Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide

The Companies page allows administrators to create and manage Third Party Companies and associated Contacts within those companies used in working Accounts, and Cases. Administrators can associate companies to specific accounts from the Contacts page in System Management.

The following columns display in the System Management > Address Book > Companies screen:

Column Name Description
Name Displays the name of the company.
Address Displays the address of the company.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification.

Company Attributes

All companies share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a company.


General attributes are separated into six categories, General, Address, Phone, History Information, Company Types, and Comments, all of which are assigned on the General tab.

The following Company attributes can be assigned within the General tab: 

Attribute Category Description
General There are six general attributes that can be associated with a company.
  • Name: Enter the name of the company. This is a required field.
  • Company Code: Enter a code for the company. This is a required field.
  • Website: If applicable, enter the company website.
  • Email: If applicable, enter an email address for the company.
  • EntityID: If applicable, enter the entity ID.
  • Active: Select the active check box if this company is currently an active Third party.
Address Provide the company address.
Phone Provide the company phone and fax numbers.
History Information A read-only attribute that displays the Created Date, who the company was Created By, the last Modified Date, and who it was Modified By.
Company Types Select a company type from the Available Types list and move it to the Assigned Types list to assign it to the company.
The list of available Company Types are controlled by the Company_Type lookup field in System Management > Field Configurations.
Comments Enter comments about the company within the Comments textbox.
The Contacts and Documents tabs are not enabled until the General tab is completed and the company is saved.


The Contacts attribute allows administrators to associate specific individual contacts to the company.

The following columns display in the contacts tab:

Column Name Description
Name Displays the name of the contact.
Title Displays the job title as it pertains to the company.
Company Displays the name of the company.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification to the contact.
Modified Date Denotes when the last modification was made.

Administrators can create new contacts, edit new contacts, copy existing contacts and delete contacts within this tab. For more information about contact attributes, see the Contacts topic in this guide.


The Documents attribute allows administrators to upload and manage documents associated to the company. From this tab, administrators can create new documents, view existing documents, and delete documents.

The following columns display within the Documents tab:

Attribute Description
File Name Displays the file name of the document.
Description Displays a brief description of the document.
Date Created Displays the date in which the document was uploaded.

Creating and Managing Companies

From the Companies page, administrators can create a company, copy an existing company, edit an existing company, and delete companies.

ShowCreating a Company

To create a new company:

ShowCopying a Company

To copy a company:

ShowEditing a Company

To edit a company:

ShowDeleting a Company

To delete a company:



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