Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide

Promotions assists institutions with turning opportunities into applications. With Promotions, system administrators are provided with an easy and efficient method of creating and managing promotion campaigns that include pre-approved offers uploaded directly to each promotion. This functionality provides administrators with the ability to present viable sales opportunities directly to the end user in Temenos Infinity, or an applicant in Virtual Capture. 

The Promotions topic includes the following information to provide system administrators with an understanding of how Promotions can be used, as well as assist with creating and managing promotions:

Promotion Overview

The Promotions functionality provides system administrators with the ability to easily import pre-approved file records directly to a promotion in Temenos Infinity, and notify users when an applicant is eligible for a promotional offer. 

The following example provides an overview of a promotional offer in Temenos Infinity; however, promotions can also be presented to applicants in Virtual Capture. For more information on this functionality in Virtual Capture, please see the Promotions in Virtual Capture topic in this guide.

Promotions are created from the Promotions page in System Management > Origination > Promotions.

Once a promotion is created, system administrators are able to import a standard CSV file of pre-approved offers and upload it directly to the promotion.

The system uses the TIN related to each offer to present active promotions to the end user and seamlessly turn a promotional offer into a profitable sales opportunity.

Within the Ribbon Bar, users can click  to open a queue containing a list of all active promotions configured within the Promotions page. 

From this list, users can access the eligible offers included in the file uploaded to each promotion and create an application directly from the promotion itself when an applicant accepts the offer.

Notification that an applicant is eligible for an active promotion is also presented to the user when an application is created. When an applicant is eligible for a promotional offer and/or has existing applications, a Review Active Applications and/or Promotional Offers window appears during application initialization. This window includes an Active Offers tab that lists the active promotional offers that an applicant is eligible for and provides the user with the ability to create an application directly from the promotional offer by clicking .

For more information on this functionality, please see the Promotions topic and Active Offers section of the Create topic in the User Guide.

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Creating and Managing Promotions

The Promotions page can be accessed from System Management > Origination > Promotions to create and manage the promotions available for an institution.

The grid within this page displays a list of all active and expired promotions and includes the following columns of information for each promotion:

Column Description
Promotion Name Displays the name of the promotion.
Decision Status Displays Pre-Approved or Approved to identify the promotion decision status.
Description Displays a description of the promotion.
Effective Date Displays the date that the promotion becomes active.
Expiration Date Displays the date that the promotion expires.
# Offers

Displays the number of active offers for the promotion.

The number of active offers within this column adjusts as offers are applied for and/or declined within the Promotions queue as well as when additional offers are uploaded to the promotion.

This section includes the following information to assist administrators with creating, editing, and/or deleting a promotion:

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Promotion Attributes

In the Promotion Edit screen, administrators are able to define attributes for each promotion within the General and Sales Script tabs.

If Virtual Capture is active for the institution, a Virtual Capture Sales Script tab also appears within the Promotion Edit screen.


The General tab includes the specific information about each promotion.

The following attributes are defined within the General tab for each promotion:

Attribute Description
New Promotion
Name Enter a unique name for the promotion. This is a required field.
Description Enter a description that identifies the purpose of the promotion.
Type Select the promotion type. By default, this field is set to Standard.
Promotion Properties
Default Product: Sub-Product

Select a sub-product from the drop-down list to be used as the default sub-product for the promotion. This drop-down contains a list of all active sub-products configured in System Management > Origination >  Loan > Loan Application Types.

This is a required field.

Effective Date

Enter a date in MM/DD/YY format, or click  and select a date from the calendar, to identify when the promotion become effective.

This field is disabled for a promotion once the effective date is reached.
Expiration Date

Enter a date in MM/DD/YY format, or click  and select a date from the calendar, to identify when the promotion expires.

Expired promotions appear within the grid that displays in the Promotions page in System Management, but are removed from the list of promotions that can be accessed by clicking  in the Ribbon Bar. When a promotion expires, the promotional offer is also removed from the list of Active Offers that appear when an application is created for an eligible applicant.
Term Enter the number of months that the product related to the offer is to be available. For example, if the promotion is for a Used Auto product for 36 months at 1.9 %, the value to be entered within this field is 36.
Decision Status

Select Pre-Approved or Approved from the drop-down to identify the decision status for the promotion. The value identified here determines the stage of the application initiated when an application is created from a promotion as well controls how Risk is processed for the application. This is a required field.


For more information, please see the section below:

ShowDecision Status and the Application Process

When an application is created from a promotional offer, the Application > Channel field is set to a value of PROMOTION to identify the origin of the application.

When an indirect application is created from a promotional offer, the Application > Channel field is set to a value of PROMOTION, and the Created By field is set to the name of the indirect user.

Additionally, the availability of the Change Product button is determined by the number of application types assigned to the promotion by the system administrator.

  • If only one application type is assigned to the promotion, the Change Product button is disabled in the Application Toolbar.
  • If multiple application types are assigned to the promotion, the Change Product button is enabled in the Application Toolbar. When clicked, users are able to determine the sub-product that is used to create the application, by selecting a value from the Product: Sub-Product drop-down list. This list includes all loan application types assigned to the promotional offer by the system administrator in System Management > Origination > Promotions.   

The following process walks through the behavior that occurs when a standard application is created from a promotional offer. For information on the process that occurs to create an indirect application from a promotional offer, please see the applicable third party connector guide on the Temenos Client Portal.

Please see the Indirect Processing Overview topic in the Administrator Guide for information on the configurations required to link a promotional offer to an indirect application during the decision process.

