Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Bankruptcy Plan Analysis

The Bankruptcy Plan Analysis contains two panels and enables user to manage payments to trustees and any payments received.

Plan Analysis Tab

The Plan Analysis panel contains a series of fields which enables users to enter payment plan details.

Enter the payment plan information and click Save to retain the plan information. Click Cancel to disregard the information entered.

Payments Received Tab

The Payments Received panel contains a grid which displays bankruptcy payment received.

The payments received grid displays payment information in the following columns:

Column Name Description
Date Displays the date the payment was received.
Time Displays the time the payment was received.
Amount Displays the amount of the payment received.
Comments Displays any comments recorded at the time the payment was received.
User Displays the name of the user who recorded the payment.

In addition to displaying payment information, users are also able to record a payment by clicking the Create button, located at the top of the screen.

Upon clicking Create, the Payment Detail pop-up window opens within the workspace.

Enter the amount of the Payment Received as well as any relevant Comments. Click Save and Close to retain the payment details. Click Cancel to disregard the payment detail.

Once the payment is entered, it populates within the payments received grid.




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