Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide

Screens allow users to create, edit, and view account, and person information. The Screens page within System Management (System Management > Screens) provides a complete list of all screens within the Collections module. From this page administrators are able to manage existing screens and define new screens that optimize usability and reduce service time.

By default, the Screens page groups and sorts all screens according to type and displays information about each screen within the following columns:

Column Name Description
Name Displays the name of the screen.
Type Displays the type of the screen.
Description If provided, displays details about the screen.
System Displays a if the screen is system-defined.
Modified Denotes who made the last modification.
Modified Date Denotes the date and time of the last modification.

There are three categories of screens: System-Defined, Custom, and User-Defined.


Custom screens are coded by the financial institution, or by Temenos on behalf of the institution, and installed on the customer’s site.

Custom screens are not deployed in a Temenos Infinity general release.


System-Defined screens are pre-built by Temenos to provide out-of-the-box functionality and do not require (or allow) any configuration.

The content and description of System-Defined screens, such as the Ticket Screen, cannot be modified or deleted; however, users are able to change the name of the screen, add supporting instructions, and assign security groups.


A User-Defined screen is created by the customer within Screens.

The following topic provides an overview of Screen attributes and instructions for creating, copying, and editing a user-defined screen. 

Each time the details within a user-defined screen are saved during the create, copy, or edit process, a screen definition including the panel layout, fields, and Editability properties is stored in the database.

To ensure the security of the information in user-defined screens, a unique token is generated each time a manually created screen is saved in Temenos Infinity. During the save process, the token reviews the screen definition, and then reviews Editability to determine which fields are editable in the screen, and should be included in the token. Any fields from the screen definition that are not editable, or fields from the screen DTO that are not a part of the screen definition, are excluded from the token to ensure they are ignored during the save process, and prevented from being accessed in the screen.

This token does not consider any fields within Grid panels that support inline editing, and only reviews the panels and fields that appear in user defined screens. Additionally, if a field only appears in a panel configured to "Always Hide," the field is not included in the token generated when the screen is saved.

Listed below are the screen attributes and the actions that can be taken while managing screens in System Management:

Screen Attributes

All screens share common attributes that are defined when creating, copying, or editing a screen.

Certain attributes are not available for all screen types, if the attribute is not available it is disabled. For example, the Buttons attribute is not available for all screen types, hence the Buttons tab is disabled when the attribute is not available.


General attributes include the basic information pertaining to user-defined screens.

General attributes are located on the General tab:

Attribute Description
Type Denotes the type of screen being designed. For more information on screen types, see the Main Screens and Edit Screens sections of this guide.
Name Enter a unique name for the user-defined screen.
Column Enter the number of columns in which the panels display.
This value may not exceed four.

Hidden panels consume no space within a screen. If a screen is configured as one column, and contains a Hide Panel Interaction, panels shift up to consume the space of the hidden panel.

If a screen is configured to include multiple columns, and contains a Hide Panel Interaction, panels shift to the left to occupy the space of the hidden panels; however, the panels that appear in subsequent rows do not wrap up to occupy the space thus causing blank spaces in a screen.

Description Provide details about the purpose of the screen. The description is made available to administrators in the System Management > Screens page.
Instructions Enter instructions for users to complete the screen. When instructions are configured for the screen, an appears within the screen header. Clicking this icon displays the instructions to the user.
The instructions section may also include hyperlinks. By default, hyperlinks open within Temenos Infinity; however, hyperlinks can be configured to open in a new window. See Hyperlink Help below

ShowHyperlink Help

 To configure hyperlinks to open in a new window:

  • Click the Source Edit button (last one on the right) in the Instructions toolbar.

  • The text entered in the Instructions field displays in the HTML Code.

  • Locate the code that launches the hyperlink.

  • Enter the following line of code immediately after the URL:target=”_blank”

  • Save modifications to Instructions.

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Panels are added to user-defined screens to organize screen data into logical groupings. Panels can be used not only to display information, but also to provide the ability to gather data in the Workspace, Workflow, or Case. Panels are categorized as System-Defined or User-Defined.

System-Defined panels provide pre-configured functionality that cannot be modified.

User-Defined panels have various configurable attributes, such as the title and the number of columns displayed, as well as the specific fields that appear within the panel.

