The Loan Modification History screen displays a record of all changes made to the terms of the loan in context and enables users with appropriate permissions to perform the following functions:
- Create Loan Modifications
- Edit Loan Modifications
- Process Loan Modifications
- Delete Loan Modifications

Creating a Loan Modification
- Click the Create button. The New Loan Modification pop-up screen opens within the workspace.

- Enter Loan Modification data in the fields. Values in these fields display in the grid on the Loan Modification History screen.
- Additional fields are available by clicking the Additional Fields drop-down. These fields allow users to record additional information as it pertains to the Loan Modification.

- When finished, click Save or Save and Close to save the Loan Modification and return to the Loan Modification History screen.
Editing a Loan Modification
- Highlight the desired Loan Modification within the grid. Select Edit.
- The Edit Loan Modification screen appears.
- Make any necessary changes to fields within the screen.
- When finished, click Save or Save and Close to save the Loan Modification and return to the Loan Modification History screen.
A loan modification cannot be edited after it is processed. |
Processing a Loan Modification
- Highlight the desired Loan Modification within the grid. Select Process.
- A success message appears indicating the Loan Modification was processed.
- A comment stating the modification has been processed appears in Workflow History for the account.
Deleting a Loan Modification
- Highlight the desired Loan Modification within the grid. Select Delete.
- A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to delete the modification. Click No to return to the Loan Modification History screen without deleting.
A loan modification that has been processed can be deleted. |