Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Fees Panel

The Fees panel may be assigned to an Application screen to allow users to add and maintain application and processing fees for a loan while completing the underwriting review process.

This panel only provides the ability to add and remove fees for a loan application. Fees associated with an account product are displayed and managed within the Account Product Fees panel. For more information, please see the Account Product Fees Panel topic in this guide.
The Fees panel appears differently than shown below when the Real Estate Type field for the Sub-Product is set to Home Equity. For more information, please see the Home Equity Fees Panel section within this topic.

The grid within this panel displays a list of the application's fees in the following columns:

Column Description

Displays the name of the fee. This is an editable field that allows users to select a fee type from a drop-down list. This list contains the values configured for the FEE_CODE lookup in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations.

Actual Amount An editable field allowing users to indicate the fee amount.
Finance Charge Displays a checkbox that indicates whether a fee is to be paid out-of-pocket by the borrower. Select the check box to identify that the fee is to be prepaid.
Included in Loan Amount Displays a checkbox that indicates whether a fee is to be included in the loan amount. Select the check box to include the fee in the loan amount.
Included in Military APR

Displays a check box that indicates whether a fee for a close-ended loan is to be included in the Military APR (MAPR) calculation. Select the check box to include the fee in MAPR calculation.

While the Included in Military APR column appears in the Fees panel for all application types, MAPR is only calculated for close-ended loans.

Home Equity Fees Panel

When the Real Estate Type field for the Sub-Product is set to Home Equity within the General tab in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Application Types, the Fees panel populates with additional columns of information to capture the fee details specific to Home Equity products, such as Closing Costs.

The grid within this panel displays a list of the application's fees in the following columns:

Column Description

Displays the name of the fee. This is an editable field that allows users to select a fee type from a drop-down list. This list contains the values configured for the FEE_CODE lookup in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations.

Estimated Amount An editable field that allows users to indicate the estimated fee amount for the service.
Actual Amount An editable field that allows users to indicate the actual fee amount being paid.
Finance Charge Displays a check box that indicates whether a fee is to be paid out-of-pocket by the borrower. Select the check box to identify that the fee is to be prepaid.
Included in Loan Amount Displays a check box that indicates whether the fee is to be included in the loan amount. Select the check box to include the fee in the loan amount.
Included in Military APR

Displays a check box that indicates whether a fee for a closed-end loan is to be included in the Military APR (MAPR) calculation. Select the check box to include the fee in MAPR calculation.

While the Included in Military APR column appears in the Fees panel for all application types, MAPR is only calculated for close-ended loans.
POC Amount An editable field that allows users to indicate the amount to be paid outside of closing.
Closing Amount An editable field that allows users to indicate the amount to be paid at closing.
Payable To An editable field that allows users to select the company to whom the fee is to be paid from a drop-down list. This list contains the companies configured by the system administrator in System Management > Address Book > Companies.
Customer Selected

Displays a check box that indicates whether the applicant selected the provider/vendor to be used for the service. Select the check box to identify that the applicant selected the provider/vendor identified within the Payable To column.

If the Fee type is configured to validate that the estimated amount and actual amount for a particular fee does not exceed 10% of the tolerance, selecting this field overrides that validation.

The configuration to validate that the estimated amount and actual amount for a particular fee does not exceed 10% of the tolerance is made in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations by setting the value of the Total Cannot Exceed 10% column in the FEE_CODE lookup to "Yes" for the fee type.
Paid By An editable field that allows users to select the party responsible for paying the fee, either Borrower, Lender, or Seller. This list contains the values configured for the FEE_PAID_BY lookup in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations.

Adding and Deleting Fees

In addition to displaying fees, users are able to perform the following actions within the Fees panel:

Icon Description
Allows a user to add a fee to the application. When a fee is added, a new row is added to the Fees grid.
Allows a user to remove a fee from the application. When a fee is deleted, a row is removed from the Fees grid.
Existing fees are edited directly within the Fees grid.

Adding Fees

If fees are added after calculations have already been processed, the existing calculations on the application become stale.

To add a fee within the Fees panel:

To add a fee within the Home Equity Fees panel:

Deleting Fees

Select the fee that is to be removed and click .



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