For each panel configured in the screen, an overview of the panel's General attributes are displayed in a grid on the Panels tab. Administrators can also add, edit, and delete panels from the Panels tab.

ShowPanel Types

The below table provides an overview of each panel type:

Panel Type Description Required Edit Screen Type Required Fields Can Have Multiple System Defined
Account Screen
Account A panel used to capture account information. X
Cash Flows A user-defined grid panel that displays all cash flows associated with the account in context. Post-Petition
Collaterals A grid panel used to view and edit account collaterals. Account Collateral
Credit Card Sub Records A grid panel used to view and edit credit card sub records. Account Credit Card Sub Record
Report A panel used to display a report. X X
Rich Text A panel used to display rich text messages to users, such as instructions. X
Cash Flow Details
Cash Flow Petition User-defined panel used to capture cash flow information.
Cash Flow Scheduled Payments User-defined grid used to view scheduled payments for a cash flow.
Cash Flow Transactions Grid panel used to view all transactions for a petition. X X
Rich Text A panel used to display rich text messages to users, such as instructions. X
Account Collateral Screen
Collaterals A panel used to capture account collaterals. Collateral Type X
Equity Analyses A grid panel used to view, add, and edit equity analyses. Permissions must be granted at the user level in order to create and edit equity analyses. For more information, please see the Equity Analysis Panel topic of the User Guide.
Insurances A grid panel used to view and edit account collateral insurances. Account Collateral Insurance
Liens A grid panel used to view and edit account collateral liens. Account Collateral Lien
Listings A grid panel used to view and edit case collateral listings. Account Collateral Lien
Offers A grid panel used to view and edit collateral offers. Account Collateral Offer
Sales A grid panel used to view and edit collateral sales. Account Collateral Sale
Taxes A grid panel used to view and edit collateral taxes. Account Collateral Tax
Valuations A grid panel used to view and edit collateral valuations. Account Collateral Valuation
Account Collateral Insurance Screen
Claims A grid panel used to view and edit insurance claims on a collateral. Account Collateral Insurance Claim
Insurances A panel used to capture insurances for a collateral.
Account Collateral Insurance Claim Screen
Claims A panel used to capture insurance claims on a collateral.
Account Collateral Lien Screen
Liens A panel used to capture Liens for a collateral.
Account Collateral Listing Screen
Listings A panel used to capture account collateral listings.
Account Collateral Offer Screen
Offers A panel used to capture account collateral offers.
Account Collateral Sale Screen
Sales A panel used to capture collateral sales.
Account Collateral Tax Screen
Taxes A panel used to capture collateral taxes.
Account Collateral Valuation Screen
Valuations A panel used to capture collateral valuations.
Account Credit Card Sub Record Screen
Credit Card Sub Record A panel used to capture account credit card sub records.
Case Screen
Bankruptcy Assets A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy assets. Case Bankruptcy Asset
Bankruptcy Claims A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy claims. Case Bankruptcy Claim
Bankruptcy Hearings A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy hearings. Case Bankruptcy Hearing
Bankruptcy Liabilities A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy liabilities. Case Bankruptcy Liability
Bankruptcy Parties A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy parties. Case Bankruptcy Party
Bankruptcy Payments A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy payments. Case Bankruptcy Payment
Bankruptcy Reaffirmations A grid panel used to view and edit case bankruptcy reaffirmations. Case Bankruptcy Reaffirmation
Case A panel used to capture case information. X
Foreclosure Notices A grid panel used to view and edit case foreclosure notices.
Foreclosure Publications A grid panel used to view and edit case foreclosure publications.
Foreclosure Trustee Sale Guarantees A grid panel used to view and edit case foreclosure trustee sale guarantees.
Legal Filings A grid panel used to view and edit case legal filings.
Legal Hearings A grid panel used to view and edit case legal hearings.
Legal Parties A grid panel used to view and edit case legal parties.
Legal Summons A grid panel used to view and edit case legal summons.
Parties A grid panel used to view and edit parties for a case.
Related Accounts A grid panel that allows users to view, add, and remove case account relationships.
Related Cases A grid panel that allows users to view, add, and remove case relationships.
Related Collaterals A grid panel that allows users to view and edit the collaterals for a case. Case Collateral
