Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Collection Summary Screen

The Collection Summary Screen displays a summary of collection information that includes an Account Summary, Payments, Promises, Letters sent, and contact attempts.

The Collection Summary screen is separated into the following sections:

ShowAccount Summary

This section contains a basic overview of the account. The following information is displayed within the Account Summary section:


This section contains a basic overview of an account's payments. The following information is displayed within the Payments section:

The "# Unknown" field is used to indicate if it is not known whether the payment was on time or late.


This section contains a basic overview of the promises made on an account. The following information is displayed within the Promises section:

ShowCall Information

This section itemizes each method of phone contact. For each contact method, the following information is displayed in the grid:

In addition to displaying the tally of each of the of the aforementioned items, the bottom summarizes the total number of calls, the number/percent of calls that qualify as valid contacts, and the number/percent of calls that receive a busy signal.


This section lists every letter available in Temenos Infinity and the total number of times each letter was sent on the account in context.



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