Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide

The Origination page enables institutions to manage parameter settings for the Loan Origination and Account Origination modules.

To access the Origination page, navigate to System Management > Modules > Origination.

Each tab contains a variety of parameters that optimize Temenos functionality. Parameters with an asterisk (*) require an Internet Information Services (IIS) reset on all Temenos Infinity servers in order for any configuration changes to take effect.

It is advised that the IIS reset occurs after business hours as it causes a disruption in the production environment.

Calculator Tab

The Calculator tab contains the following fields that allow institutions to configure the CUNA calculator:

Field Name Solution Parameter Description Valid Values
Payment date CALCULATOR_LAST_PAYDAY Determines whether the calculator calculates based on the last pay day of the month or based on the due date, even if it is the last day of the month.


Last Payday of Month or Last day of Month  

Day of month for payment protection premium calculation CALCULATOR_APPLICATION_PREMIUM_DAY Determines the day of the month the premium is calculated.


1 to 31
Display documentation stamps (Florida only) DISPLAY_DOC_STAMPS Determines whether or not Doc Stamps are visible.


Yes or No

Origination Tab

The Origination tab contains parameters that allow institutions to configure functions related to the origination stage:

Field Name Solution Parameter Description Valid Values
Application age for Select Application search (days) APPLICATION_AGE_IN_DAYS Determines the number of days old an application must be in order to display in the Select Application pop-up window during a search.


Integer > 0

Eligibility Required



Determines whether non-member applicant information is input on the Applicant screen of the sub-product (No) or on the Non-Member Information screen and Non-Member Eligibility screen (Yes).


Yes or No  

If the value of this field is set to Yes, and the Primary applicant value for IsEligible is false, then disbursement cannot continue and an error message stating the following is received: "The primary applicant is not eligible."
Eligibility Segmentation ID ELIGIBILITY_SEGMENTATIONID Determines whether or not a value from Lending_Segmentation_Code is applied to the application. Drop-down list: Application > Applicants > Segmentation > Description
Enable Good Faith Estimate (GFE) date validation errors VALIDATE_GFE_DATES Determines whether or not GFE date validation errors are displayed.


Yes or No

Include External Liabilities in Add On Refinance Panel INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_LIABILITIES Determines whether or not external liabilities are displayed on the Add On Refinance panel.


Yes or No

Load demographics and income from prior application for applicant with Invalid TIN INVALID_TIN_DEMOGRAPHICS Determines whether applicant demographics and income information are pulled from previous applications when an applicant has been flagged as having an invalid TIN.


Yes or No

This parameter defaults to No.

Default Virtual Capture Instance

This parameter only appears when Virtual Capture is enabled for the institution.
DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_CAPTURE_INSTANCE Determines the default instance of Virtual Capture where applicants, or vendors, are navigated to if they access Virtual Capture, or Merchant Lending, with a URL that does not include an instance code.


All active instances configured in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Settings. The options available in this list are formatted as <Instance Type> - <Instance Name>.

While set as the default Virtual Capture instance in this parameter, the instance cannot be disabled or deleted in Virtual Capture Settings.

ShowTIN Validation Rules

The TIN Validation Rules multi-grid allows institutions to assign one or more Validation Rules to execute when an application is created or an applicant is added to an existing application. If the criteria within the rule fails validation when an application is created or an applicant is added, the Is Invalid TIN field is set to true.

It is imperative that only TIN validation rules are set here, as it may result in errantly flagging an applicant's TIN as invalid.
Only validations written at the Applicant level populate in this grid.


ShowApplication Initialization Validation Rules

The Application Initialization Validation Rules multi-grid allows institution to assign one or more Validation Rules to execute when the application is created. If the criteria within the rule fails validation, the application is not created.


Underwriting Tab

The Underwriting tab contains fields that allow institutions to configure functions related to application underwriting:

Field Name Solution Parameter Description Valid Values
Credit Report Format CREDIT_REPORT_FORMAT Determines the custom format for credit reports. If left blank, the LUXCOMMON SUMMARY profile is used.