Related Persons A grid panel that allows users to view, add, and remove case person relationships.
REO Invoices A grid panel used to view and edit case REO invoices. Case REO Invoices
REO Rental Terms A grid panel used to view and edit case REO rental terms. Case REO Rental Terms
Report A panel used to display a report. X X
Repossession Assignments A grid panel used to view and edit case repossession assignments. Case Repossession Assignments
Repossession Conditions A grid panel used to view and edit case repossession conditions. Case Repossession Conditions
Repossession Locations A grid panel used to view and edit case repossession locations. Case Repossession Locations
Repossession Notices A grid panel used to view and edit case repossession notices. Case Repossession Notices
Rich Text A panel used to display rich text messages to users, such as instructions. X
Service Request A grid panel used to view and edit case service requests. Case Service Request
Case Bankruptcy Asset Screen
Assets A panel used to capture bankruptcy assets associated with a case.
Case Bankruptcy Claim Screen
Claims A panel used to capture claims for a case.
Case Bankruptcy Hearing Screen
Hearings A panel used to capture case bankruptcy hearing information.
Case Bankruptcy Liability Screen
Liabilities A panel used to capture case liabilities.
Case Bankruptcy Party Screen
Parties A panel used to capture parties associated with a bankruptcy case.
Case Bankruptcy Payment Screen
Payments A panel used to capture case payments.
Case Bankruptcy Reaffirmation Screen
Reaffirmations A panel used to capture case reaffirmations.
Case Collateral Screen
Collaterals A panel used to capture case collaterals. Collateral Type X
Insurances A grid panel used to view and edit case collateral insurances. Case Collateral Insurance
Equity Analyses A grid panel used to view, add, and edit equity analyses. Permissions must be granted at the user level in order to create and edit equity analyses. For more information, please see the Equity Analysis Panel topic of the User Guide.
Case Collateral Insurance Screen
Insurance A panel used to capture case collateral insurances.
Case Collateral Lien Screen
Lien A panel used to capture case collateral liens.
Case Collateral Listing Screen
Listings A panel used to capture case collateral listings.
Case Collateral Offer Screen
Offer A panel used to capture case collateral offers.
Case Collateral Sale Screen
Sale A panel used to capture collateral sales.
Case Collateral Tax Screen
Taxes A panel used to capture collateral taxes.
Case Collateral Valuation Screen
Valuations A panel used to capture collateral valuations.
Case Foreclosure Notice Screen
Notices A panel used to capture case foreclosure notices.
Case Foreclosure Publication Screen
Publications A panel used to capture case publications.
Case Foreclosure Trustee Sale Guarantee Screen
Trustee Sale Guarantee A panel used to capture case trustee sale guarantees.
Case Legal Filing Screen
Filings A panel used to capture case filings.
Case Legal Hearing Screen
Hearings A panel used to capture case hearings.
Case Legal Party Screen
Parties A panel used to capture parties associated with a case.
Case Legal Summon Screen
Summons A panel used to capture case summons.
Case REO Invoices Screen
Invoices A panel used to capture case invoices.
Case REO Rental Income Screen
Rental Incomes A panel used to capture rental incomes for a REO rental term.
Case REO Rental Terms Screen
Rental Incomes A grid panel used to view and edit case rental incomes Case REO Rental Income
Rental Terms A panel used to view and edit case rental terms.
Case Repossession Assignments Screen
Assignment A panel used to capture case assignments.
Case Repossession Conditions Screen
Conditions A panel used to capture case conditions.
Case Repossession Locations Screen
Location A panel used to capture case locations.
Case Repossession Notices Screen
Notices A panel used to capture case repossession notices.
Case Service Request Screen
Service Requests A panel used to capture case service requests.
Collateral Details Screen
Liens A grid panel used to view and edit case collateral liens. Case Collateral Lien
Listings A grid panel used to view and edit collateral listings. Case Collateral Listing
Sales A grid panel used to view and edit collateral sales. Case Collateral Sale
Taxes A grid panel used to view and edit collateral taxes. Case Collateral Tax
Valuations A grid panel used to view and edit collateral valuations. Case Collateral Valuation
Person Screen
Account A panel used to capture account information. X
Addresses A grid panel used to view all addresses associated with a person Person Address
Case A panel used to view case information. X
Email Addresses A grid panel used to view and edit a person’s email addresses. Person Email Address

A grid panel used to view and edit a person’s employers.

