to the event. Once the desired option is assigned to the event, click  within the Select window to return to the Events tab.
    For more information on the events that require additional configurations, please see the Events section in this topic.
  • Upon clicking , or , the event is added to the grid within the Events tab.

ShowEdit Events

The button is only enabled for those events that require additional information, such as:

  • Collection Added
  • Collection Removed
  • Comment Added
  • Custom Event
  • Field Changed
  • Next on Workflow Screen

To modify an event that allows editing:

  • Double-click the desired event within the Events tab or highlight the event and click .
  • Within the window that appears, make the necessary modifications.
  • Click  to close the window and return to the Events tab.

ShowDelete Events

To delete an event:

  • Highlight the desired event within the Events tab and click .
  • The event is removed from the Events tab.

ShowAdd Actions

To add an action:

  • Click  within the Actions tab.
  • The Select Action Type window appears. Click the  to display the available Action Types, and select the desired action from the drop-down list.
    For an overview of each system-defined action type, please see the Actions section in this topic.


  • Once the desired action has been selected, click  to close the Select Action Type window and assign the action to the Event Processing pair.
  • Similar to events, if the action requires additional configuration, a window appears upon clicking to present the options available to assign to the action. For example, when the Execute Rules action is added, a window appears to assign one or more Event Processing rules to execute when the action fires in an application.  Once the desired option is assigned to the event, click  within the Select window to return to the Actions tab.
    For more information on the actions that require additional configurations, please see the Actions section in this topic.
  • Upon clicking , or , the action is added to the grid within the Actions tab.
If more than one action is added, the order the actions are executed can be rearranged by clicking the action and dragging it to the desired location in the grid.

ShowEdit Actions

The button is only enabled for those actions that require additional information, such as:

  • Execute Code
  • Execute Counteroffer Processing
  • Execute Rules
  • Update From Core

To modify an action that allows editing:

  • Double-click the desired action within the Actions tab or highlight the action and click .
  • Within the window that appears, make the necessary modifications.
  • Click  to close the window and return to the Actions tab.

ShowDelete Actions

To delete an action:

  • Highlight the desired action within the Actions tab and click .
  • The action is removed from the Actions tab.

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Editing an Event/Action Pair

The Edit function enables administrators to modify an existing event/action pair.

When editing an event/action pair that is set on a time delay, any modifications made to the General, Events, and Rules tabs are applied to future executions of the pair. Modifications made to the Actions tab effect both queued actions and future executions of the pair. For more information, please see the Time Delay Process section in this topic.

To edit an event pair:

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Deleting an Event/Action Pair

The Delete function enables administrators to remove custom event/action pairs from Temenos Infinity.

System-defined event/action pairs cannot be deleted; therefore, the  button is disabled within the Event Processing tab when a system-defined pair is selected in the grid.

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Delayed Actions Report

The Delayed Actions Report tab provides a detailed overview of each delayed event/action pair that has executed in Temenos Infinity.

Please see the Time Delay Process section in this topic for a complete overview of this functionality.

This tab displays a read-only grid that can be used to view information about each delayed pairing, such as the status and the execution date and time.

When more than one event is configured for a pairing, and the events are not triggered simultaneously, a record for each instance of the event process is added to the Delayed Actions Report. When the events occur simultaneously, the items are de-duped and only one record of the event process appears in the Delayed Actions grid. For example, if the Application Approved and Field Changed (Application.StatusId) events are assigned to a delayed pairing, only one record is added to the Delayed Actions grid since the events occur at the same time during the application process.

Within this tab, administrators can quickly and easily access the following information for each delayed event/action pair executed:

Column Description
Type Displays the object type on which the event process was run, such as Application.