  • HTML Common01 – Tradeline01
  • HTML Common01 – Tradeline02
  • HTML Common01 – Tradeline03
  • HTML Common01 – Tradeline04
  • HTML Common01 – Tradeline05
  • HTML Common01 – Tradeline06
  • HTML Lending01 – Tradeline01
  • HTML Lending01 – Tradeline02
  • HTML Lending01 – Tradeline03
  • HTML Lending01 – Tradeline04
  • HTML Lending01 – Tradeline05
  • HTML Lending01 – Tradeline06

For an overview of the Credit Report Formats that are available in Temenos Infinity, please see the HTML Credit Report Formats topics in the User Guide.

Credit Report Grouping CREDIT_REPORT_GROUPING Determines the criteria by which credit report data, or tradeline information, is grouped when the report is generated, such as Account Type, or Open/Closed Accounts.


  • System - Default value, which disables grouping criteria, and displays credit report data by the existing sort configuration.
  • IdMatch - Groups data by applicant in the credit report, and displays a separate section for secondary applicants.
  • IdMatch2 - Groups data by applicant in the credit report, and displays a separate section for secondary applicants; however this option also sorts tradeline data by Subject and Spouse Accounts in the Tradeline Information section.
  • Open/Closed - Groups tradeline information by open and closed accounts.
  • Derogatory Accounts - Groups tradeline information by derogatory and good accounts.
  • Account Type - Groups tradeline information by account type.

For an overview of each credit report grouping option, please see HTML Credit Report Formats topic in this guide.

Liability Match - Balance Amount % Tolerance Factor DEDUPE_BALANCE_TOLERANCE_FACTOR Determines the balance amount tolerance factor used when searching for a liability to map to an address.

For example, if the Balance Amount % Tolerance Factor is set to 0.05 (5%) and the liability balance amount in the core is within 5% of the liability balance amount in the credit report, the liability is considered a duplicate.

For information on how the system de-duplicates liabilities, please see the Pulling Credit topic of the User Guide.


Decimal > 0
Liability Match - Payment Amount % Tolerance Factor DEDUPE_PAYMENT_TOLERANCE_FACTOR Determines the payment amount tolerance factor used when searching for a liability to map to an address.

For example, if the Payment Amount % Tolerance Factor is set to 0.05 (5%) and the liability payment amount in the core is within 5% of the liability payment amount in the credit report, the liability is considered a duplicate.

For information on how the system de-duplicates liabilities, please see the Pulling Credit topic of the User Guide.


Decimal > 0
Liability Match - Consider Trade Type DEDUPE_COMPARE_BY_TRADETYPE Determines whether or not the trade type is considered when searching for a liability to map to an address.


Yes or No

Liability Partial Account Number Length LIABILITY_ACCOUNT_MATCH_LENGTH Determines the amount of Credit Report Account Number digits that are compared during the applicant credit reporting de-duplication process.

For example, if the Liability Partial Account Number Length is set to 6, the first six digits of the Credit Report Account Number on the application are compared to the first six digits of the Credit Report Account Number on the credit report. If the first six digits match, the credit reports are de-duplicated. If the first six digits do not match, the last six digits of the Credit Report Account Numbers are compared.

Textbox: Numerical value between 0 and 999

The default value of the Liability Partial Account Number Length field is 0, which indicates that the whole Credit Report Account Number is compared.
The recommended value of the Liability Partial Account Number Length field is 6.


Apply Liability Partial Account Number Match only when from Host LIABILITY_ACCOUNT_MATCH_FROM_HOST

Determines how liabilities are de-duped between applicants when there is a partial account number match for credit report tradelines.


Yes or No

If this parameter is set to No, credit report tradelines that have a partial account number match between applicants are de-duped if the partial account number length is greater than zero, and the liabilities have the same open date and Trade category.


If this parameter is set to Yes, credit report tradelines are NOT de-duped when there is a partial account number match if the liability partial account number length is greater than zero, and the liabilities have the same open date and Trade category. 


This parameter has no effect on the de-duping logic for core liabilities with a partial account number match when the liability partial account number length is greater than zero, and the liabilities have the same open date and Trade category.
Default Vehicle Valuation Provider DEFAULT_VEHICLE_VALUATION_PROVIDER Determines the valuation provider used by the financial institution.


Include concurrent applications in aggregates and ratios INCLUDE_CONCURRENT_APPS Determines whether or not concurrent applications are used in the Loan Origination and Account Origination modules


Yes or No

Vehicle age calculation month Vehicle_Age_Month Determines the month that is used to begin calculating a new model year for a vehicle.