Person Employer
Financial Statements A grid panel used to view and edit a person’s financial statements.
Messages A panel used to display good, bad, warning, or information messages regarding the person in context. The messages within this panel are driven by Business Rules configured under the Presentation category in System Management > Collections > Rules Management. For more information regarding rule configuration for the Messages panel, please see Properties within the Panels section of this topic. X
Notepad A panel used to view and edit free-form comments.
Payrolls A grid panel used to view and edit a person’s payrolls. Person Payroll
Person A panel used to capture person information. X
Phones A grid panel used to view and edit a person’s phone numbers. Person Phone
Phone Classification History A grid panel used to view phone classification history information for the person in context. X
Promise History A panel used to view promise history information. Promises displayed may be edited, but not added. Promises are added by running a workflow and cannot be added directly through a screen. X
Related Accounts A grid panel used to view related accounts. If restricted persons are related to an account, the account does not display in the Related Accounts panel.
Related Cases A grid panel used to view cases related to a person. If restricted persons are related to a case the case does not display in the Related Cases panel. X
Related Loan Applications
The Loan Origination module must be active in order to access this panel.
A grid panel used to view loan applications related to a person, based on the person’s TIN in the Loan Origination module. X
Related Persons A grid panel used to view persons related to a person. If a person is restricted, they do not display in the Related Persons grid. X
Report A panel used to display a report. X X
W2’s A grid panel used to view and edit a person’s W2’s. Person W2
Workflow History A grid panel used to view workflow history. X
Person Address Screen
Person Address A panel used to capture person address information. Address Type X
Rich Text A panel used to display rich text messages to users, such as instructions. X
Person Email Address Screen
Email Addresses A panel used to capture person email address information. X
Person Employer Screen
Person Employer A panel used to capture a person’s employer information. X
Person Financial Statement Screen
Person Financial Statement A panel used to capture a person’s financial statement information. X
Person Payroll Screen
Person Payroll A panel used to capture a person's payroll information. X
Person Phone Screen
Person Phone A panel used to capture a person’s phone information. Phone Type X
Rich Text A panel used to display rich text messages to users, such as instructions. X
Person W2 Screen
Person W2 A panel used to capture a person’s W2 information. X
If a host has write-back capabilities, using a screen with the Change Address panel and Ticket Property fields of the Ticket panel can capture an address change in real-time.
Administrators are prevented from assigning multiple instances of the same grid-panel to a screen.

The following attributes can be defined while adding, copying, and/or editing panels:


General panel attributes allow administrators to edit the appearance of the panel as well as provide instructions to users.

Depending on the type of panel being configured, additional fields may appear within the General tab. Please see the table below for more information.

The General panel attributes are defined within the following fields on the General tab for each panel type:

Field Name Description
Title Enter the title assigned to the panel within the user-defined screen.

Select a value from the drop-down list to identify the report to populate within the Report panel. This drop-down includes a list of all system-defined and custom reports configured for the institution within the Reports page in the Ribbon Bar.

This field is only available within the Edit panel window when configuring the Report panel to appear in a screen.
Label Width

Enter the maximum number of pixels the label width is not to exceed. The lower the number, the more area available for entries in the associated fields.

Label Width defaults to 120 pixels and may not exceed 1000 pixels.


Enter the number of columns in which fields are organized.

At least one column must be added, but no more than four columns can be added to a panel.

Hidden fields consume no space within the panel. If a one-column panel is configured on a screen containing a Hide Field Interaction, fields shift up to consume the space of the hidden field.

If a multiple-column panel is configured on a screen containing a Hide Field Interaction, fields will shift to the left to occupy the space of the hidden fields; however, the fields that appear in subsequent rows do not wrap up to occupy the space, thus causing blank spaces in a panel.

Collapse By Default

Select the check box if this panel is to be collapsed by default.

This functionality is only applied to the panel when the screen is loaded for the first time in the workspace, or when the screen is loaded from the Screens tab in the Left Navigation Panel.
Always Hide

Select the check box if this panel is never to be displayed on a screen.

The Always Hide attribute facilitates Interactions functionality. If a panel is always hidden, the fields within the panel are available in the Interactions' condition and expression builder. For more information on the condition and expression builder, please refer to the Interactions section within this topic.
Group Name

If desired, enter the name of group that the panel is to be grouped in. All panels sharing the same Group Name are grouped into a tab layout. Users may select the tab to access the panel.