Displays the ID of the object on which the event process was run, such as the Application Number. Reference the table below for an overview of the value that is displayed for each object type:

Object Type ID Displayed
Application Displays the Application Number.
Case Displays the Case Number and Case Title in the following format: <Case Number>(<Case Title>).
Event/action pair name Displays the name of the event/action pair.
Execution date/time Displays the date and time that the delayed action is set to execute.
Event/action pair status

Displays the status of the event/action pair. One of the following values populates within this column to identify the status of the delayed actions:

Status Description
Pending Identifies that the time delay for the event/action pair has not yet expired. The actions assigned to the pair have not executed and remain in the queue.
Completed Identifies that the time delay for the event/action pair has expired and all actions assigned to the pair have successfully executed.

Identifies that a failure occurred while processing the event/action pair and the event process was unable to complete successfully.

By default, the Delayed Actions Report displays information for all delayed event/action pairs that have executed over the past 30 days; however, the toolbar in the top of the tab provides the following options to filter the data that appears within the grid:

Filter Option Description

Enables the ability to filter by Event/Action Pair Status. By default, the View drop-down is set to All to display information for all event/action pairs regardless of status. To filter by status, click the drop-down arrow and select one of the following statuses:

  • Pending
  • Completed
  • Failed

Enables the ability to display information for a specific time period. By default, this tab displays status information for a time period of 30 days from the current date. To modify the date range, perform one of the following actions:

  • Manually enter the desired dates into each box.
  • Click the next to each box to select the desired date.
  • Select a pre-configured date range from the To drop-down list.
The filter end date defaults to the current date; therefore, it may be necessary to adjust the end date to display execution times that are set in the future.

Enables the ability to refresh the information that appears in the screen.

The grid within the Delayed Actions Report tab does not automatically refresh. If an action executes while the tab is open, the status for the pairing is not updated until a refresh is performed.

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Time Delay Process

The time delay functionality provides administrators with the ability to post-pone the execution of actions for an event process by determining the number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds that must pass before the actions assigned to the event/action pair are executed. 

For example, if documents are not signed within a certain time period, it may be necessary to send a reminder email to the applicant(s) to ensure that the documents are signed. This functionality can be used to automatically send an email notification to applicants when their documents are not signed within three days of being generated. System administrators can author a rule to send the email notification in Rules Management, and then assign the rule to a delayed event/action pair triggered by updates to the Application.DocumentVersions.ApplicationDocumentVersionDocuments field. When set to a delay duration of three days, the reminder email is sent three days after the value of the Application.DocumentVersions.ApplicationDocumentVersionDocuments field is modified in the application.

Executing a Delayed Event/Action Pair

When an event for a delayed pairing occurs, the assigned actions are queued in the database until the delay settings configured within the General tab expire.

To learn more about the Delay Settings for a pairing, please see the General section under Event Processing in this topic.

Upon execution of the event, a record of the pairing is added to the Delayed Actions Report tab with a status of Pending. When the delay settings for the pairing expire, the actions are executed. If all actions execute successfully, the status of the pairing is updated to Completed.

If one or more of the actions assigned to a delayed event/action pair fail, the status for the pair is set to Failed. For assistance identifying the specific action that failed to execute, please contact a Temenos Customer Care or Professional Services Representative.

Events Queue Clean-up Process

The EVENTS_QUEUE_CLEANUP process allows institutions to determine the number of months that history for each delayed event/action pair is maintained in the database. When active, this process runs each night to review the records in the database for each event/action pair, and remove any records that exceed the number of months set for the EVENTS_QUEUE_DURATION parameter.

The EVENTS_QUEUE_CLEANUP process is not automatically activated for each institution. If this process is not enabled, records for each delayed event/action pair remain in the database indefinitely. Please contact a Temenos Customer Care or Professional Services Representative for assistance with enabling the EVENTS_QUEUE_CLEANUP  process.

By default, history for each delayed event/action pair is stored in the database for a time period of six months when the EVENTS_QUEUE_CLEANUP process is enabled; however, this value can be changed with the assistance of a Temenos Customer Care or Professional Services Representative.