Drop-down: January – December, None

  • January – December: Vehicle age advances on the month specified.
  • None: Vehicle year calculations advance on December 31st. Vehicle age is calculated by calendar year.
Setting this parameter to January does not allow Vehicle Age to function according to traditional calendar year aging. Use None to calculate vehicle age according to the traditional method.
The calculation for Vehicle Age is performed based on the Current Date if there is no decision on the application, and the Decision Date if the application is decisioned. The Decision Date is the final calculation date, and the value saved to the database.
Remote Signature Provider REMOTE_SIGNATURE_PROVIDER Determines the remote signature provider used by the financial institution. Drop-down: IMM, DocuSign, or Silanis

Setting this parameter determines whether DropSpot functionality is used for the following connectors:

  • IMM - Sets IMM as the document signature provider. If selected, documents generated by IMM are signed using the IMM Signature Pad or remotely by printing documents out, signing them, and scanning them.
  • DocuSign - Sets DocuSign as the document signature provider. If selected, documents generated by IMM are saved as a password protected zip file to allow them to be converted into DocuSign documents.
  • Silanis - Sets Silanis as the document signature provider. If selected, documents generated by IMM are saved as a password protected zip file to allow them to be sent to Silanis.
For additional information about using these connectors, please see the applicable connector guides.
Include Stipulations on Approval Window INCLUDE_STIPULATIONS_ON_APPROVAL_WINDOW Determines whether or not the Stipulations grid is displayed on the Manual Approve Loan screen. Drop-down: Yes, No (default)
Decision Order DECISION_ORDER Determines whether the loan or account decision is rendered first during the automated decision process for an application that requires both decisions.

Drop-down: Account First, Loan First

Regardless of the module(s) active for an institution, values of Account First and Loan First appear in this drop-down, and the default value for this parameter is Loan First.

The system has checks in place during the decisioning process to verify the type of decision required for an application, and perform the appropriate action for the account decision when a loan product is not present or a loan decision when an account decision is not required; therefore, if the value of this parameter is set to Loan First, but a loan decision is not required, the account is automatically decisioned first regardless of the value set for this parameter. Similarly, if the parameter is set to Account First, but an account decision is not required, the system automatically proceeds with decisioning the loan.
Reuse Credit Report REUSE_CREDIT_REPORT Determines if the system reuses the most recent credit report from any credit bureau, or the most recent report based on the credit bureau sequence logic for an application type.


  • Any credit bureau - The system uses the most recent report from any credit bureau that meets reuse criteria.
  • Credit bureau sequence - The system reuses the most recent credit report from a specific credit bureau, which is based on the credit bureau sequence assigned to the application type in the Credit Bureaus tab in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Application Types, or System Management > Origination >Account > Account Application Types.
    • The system automatically uses the most recent credit report that meets reuse criteria from the first credit bureau in the specified sequence.
    • If no report from the first credit bureau meets reuse criteria, the system proceeds through the credit bureau sequence order, and uses the most recent report that meets criteria from the second credit bureau in the sequence.
    • If a match is not found for the credit bureau in sequence two, the system proceeds to the reports from the credit bureau in sequence three.
    • If there are no other bureaus assigned to the sequence, or a match cannot be found among all of the credit bureau reports, a new credit report is pulled. 
To learn more about the criteria to reuse a credit report, please see the Pulling Credit topic in the User guide. For more information on the credit bureau sequence for an application type, please see the Credit Bureaus section of the Loan Application Types or Account Application Types topic in the Administrator guide.

Approved Tab

The Approved tab contains fields that allow institutions to configure functions related to approved applications:

Field Name Solution Parameter Description Valid Values
Method for determining “Decision By” user DECISIONED_BY_METHOD Determines the value used to set the Decisioned By user.


Type of email address for sending custom emails FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE Determines the email address used when sending custom emails from within Temenos Infinity.


Send Adverse Action for terms when Counter Offer is accepted SEND_APPLICATION_COUNTEROFFER_ADVERSE_ACTION Determines whether or not an adverse action notice for application terms is sent when a counteroffer is accepted.


Yes or No

Step to create new loan from cross-sell CREATE_FROM_CROSSSELL Determines on which step of the application process a new loan is created from a cross-sell.


Create after Cross-sells are accepted on Cross-sell screen or Create after application is disbursed.      