Group Name is case sensitive.
The location of the tab panel corresponds to the order of the panels in that group tab.
Column Span

Enter the number of columns a panel spans within a screen.

The value of this field cannot exceed four.
If a screen is configured to contain two columns and a panel is configured to span two columns, the panel will span the entire screen width. If a screen is configured to contain four columns and a panel is configured to span two columns, the panel will span half the screen width.
Maximum Height

Enter the maximum number of pixels the panel height may not exceed.

For grid panels, the default value is 200 pixels. If a grid contains a large number of records and the value of this field is blank or larger than 200, some records in the grid may be unreadable as no scroll bar is present.

If this value is set to over 500 pixels, an error is returned upon saving the panel indicating a value of 500 or less must be entered in this field. 

DQ Account Style

Click the  to determine the background color and style of text that displays in the row for each delinquent account in the Related Accounts panel.

This field is only available within the Edit panel window when configuring the Related Accounts panel to appear in a Person screen.

If no style is configured, the row for each delinquent account is displayed with a white background and black text, to align with all other accounts in the Related Accounts panel.

If a style is applied to one or more columns in the Related Accounts panel, the style configured in the Columns tab takes precedence over the style configured for Delinquent Accounts.

The Delinquent Indicator field must be configured as a column in the panel in order for the DQ Account Style configurations to be applied when the panel renders in the workspace.

Reference the section below for an overview of the style parameters that are available to set for delinquent accounts in the Related Accounts panel:

ShowDQ Account Style

To edit the style of delinquent accounts in the Related Accounts panel:

  • Click the  for the DQ Account Style parameter in the General tab.


  • Upon clicking ,  the Edit Row Style window appears:


  • Within the Edit window, define the following style parameters:

    Parameter Description
    Size Select a size for the field value text from the drop-down list. This parameter defaults to Auto, but can be changed to size 7 through 16.

    Select a color for the field value text from the drop-down list. This parameter defaults to Auto (black), but can be changed to one of the following:

    • Blue
    • Green
    • Red
    • Orange
    Background Color

    Select a background color for the panel row from the drop-down list. This parameter defaults to Auto (black), but can be changed to one of the following:

    • Blue
    • Green
    • Red
    • Orange
    Bold Select this check box to bold the field value text.
    Italic Select this check box to italicize the field value text.
    Advanced (CSS) Enter CSS code to define the field value style attributes. The CSS code entered in this text box overrides any other value style attributes selected within the window.

    The "Sample" text in this box changes dynamically as style attributes are selected to provide a preview of how the text appears on the screen. For example:


    This box cannot be edited.

  • When all parameters are defined, click  to retain the style configurations, and return to the General tab.

  • The Sample text for the DQ Account Style parameter updates to display the configured style attributes, as shown in the below example:

Instructions Enter a Rich Text set of instructions to assist users complete the panel.
The instructions section may also include hyperlinks. By default, hyperlinks open within Temenos Infinity; however, hyperlinks may be configured to open in a new window. For more information on configuring hyperlinks to open in a new window, see Hyperlink Help.

It is recommended to consider the following tips when configuring fields to appear in screen panels:

  • When a collateral is being added, a value is required for Collateral Type; therefore, it is recommended to add the Collateral Type field as required on the following panels:
    • Collaterals panel on an Account Collateral screen (Account > Collaterals > Collateral Type).
    • Account panel on a Person screen (Person > Account > Collaterals > Collateral Type).

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A field is a data element stored in the database, which corresponds to a record type compatible with the selected panel type. Fields can be added to a panel, on the Fields tab, while configuring a screen to allow users to view and change data. For example, a contact panel on a person screen is configured to include a phone number field, which allows users to view and change the phone number.

Field attributes provide administrators with the ability to configure the panel content and style by taking the following actions while adding a panel:

Button Description

Enables users to select the fields to be added to the panel from the field list.

A field may be added to a screen multiple times, within separate panels. When a field exists on a screen more than once, all instances of the field is synchronized. For example, if the Membership Start Date field exists three times on a screen and a user updates the first instance of the field, the other two instances of the field update to reflect the new value.

