Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Archive Data

Archive Data is used to purge accounts from Temenos Infinity. This removes the account and all related information such as Comments and Payment History. If all accounts for a person are archived, the entire person record is archived. Workflow data is archived if accounts and persons associated with the workflow are also being archived.

From this page in System Management (System Management > Archive Data), administrators can define the accounts to archive and perform the archive.

This action cannot be undone. It is recommended that a View or Report is built prior to performing this function with criteria to review the accounts before they are removed.

Use the Criteria Builder to define criteria for accounts that are to be archived.

Refer to the Criteria Builder Help section for more information.

Select Export archive data to file to create a file containing the archived accounts. This file can be stored for future reference.

Selecting Export archive data to file is optional.

Once the criteria has been defined, click . A confirmation message appears.

Click Yes. Another message displays stating the archive action is permanent and asks the administrator if they wish to continue. Click Yes to continue.

The archive process may take several minutes. As the archive is running, the Processing Table Number field on the Archive Data page is updated to provide a running count of the database tables that have been processed.

The Total Table Count field displays the total database tables that require processing during the archive.

Once the archive has completed, a success message is displayed.

If the account has not been closed on the host and is imported into Temenos Infinity again, it is treated as a new account. The purged data related to the account is not available.



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