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Modifying a Delayed Event/Action Pair

When an event/action pair is set on a time delay, modifications made to certain attributes are applied to future executions of the pairing, but may also update any queued actions as well. Reference the table below for an overview of the behavior that occurs when specific attributes are updated for a delayed event/action pair:

Attribute Effect on Behavior of Event/Action Pair

Modifications made to any of the General attributes only apply to future executions of the event/action pair. For example, it the duration of the time delay is updated from one day to two days, any queued actions are still performed after the one day expires, but all actions that are queued after the modification are not executed until two days have passed.

If a delayed event/action pair is deactivated, all queued actions in a Pending status are still processed.
Events Modifications made to the assigned events are only applied to future executions of the event/action pair.
Actions Modifications made to the assigned actions are applied to future executions of the event/action pair, as well as all queued actions for the pairing that are in a Pending status. For example, if a rule is added to the Execute Rules action, all of the queued Execute Rule actions for the pairing are updated to execute the new rule when the action is performed.
Rules Modifications made to any of the Rule attributes are only applied to future executions of the event/action pair.

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LMS.Core.Process and SQL Service Broker

This section is intended for an institution's IT department.

In order for the time delay functionality to occur in Temenos Infinity, the following services must be enabled for the financial institution:


The LMS.Core.Process windows service enables the ability to use the time delay functionality in Temenos Infinity by listening for responses from the Service Broker queue, and, when a response comes in, calling the service that executes the delayed event/action pair. This windows service is automatically installed and enabled on the server for Temenos Infinity.

The LMS.Core.Process windows service can be load-balanced across multiple servers; however, if it is desired to run the service on multiple servers, the LMS.Core.Process windows service must be manually installed on each additional server.

SQL Service Broker

Service Broker is a SQL-based messaging system that sends a response to the LMS.Core.Process windows service when a delayed event/action pair executes. This service is automatically enabled in the database for each institution; however, when a back-up and restore of the Temenos Infinity database is performed, SQL Service Broker is automatically disabled in the new location. To reactivate Service Broker on the SQL server for the institution, the following script must be run:

The person running the following script must have ALTER permissions for the database.

IF (SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = DB_NAME()) = 0


       DECLARE @BrokerGUID as UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = (SELECT service_broker_guid FROM sys.databases WHERE name = DB_NAME())

       DECLARE @DBName NVARCHAR(50)  = DB_NAME()


       DECLARE @SetMulti NVARCHAR(100) = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBName + '] SET MULTI_USER;'

       DECLARE @BrokerSQL NVARCHAR(200)

       SET @BrokerSQL = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBName + ']'

       IF (SELECT COUNT(service_broker_guid) FROM sys.databases WHERE service_broker_guid = @BrokerGUID) > 1


                     --if db is a back up and restore the broker guid could match the original so we need to create a new broker

                     SELECT @BrokerSQL = @BrokerSQL +' SET NEW_BROKER'




                     SELECT @BrokerSQL = @BrokerSQL +' SET ENABLE_BROKER'


       --broker needs exclusive locks to create without setting to single could cause the broker creation to han

       EXEC sp_executesql @SetSingle

       EXEC sp_executesql @BrokerSQL

       EXEC sp_executesql @SetMulti



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System-Defined Event/Action Pairs

The following table provides an overview of the system-defined event/action pairs that are available in Temenos Infinity:

The following system-defined event/action pairs can be disabled, but not edited. If desired, institutions can disable system-defined pairing and create a custom event/action process that better meets their institution's business needs.

Additional system-defined event/action pairs may be available within Event Processing when certain third party connectors are active at the institution. For information on the system-defined pairs that are available for a specific connector, please see the applicable Connector Guide.