If a field exists on a screen more than once, only once instance of the field may be saved/posted at once. If a field appears more than once on a screen, and both instances are updated, a server error occurs. For example, if the First Name field exists on a screen twice, and the user updates both instances of the field, an error is received during the save process.
Enables users to add spacer fields to the panel. Spacer fields help organize and align fields into logical groupings.
Enables users to add text fields to the panel. Text fields help organize panels into logical groupings by serving as headings within a panel. Text fields display information in bold font.
Enables users to add a blank line that spans the width of a panel. Line fields help organize fields into logical groupings.
The Fields attributes are only available when a user-defined panel is being created. If the Fields tab is available, at least one field must be assigned to the panel. For more information on user-defined panels and the screens that support them, please see the list of available Panel Types.

The Field attributes are defined within the fields grid:  

Attribute Description
Field A read-only column that displays the field selected.

Enter the title of the field to be displayed within the user-defined panel/screen.

This attribute accepts up to 500 characters.

Select this check box if the field must be completed in order to continue. Required fields display a  to the left of the field label and must be completed in order to save the screen.

Marking fields as Required enables institutions to enforce the input of a value occur and prevents blank records from being saved.

Recommended Select this check box if the completion of a field is suggested. Recommended fields display a  to the left of the field label which indicates to the user that a value, if available, should be entered in the field before saving the screen. Although the screen can be saved if recommended fields are left blank, this functionality can be beneficial in ensuring all information is obtained.
Read-Only Select this check box to restrict the user from editing the value contained within the field.
Col. Span Enter the number of columns the field spans within a panel.
The value of this field may not exceed four.
Text Lines Enter the number of lines the field and its corresponding entry encompass.
Edit Style

Click  to open the Edit Style window where the Label and Value text for each field can be edited. Reference the section below for an overview of the style parameters that are available to set for panel fields:

ShowEdit Style

The  icon within the Edit Style column provides administrators with the ability to define Label Style and Value Style attributes for a field.  

Clicking  opens the Edit Style window:

The following Style attributes are defined within the Edit Style window:

Field Description
Size Select a size for the label and value text. Auto or size 7 through 16 can be selected.
Color Select a color for the label and value text. Auto (black), Blue, Green, Red or Orange can be selected.
Bold Select this checkbox to bold the label and value text.
Italic Select this checkbox to italicize the label and value text.
Advanced (CSS) Enter CSS code to define the label style and value style attributes. CSS code entered in this text box overrides any other Label or Value style attributes chosen.
Sample The "Sample" text in this box changes dynamically as style attributes are chosen to provide a preview of what the text will look like on a screen. This box cannot be edited.

Upon saving the style attributes, samples of the Label Style and Value Style are displayed within the grid.

Label Style A non-editable column that allows the administrator to preview the Label text style defined in the Edit Style window.
Value Style A non-editable column that allows the administrator to preview the Value text style defined in the Edit Style window.

Select the format to be applied to a date field in the panel. This field defaults to a format of m/d/y for all date fields, but can be changed to a format of m/y using the drop-down list.

This column only applies to fields with a DATE data type in the database. A blank value populates within this column for all non-date fields, as well as all date fields with a data type of DATETIME, CLIENTDATE or CLIENTDATETIME.

If set to m/d/y, users are able to select a month, day, and year for the field, and the date populates in the following format: 11/02/2017.

When set to m/y, users are only able to select a month and year for the field, and the date populates as follows: 11/2017.

Reference the following section for an overview of how these date formats appear in an application:

ShowDate Formats in Workspace Screens

If a date field is set to a format of m/d/y, when the field is selected in a screen, users are able to select a date from the following calendar:

When set to a format of m/y, the following calendar appears to allow users to select only the month and year for the field value:

To see these date formats in action, watch the following video:


Date field values are saved in a m/d/y format in the database; therefore, if a date field is assigned a format of m/y, the value of the day is automatically set to the first day of the month in the database. For example, a date of 06/2015 is saved as 06/01/2015 in the database.

When fields are imported, and the date format of the field is set to m/y, the date is displayed in m/y format in the panel, but the actual value of the day is saved in the database.  For example, if a field value is 07/16/2017, when the field is imported, the value is displayed as 07/2017 in Temenos Infinity, but is saved as 07/16/2017 in the database. If the field value is modified in Temenos Infinity, the value of the day is updated to the first day of the month in the database (ie. 07/01/2017).


