Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Pricing Models

Pricing Models allow the administrator to define the conditions that determine the final rate of an loan or account product. Pricing Models provide the ability to determine interest rates using a base rate and business rules, as well as establishing rate, discount, and premium thresholds, or using custom code.

The Pricing Models page in System Management (System Management > Origination > Pricing Models) displays a list of all pricing models configured in Temenos Infinity, and enables system administrators to create and manage the pricing models used at their institution.

In order to have access to the Pricing Models page, the Pricing Model Management permission must be set to Change for the user or security group. This permission is configured under the System Management - Origination category in the Permissions tab of System Management > Users or System Management > Groups > Security Groups.

The Pricing Model topic includes the following attributes and instructions to assist administrators with creating, copying, and editing pricing models:

Pricing Model Attributes

Pricing models consist of General and Business Rule attributes.


The general attributes include the basic descriptive information for the pricing model, as well as the base rate and thresholds assigned to a standard model, or the DLL Class and Assembly Path for custom code.

The attributes defined for a pricing model are dependent on the type of model being created, either standard or custom code.

When creating a Standard Pricing Model, the General tab appears as follows:

When creating a custom pricing model, the General tab appears as shown below:

The following attributes are defined within the General tab:

Field Description
The General section include the basic information pertaining to the pricing model.

Enter the name of the pricing model.

When assigning a pricing model to a loan application type or account product, the Pricing Model drop-down list includes all active models configured within the Pricing Models page. If configuring pricing models for both loans and account products, it is recommended that institutions title their pricing models in a way that identifies whether the model applies to a loan or an account product. This ensures that a model including a rule with the correct pricing template is assigned to an account product, in order to apply the discount or premium to the account product interest rate during rule execution.

Description Enter a brief description of the pricing model.
Pricing Model Type

Select Standard Pricing Model or Custom Code to identify the type of pricing model being created.

It is highly recommended that the Pricing Model Type is not modified once a Pricing Model is created.
  • Standard Pricing Model - institutions define base rates and business rules in Temenos Infinity, as well as configure discount and premium thresholds to establish pricing for an application.
  • Custom Code - institutions define pricing logic in a third party system and point to the DLL for the custom code in a Temenos Pricing Model. When the pricing model is applied to the application, the system reads the Class Name and Assembly Path for the DLL to update the Interest Rate Assigned, and Interest Rate Actual, in the application. 

    The following additional data can be included in the custom code, and populated in the Audit History and Loan Interest Rate Summary panel:

    • Base Rate
    • Premiums Added or Total Premiums
    • Discounts Applied or Total Discounts
    • Maximum Premium
    • Maximum Discount
    • Minimum Rate
    • Maximum Rate
    • Final Rate

Select the check box to enable the pricing model.

Inactive pricing models are not available to assign to a loan application type or account product
Class Name Enter the name of the Class in the DLL used for the custom code.
Assembly Path Enter the Assembly Path for the DLL used for the custom code.
Base Rates

The Base Rates section includes configurations that allow administrators to determine the starting point for each standard pricing model.

This section is only available when the Pricing Model Type is set to Standard Pricing Model.

Default Base Rate Table

Select the default base rate table to be used to establish the starting point for pricing. This field includes a list of all active base rate tables configured for the institution.

The options that populate within this field are defined in System Management > Origination > Base Rate Tables. For more information, please see the Base Rate Tables topic for Account Origination or Loan Origination in this guide.

Initial Premium/Discount

Select the Initial Premium/Discount.                                  

  • None - no initial adjustments are made to the base rate prior to running the appropriate pricing rules.
  • Discount - a percentage is deducted from the base rate prior to running through pricing rules. Set amount of discount.
  • Premium - a percentage is added to the base rate prior to running through the pricing rules. Set amount of premium.
Within the bottom of this section, system administrators are able to assign multiple base rate tables to the pricing model using the two-box control.

Displays a list of all active base rate tables configured in System Management > Origination > Base Rate Tables. To assign base rate tables to the pricing model, drag and drop the desired value(s) from the Available grid to the Assigned grid, or move the rules using the arrow keys.