Automatically decision cross-sell application at creation AUTO_DECISION_APP_FROM_CROSSSELL Determines whether or not a child application is automatically decisioned after creation.


Yes or No

Allow allocation on funding step of Open-End loans ENABLE_OPEN_END_FUNDING_ALLOCATIONS Determines whether or not allocations can be added on the Funding step for open-end loans. Drop-down: 

Yes or No

Declined Tab

The Declined tab contains fields that allow institutions to configure functions related to declined applications, including the ability to automate the decline process for applications with counteroffers that have not been accepted.

Field Name Solution Parameter Description Valid Values
Default Adverse Action DEFAULT_ADVERSE_ACTION Determines the default Adverse Action ID used for the ADVERSE_ACTION lookup type. Drop-down: Select lookup based on “ADVERSE_ACTION” lookup type
Default Decline Reason DEFAULT_REJECT_REASON Determines the default Reject Reason ID used for the REJECT_REASON lookup type when an application is auto declined. Drop-down: Select lookup based on “REJECT_REASON” lookup type
Send Adverse Actions when Counteroffer is declined SEND_COUNTEROFFER_ADVERSE_ACTION Determines if adverse actions should be included when a counteroffer is declined. Drop-down: 

Yes or No

Prefer Mailing Address when sending Adverse Actions PREFER_MAILING_ADDRESS Determines the address that is used in the Adverse Action Export.
If the Prefer Mailing Address option is set to Yes, the Mailing Address for an Applicant is used instead of the current address.

Yes or No

Number of Days since Decline DAYS_SINCE_DECLINE Determines the time frame in which declined applications are to be included in an Adverse Action Export.
For example, inputting "5" includes all declined applications within the last five days prior to the export process.


Number of Days since Counteroffer Determines the time frame in which countered applications are to be included in an Adverse Action Export.
For example, inputting "5" includes all countered applications within the last five days prior to the export process.


Include Counteroffer Applications INCLUDE_COUNTEROFFER_APPLICATIONS Determines if countered applications are included in the Adverse Action Export. Drop-down: 

Yes or No

Auto Decline Counteroffered Applications

Activate Auto Decline


ACTIVATE_AUTO_DECLINE Determines if the Auto Decline Process for Counteroffered Applications is active. Drop-down: 

Yes or No

Once activated, the Auto Decline Counteroffered Application process runs nightly at 10pm.
Cutoff days to Decline CutOffDays Determines the amount of time that must lapse to automatically decline an application with counteroffers that has not been accepted.


Auto Decline Default Adverse Action AUTO_DECLINE_DEFAULT_ADVERSE_ACTION Determines the default Adverse Action that appears on the Adverse Action notification transmitted to the applicant. Drop-down: Select lookup based on “ADVERSE_ACTION” lookup type
Auto Decline Default Decline Reason AUTO_DECLINE_DEFAULT_DECLINE_REASON Determines the default Decline Reason that appears on the Adverse Action notification  transmitted to the applicant. Drop-down: Select lookup based on “REJECT_REASON” lookup type

System Tab

The System tab contains fields that allow institutions to configure Temenos Infinity or host configuration policies:

Field Name Parameter Description Valid Values
Number of application tabs allowed per session MAXLENDINGWORKSPACE Determines the maximum number of application tabs that can be open during a user's session in Temenos Infinity.


Integer > 0
Host supports account number auto-generation HOST_AUTOGEN_LOANNUMBER Determines whether the host supports auto-generation of loan account numbers (Yes) or if account numbers must be entered by the user (No).


Yes or No

Host supports person account number auto-generation HOST_AUTOGEN_PERSONNUMBER Determines whether the host supports auto-generation of person account numbers (Yes) or if account numbers must be entered by the user (No).


Yes or No    

Loan Number (suffix) is editable and required SUFFIX_ISREQUIRED Determines whether or not the loan number suffix is required and can be edited. Drop-down:

Yes or No

Account Product Number (suffix) is editable and required ACCOUNT_PRODUCT_SUFFIX_IS_REQUIRED Determines whether or not the account product number suffix is required and can be edited.


Yes or No

Credit Union routing number ROUTING_NUMBER Determines the default routing number used for internal transfers.


