Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Letter History Screen

This screen displays all letters that have been generated for the account in context via a Send Letter workflow.

The Letter History screen contains a grid that displays the following information:

Column Name Description
Item Name Displays the name of the letter recipient.
Letter Description Displays the name of the letter.
Date Displays the date when the letter was generated.
User Displays the name of the user who generated the letter.

Displays the status of the letter. Statuses are defined as follows:

Status Description
Pending Indicates the letter has not yet been generated and the Send Letter workflow has not been completed.
Available Indicates the letter has been generated and the Send Letter workflow is complete. Letters with a status of "Available" can be viewed from this screen.

Indicates the letter has been archived by the Letters & Forms Archive process configured by the system administrator in System Management > Communication > Letters & Forms Archive. Letters that have been archived are still available for viewing.

For more information about the Letters & Forms Archive process, see the Letters & Forms Archive topic in the Administrator Guide.

Indicates the letter has been archived and removed by the Letters & Forms Archive process configured by the system administrator in System Management > Communication > Letters & Forms Archive. Letters that have been archived and removed are no longer available for viewing.

For more information about the Letters & Forms Archive process, see the Letters & Forms Archive topic in the Administrator Guide.

By default the most-recently created letter appears at the top of the list. Double-clicking on a letter history record opens a copy of the letter exactly how it appeared when it was generated.

Double-clicking on a letter history record that has been archived and removed returns a message indicating that the letter has been archived and cannot be viewed.

To print the screen, click Print.

The screen name, account number, and suffix are not included when the screen is printed.



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