The value set as the Default Base Rate Table must be assigned to the pricing model within this section. If the Default Base Rate Table is not assigned, an error is received when trying to save the pricing model to inform that the Default Base Rate Table must match an Assigned Base Rate Table.

Displays a list of the base rate tables assigned to the pricing model. These base rate tables are available to set for the Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field in a rule, and populate as options to assign to the Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field in an application that includes the pricing model. 

For more information on the Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field, please see the Base Rate Index Fields section of the Base Rate Tables topic in this guide.

The Thresholds section includes configurations that allow administrators to determine the interest rate thresholds for a pricing model.

This section is only available when the Pricing Model Type is set to Standard Pricing Model.

Minimum Rate Enter a Minimum Rate that sets the floor for the Pricing Model. The pricing of applications using this pricing model cannot fall below the minimum rate.
Maximum Rate Enter a Maximum Rate that sets the ceiling for the Pricing Model. The pricing of applications using this pricing model cannot raise above the maximum rate.
Maximum Premium

Enter a Maximum Premium that sets the largest surcharge able to be added to the rate (if applicable).

All premiums assigned via rules are totaled and compared to this field.

  • If the total of the premiums is less than this field, the total is applied to the pricing.
  • If the total of the premiums is greater than this field, the maximum premium is applied to the pricing.
Maximum Discount

Enter a Maximum Discount that sets the largest discounts able to be deducted from the rate (if applicable).

All discounts assigned via rules are totaled and compared to this field.

  • If the total of the discounts is less than this field, the total is applied to the pricing.
  • If the total of the discounts is greater than this field, the maximum discount is applied to the pricing.
The total discount and total premium are applied to the effective rate for the specified base rate (plus or minus the initial premium or initial discount). Minimum Interest Rate and Maximum Interest Rate are enforced on the resulting interest rate.

Business Rules

This tab is disabled when the Pricing Model Type is set to Custom Code.

The Business Rules tab enables administrators to select the appropriate rules, which determine how a loan application or account product is priced.

The Business Rules tab includes a multi-grid, which controls the assignment of pricing rules:

Table Description

Contains a list of all active Pricing rules authored in System Management > Origination > Rules Management that are available to be assigned to the Pricing Model. To assign pricing rules, move the appropriate rules from the Available box to the Assigned box.

The Available box lists all Pricing rules that have been authored in Rules Management; therefore, if Pricing rules are authored for both loan and account products, it is highly recommended that the institution titles their rules in a way that identifies whether the rule applies to a loan or an account product. This ensures that the rules including the correct pricing templates are assigned, in order to apply the discount or premium to the account product interest rate during rule execution.

Contains a list of all rules that have been assigned to the pricing model.

The rules assigned to the pricing model execute when the Calculate process is run for the applicable loan application type or account product.

If the Interest Rate Override field is set to true for an account product, the interest rate for the product is set manually in the Account Product screen, and is not set by the pricing model during the Calculate process. The interest rate for an account product is only determined by the pricing model when the Interest Rate Override field is set to false for the account product.
For more information on rule authoring, please see the Rule Configuration section in this topic.

Pricing Model Actions

The Pricing Models page provides system administrators with the ability to perform the following actions:

Creating Pricing Models

To create a new pricing model:

Copying Pricing Models

To copy a pricing model:

Editing a Pricing Model

It is highly recommended that the Pricing Model Type is not modified once a Pricing Model is created.

To edit a pricing model:

Rule Configuration

The rules assigned to each standard pricing model are authored under the Pricing category in System Management > Origination > Rules Management. Reference the table below for an overview of the Entity and template to use to author a Pricing rule, as well as the rule logic that populates once the action template is selected within the Definition tab:

Entity Template Rule Logic

Add a Discount


Add a Premium

Application.AccountProducts Add an Account Product Discount
Application.AccountProducts Add an Account Product Premium
For more information on the above templates, please see the Rules Management - Available Templates topic in this guide. 

The example below provides an overview of a decision rule authored to add a premium to a loan based on the term:

Examples of a Condition and Action for this rule are as follows:

The following example displays a decision table rule authored to add an account product premium to the interest rate based on the application type, type of account product, and number of account products on the application:

Examples of a Condition and Action for this rule are as follows:

For more information on authoring rules, please see the Rules Management topic in this guide. 



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