Depending on the Decision Status configured for the offer when the promotion is created, the application workspace automatically opens to the applicable stage in the workflow. For example, if the Decision Status for a promotion is Approved, when an offer is accepted, the application opens in the Approval stage of the workflow.

When a promotion's Decision Status is configured as Approved, but the Loan Terms are not fulfilled, an error message including the necessary information is received during application initialization and the application opens in the Origination stage. For example, when the decision status for a Home Equity promotion is configured as Approved, the following error message is received to inform that balloon term is required:


When the decision status is Pre-approved, the application workspace opens in the Origination stage and users are able to proceed through each stage to complete the application process.

The Decision Status for a promotion also controls the Risk process. The Risk process proceeds as follows for each decision status:

Decision Status Risk Process
Approved When a decision status is set to Approved, credit is NOT pulled for the applicant and the application process proceeds through the Approval stage of the application.
Pre-Approved When a decision status is set to Pre-Approved, credit is pulled for the applicant and the application proceeds through each stage of the application.


Below the Promotion Properties is a two-box control with the following attributes that provides system administrators with the ability to make the promotional offer available for multiple application types:

Attribute Description
Available Application Types

Displays a list of all application types configured in System Management > Origination >  Loan > Loan Application Types. To assign application types, drag and drop the desired sub-products from the Available grid to the Assigned grid, or use the arrow keys that appear within the screen.

Assigned Application Types

Displays a list of the application types assigned to the promotion. These application types populate within the SubProduct drop-down in the Promotional Offer Details window, and are available to be used to create the application when the promotional offer is accepted.

The application type identified as the Default Sub-Product must be assigned to the promotional offer, or an error is received when trying to save the Promotion Edit screen.

Sales Script

Sales Script attributes allow administrators to enter a value statement for the promotional offer that can be used as a sales tool when an offer is being worked within the Promotions queue. This sales script populates within the Promotional Offer Details window when an offer is opened in the queue.

Virtual Capture Sales Script

This tab only appears in the Promotion Edit screen when Virtual Capture is active for the institution.

The Virtual Capture Sales Script attributes allow administrators to enter a value statement for the promotional offer that can be used as a sales tool when an offer is presented in a virtual application. This sales script populates within the Promotional Offer Details window that appears when an applicant clicks  to request more information about an offer in Virtual Capture.


For more information, please see the Promotions in Virtual Capture topic in this guide.

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Import Offers

After all attributes have been defined, and the promotion has been saved, the  button provides administrators with the ability to upload a file of pre-approved offers directly to the promotion.

does not become active until the promotion has been saved.

The Promotional Offers file is a tab-delimited, fixed length file in standard text (.txt) format with no header row. The following information is included in the file:

All fields listed below are required to be in the Promotional Offers file. Since the file is tab-delimited, in order to maintain the correct format, include a blank space within a field that does not contain a value.
Field Description
First_Name The first name of the customer associated with the offer.
Last_Name The last name of the customer associated with the offer.
TIN The TIN for the customer associated with the offer.
Phone The phone number for the customer associated with the offer.
Credit Bureau Model The Credit Bureau Model from which the offer was obtained.
Score The credit score for the customer associated with the offer.
Risk Tier The risk tier value for the customer associated with the offer.
Amount The offer amount for which the customer is eligible to apply.
Rate The rate associated with the offer.

The following screenshot provides an example of the import file layout:

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Creating a Promotion

To create a Promotion, navigate to System Management > Origination > Promotions and click .

Within the General tab, define the New Promotion attributes, set the Promotion Properties, and identify the application types for which the promotion is to be available. 

Once all General promotion attributes are defined, navigate to the Sales Script tab to create the script displayed in the Promotional Offer Details window.

If displaying promotions in Virtual Capture, select the Virtual Capture Sales Script tab and define the script to be presented to eligible applicants upon logging in to Virtual Capture.

After all attributes for the promotion are complete, click  to create the promotion. A success message appears to confirm that the promotion saved successfully. Click OK.  

Once the promotion has been saved, click  to upload the promotional offers file to the promotion.

ShowImporting Offers

Importing a file with a large number of offers (more than 100,000) could result in an error, therefore, it is recommended to split the file and upload each file to the promotion separately.
The Promotional Offers file cannot be removed from a promotion once it is imported. If an incorrect file is uploaded, the entire promotion must be deleted in order to remove the offers. The promotion can be then be re-created including the correct file.

If the entire file being uploaded is not in the correct format (tab-delimited), an error message is received upon clicking . If the file includes some offers in the correct format, the incorrect offers are discarded to allow the correctly formatted offers to be uploaded. For example, if a file contains 30 offers and 10 are formatted incorrectly, the offers that are formatted correctly are uploaded to the promotion and a success message appears to confirm that 20 offers were imported.

After the file has been uploaded successfully, click  to retain the promotion attributes and return to the Promotions page.

When the promotion becomes active, it displays within the list that appears in the Promotions queue to enable users to work each offer that was included in the file.

During application initialization, the system also uses the TIN associated with each offer to notify users about the promotion(s) for which an applicant is eligible to apply during application initialization.

For more information, please see the Promotions section within this topic.

Editing a Promotion

To modify a promotion:

The offers uploaded to a promotion cannot be edited once they are imported. If desired, individual offers can be removed from a promotion by declining the offer within the Promotional Offers window. For more information, please see the Decline section of the User Guide's Promotions topic.

Deleting a Promotion

Only promotions with an effective date that is in the future can be deleted.

To delete a promotion:

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