Name Event(s) and Field(s) Changed Action(s) Rule
Calculation Data Changed

Collection Added

  • Application.Applicants
  • Application.Applicants.CreditReports
  • Application.Assets
  • Application.Collaterals
  • Application.Incomes
  • Application.Liabilities

Collection Removed

  • Application.Applicants
  • Application.Applicants.CreditReports
  • Application.Assets
  • Application.Collaterals
  • Application.Incomes
  • Application.Liabilities


Field Changed (1)

  • Application.Incomes.AdjustedMonthlyIncome
  • Application.Incomes.Amount
  • Application.Incomes.FrequencyId
  • Application.Incomes.HoursPerWeek
  • Application.Incomes.IncomeTypeId
  • Application.Incomes.IsPartTime
  • Application.Incomes.IsSelfEmployed
  • Application.Incomes.LengthOfEmployment

Field Changed (2)

  • Application.Collaterals.AdjustedMarketValue
  • Application.Collaterals.AdjustedNetValue
  • Application.Collaterals.AdjustedOriginalValue
  • Application.Collaterals.AdjustedValue
  • Application.Collaterals.AdjustmentPercentage
  • Application.Collaterals.AppraisedValue
  • Application.Collaterals.AvailableEquity
  • Application.Collaterals.CollateralValue
  • Application.Collaterals.MarketValue
  • Application.Collaterals.NetValue
  • Application.Collaterals.OriginalValue
  • Application.Collaterals.TotalLiableLienAmount
  • Application.Collaterals.TotalLienAmount

Field Changed (3)

  • Application.Applicants.ApplicantTypeId
  • Application.Applicants.BirthDate
  • Application.Applicants.RiskTierId

Field Changed (4)

  • Application.Applicants.Assets.AdjustedAvailableBalance
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.AdjustedBalance
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.AdjustedMarketValue
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.AdjustementPercentage
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.AssetTypeId
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.AvailableBalance
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.Balance
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.HoldAmount
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.IsFromHost
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.MarketValue
  • Application.Applicants.Assets.OriginalValue

Field Changed (5)

  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AccountTypeId
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AdjustedBalance
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AdjustedBalloonRate
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AdjustedLimit
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AdjustedMonthlyPayment
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AdjustmentPercentage
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AssumedBalance
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AssumedCollateralValue
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AssumedInterestRate
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AssumedMonthlyPayment
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.AssumedRemainingTerm
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.Balance
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.BalloonAmount
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.CloseDate
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.InterestRate
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.IsExpense
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.IsFromHost
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.Limit
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.OpenDate
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.PaymentAmount
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.PayoffAmount
  • Application.Applicants.Liabilities.Term

Field Changed (6)

Notify of Required Loan Calculation
Core Messages Added

Application Created

  • Application.Applicants
  • Application.Applicants.CoreMessages

Collection Added

Execute Code
Cross-sell Referred

Field Changed

  • Application.CrossSells.ResponseId
Execute Code
Default Adverse Action on Applicant

Application Created

Collection Added

  • Application.Applicants
Execute Code
Execute Queuing

Field Changed

  • Application.StatusId
Execute Application Queuing Rules StopAutomatedQueuing
Process Cross-sells on Approval Application Approved Process Cross-sells StopCrossSellAction

Queue Changed

This Event/Action pair must be active in order for emails to be sent according to configurations made for the queue within the Notifications tab in System Management > Origination > Queues.

Field Changed

  • Application.IsPinnedToQueue
  • Application.QueueId
Execute Code
Set Contract Dates

Field Changed

  • Application.IndirectContractStatusId
Execute Rules
Set Fees to be Processed

Collection Added

  • Application.AccountProducts
  • Application.Applicants
  • Application.Applicants.CreditReports
  • Application.Collaterals
  • Application.Collaterals.Liens

Collection Removed

  • Application.AccountProducts
  • Application.Applicants
  • Application.Applicants.CreditReports
  • Application.Collaterals
  • Application.Collaterals.Liens

Field Changed

  • Application.Applicants.RiskTierId
  • Application.DebtProtectionPlan1Id
  • Application.DebtProtectionPlan2Id
  • Application.InterestRateActual
  • Application.InterestRateAssigned
Execute Fees During Next Calculation
Status Changed

Field Changed

  • Application.StatusId
Execute Code
Store Decision History Application Approved

Application Declined

Decision Suggested

Store Decision History

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