Number, 9 digits
GL Code (OSI only) HOST_CHECK_CODE Determines the GL Code used for DNA (OSI). Textbox: Optional
Update Demographics for Account Search CHANGEACCOUNT_INCLUDE_DEMOGRAPHICS Determines whether or not demographics are updated when the Change Loan/Account Number pop-up window is saved in the application workspace. Drop-down:

Yes or No

Include Addresses when updating Demographics CHANGEACCOUNT_INCLUDE_ADDRESS Determines whether or not addresses are included in demographic updates when the Change Loan/Account Number pop-up window is saved in the application workspace.


Yes or No

Update Core Messages for Account Search CHANGEACCOUNT_INCLUDE_COREMESSAGES Determines whether or not Core Messages are updated when the Change Loan/Account Number pop-up window is saved in the application workspace.


Yes or No

Vendor Split DEALER_SPLIT Determines the percentage given to the dealer for an application, if the vendor fee type is split.


Flat Rate FLAT_RATE Determines the flat rate given to the dealer for an application, if the vendor fee type is a flat rate.


Indirect Application Counteroffer Decision Notification INDIRECT_APP_COUNTEROFFER_DECISION_NOTIF Determines how Temenos Infinity communicates counteroffers to the indirect provider.


  • Send Each Counteroffer Decision by Overwriting Previous Decision Details - communicates the loan details of each counteroffer; however, each new counteroffer added to the application is communicated back to the indirect connector replacing the existing decision details.
  • Send First Counteroffer Decision and Then Each Subsequent Counteroffer as a Comment - communicates the first counteroffer as decision details, and any subsequent counteroffers as comments. The comment is a concatenation of the counteroffer loan terms.
  • Send First Counteroffer Details Only- communicates the loan details for the first counteroffer on the application. Any subsequent counteroffers are not communicated.
By default, this parameter is set to Send Each Counteroffer Decision by Overwriting Previous Decision Details.
Automated Counteroffer Maximum Iterations AUTOMATED_COUNTEROFFER_MAX_ITERATIONS Determines the maximum number of automated counteroffer iterations.


Integer > 0
Direct Total Monthly Expense Default DIRECT_IS_TOTAL_MONTHLY_EXPENSE_DEFAULT Determines whether or not the Total Monthly Expense flag is automatically set on addresses for all applicants when an application is created.


Yes or No

Indirect Total Monthly Expense Default INDIRECT_IS_TOTAL_MONTHLY_EXPENSE_DEFAULT Determines whether or not the Total Monthly Expense flag is automatically set on addresses for all applicants when an application is created from an indirect provider.


Yes or No

Account Decision for Existing Account Holder ACCOUNT_DECISION_FOR_EXISTING_ACCOUNT_HOLDER Determines whether account applications for existing account holders are automatically approved or require a decision.


  • Auto Approve - automatically approves all account applications for existing account holders. When this value is set, the user is navigated directly to the Approval stage in the application.
  • Require Decision - requires users to begin the account application process for an existing account holder in the Origination stage and collect the necessary information to decision the application. When this value is set, all account applications are processed through the Account Decision Model assigned to the Account Application Type and decisioning/validation rules are executed.
Virtual Capture Configuration Refresh Frequency (Minutes) CONFIG_REFRESH_MINUTES

Determines the number of minutes to pass before an automatic refresh of the virtual application occurs. After the set amount of time passes, Virtual Capture automatically refreshes to apply the updated configurations made in Temenos Infinity to the virtual application.

This is a global setting for all instances of Virtual Capture.


Integer > 0
This parameter defaults to 30.


Document Virus Scan in Virtual Capture and API VIRTUAL_CAPTURE_SCAN_TYPE Determines whether documents uploaded in Virtual Capture are sent through a virus scan at the financial institution.


None or Virus Scan

For more information on this functionality, please see the Getting Started with Virtual Capture topic in this guide.
Document Import File Location QUARANTINE_PATH

Identifies the file path location on the institution's network where documents are to be placed to await a virus scan when attached to a Virtual Capture application.

The Document Import File Location should be accessible by the DMZ server (either local to the DMZ server, or an accessible UNC path) to have files dropped into for scanning.


This parameter is disabled when the Document Virus Scan in Virtual Capture parameter is set to None. When the above parameter is set to Virus Scan, a value must be defined for the Document Import File Location in order to save the Origination page.
Document Export File Location DESTINATION_PATH

Identifies the file path location on the institution's network where documents are to be placed by the institution once they successfully complete a virus scan.

The Document Export File Location should be accessible by the Application server (either local to the Application server, or an accessible UNC path) so that the documents picked up in this location can be attached to the application.


This parameter is disabled when the Document Virus Scan in Virtual Capture parameter is set to None. When the above parameter is set to Virus Scan, a value must be defined for the Document Export File Location in order to save the Origination page.
Host supports Organization HOST_SUPPORTS_ORGS

Identifies whether the core system supports the Organization functionality, and enables the ability to create applications for Organizations.


Yes or No

This parameter defaults to No, and should remain No if the institution's core system does not support Organizations.


If the core system supports Organizations, set the parameter to Yes to enable the functionality required to create an application for an Organization, as well as transmit Organization data between Temenos Infinity and the core during the application process.

To learn more about the Organization functionality supported for a specific core, please see the applicable core connector guide for the institution.

Host supports Real Time Payoff HOST_SUPPORTS_REAL_TIME_PAYOFF Identifies whether the core system supports real-time payoff requests as part of Applicant Import and Disbursement.


Yes or No

By default, this parameter is set to Yes for all institutions, and should remain Yes if the institution's core supports real-time payoff requests. If real-time payoff requests are not supported by the core interface, set this parameter to No.

Host supports Member Account Number HOST_SUPPORTS_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER Identifies whether the core system supports the creation of member accounts in their interface.


Yes or No

By default, this parameter is set to Yes for all institutions. If Member Accounts are not supported by the core interface, set this parameter to No.


When set to No, the Account Number field is removed from the New Application screen that appears when creating an application. Additionally, the Select Applicant windows are updated to display a column for Customer Identifier, rather than Account and Role.


Indirect Tab

The Indirect tab contains the following parameters allowing allow institutions to define the contact information for their indirect lending department.

The Indirect Contact information is transmitted to the Dealertrack and RouteOne connectors during counteroffer processing or when an automated decision has been rendered.
Field Name Solution Parameter Description Valid Values
Indirect Contact Name INDIRECT_CONTACT_NAME Determines the general contact name for the Indirect Lending department. Textbox
Indirect Contact Phone INDIRECT_CONTACT_PHONE Determines the general contact phone number for the Indirect Lending department. Textbox
Indirect Contact Fax INDIRECT_CONTACT_FAX Determines the general contact fax number for the Indirect Lending department. Textbox
Indirect Contact Email INDIRECT_CONTACT_EMAIL Determines the general contact email address for the Indirect Lending department. Textbox

Determines the GL Account to be used for debit GL transactions sent to the core for dealer reserve fees.

This parameter is used to send GL Voucher information for dealer reserve fees to certain cores. To learn more about how this parameter is used for a particular core, please see the applicable core connector guide for the institution.

Drop-down that defaults to None, and includes a list of all GL Vouchers configured for the institution in the database.

Blacklist Tab

The Blacklist tab provides administrators with the ability to define the parameters that are used to prohibit certain IP addresses from accessing Temenos Infinity's Virtual Capture solution to submit account and loanapplications.

The Blacklist tab contains the following fields:

Field Description
Number of applications allowed per IP Address Enter the number of Virtual Capture applications that can be submitted from each unique IP address within the time-frame specified in the below parameter for Number of Days to Blacklist an IP Address. When an IP address has reached the maximum number of applications within the specified number of consecutive days, the applicant is redirected to an error page in Virtual Capture.
Number of Days to Blacklist an IP Address Enter the number of consecutive days that must pass before an IP address can be blacklisted if the number of applications allowed for the IP Address is reached within the specified timeframe. Applications cannot be submitted from a blacklisted IP address.
When an IP address is blacklisted, the IsIPBlacklisted flag is set to true on the application in Temenos Infinity.
A list of IP addresses that have been blacklisted for the financial institution can be found in System Management > Virtual Capture > Blacklist IP Addresses.

In the above image, both parameters are set to a value of three. Using that example, if three applications are submitted from the same IP Address in three consecutive days, the IP Address is added to the blacklist. If one application is submitted from the IP Address on Monday, one on Tuesday, and then another on Friday, the IP Address is not blacklisted as the applications were not submitted consecutively; however, if two more applications are submitted from the IP Address on Saturday and Sunday, the IP Address will then be blacklisted.



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