An editable column that allows the administrator to enter a description or directions for each field added to a panel. Click  to open the Tooltip window where text can be entered to provide information about the field in the screen.


Reference the following section for an overview of the Tooltip window:


Upon clicking  the Tooltip window opens. In this window, define the text to appear for the field.

Once the desired text has been entered, click .

The following list provides an overview of information to consider when configuring a tooltip:

  • A tooltip may consist of up to 300 characters.
  • Double quotes (") should not be used in a tooltip. If desired, use single quotes (') to highlight text in the tooltip message.

When a tooltip is configured for a field, a  displays next to the field label in the screen. Click  to reveal the tooltip.


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Edit Screens

Edit Screens provide the ability to edit a record displayed in a grid panel, as well as to view additional detail information not displayed in the panel. This feature allows an institution to only display key information in a panel to reduce scrolling while but still provide the ability to view and edit all pertinent information on a record by double-clicking a grid record.

Edit Screen attributes allow an administrator to select the screen that opens when an end-user double-clicks a record within the grid panel to view more information, update information, or add a new record.

The below Edit Screen attributes are defined within the grid that displays in the Edit Screens tab:

Attribute Description
Screen Type A read-only attribute that displays the screen type available to be selected as the Edit Screen.
Screen Select the Edit Screen that opens when an end-user adds or updates information within the panel. This drop-down only displays screens matching the screen type associated with the panel.
The Edit Screen attribute is only available for grid panels. For more information about grid panels and the screens that support them, please see the list of available Panel Types.

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Column attributes enable administrators to customize the columns that appear within the grid panel.

The below Column attributes are defined within the Columns tab:

Attribute Description
Field A read-only attribute that displays the column selected.
Header Enter the title of the column to be displayed within the user-defined panel/screen.
Width Select the default pixel width of the column.

Select the check box if this column is never to be displayed within the panel.

The Hide attribute facilitates Interactions functionality. If a column is always hidden, the column is available in the Interactions' condition and expression builder. For more information on the condition and expression builder, please refer to the Interactions section within this topic.
At least one column must be visible in the panel.

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Property attributes only display when configuring Account, Case, and Messages panels on Person screens.

Property attributes for a panel are defined within the Properties tab. The appearance and behavior of this tab differs by panel type. Depending on the panel being configured, this tab may provide system administrators with the ability to determine the visibility of the panel for a specific account type

The following table provides an overview of each panel that supports the properties attribute, including a description of the functionality configured within the Properties tab for each panel, and example of how the tab appears for the panel:

Panel Properties Configuration Example
Account Allows administrators to assign account types configured in System Management > Account Types to the panel.
Case Allows administrators to assign case types configured in System Management > Collections > Case Types to the panel.

Allows administrators to assign rules to the panel. The rules assigned to the message panel execute when the screen is opened or refreshed. If the assigned rules result in displaying content, the content displays within the panel.

In order to assign rules to the Messages Panel, the ability to author Business Rules must be enabled for the financial institution. For more information about Rules, please see the Rules Management section of this guide.


Related Accounts

Allows administrators to configure the following parameter, which determine how related accounts display by default in the Related Accounts panel:


Parameter Description
Related Accounts Filter Default

Allows the administrator to select the default filter that is applied to the Related Accounts panel. Within this drop-down list, users are able to select the following options:

  • All Accounts
  • Open
  • Open Liable
  • Delinquent
  • Delinquent Liable
  • Closed
By default, this parameter is set to Open.
Sorting Option 1

Allows the administrator to sort the grid based on a field that has been configured in the Columns tab.

If no fields have been configured within the Columns tab, no options are available in this drop-down list.

Once a field is selected, the administrator is able to determine whether the grid is sorted in Ascending or Descending order.

By default, the sorting option is set to Descending.
Sorting Option 2

Allows the administrator to select a secondary sorting option that is based on a field that has been configured in the Columns tab.

This parameter is disabled if a selection has not been made in Sorting Option 1.
The field selected in Sorting Option 1 is not an available option within this parameter.


Institutions are not required to identify a Sorting Option.

Report Parameters

Report Parameter attributes only display when configuring Report panels on Account, Case, and Person screens. Report parameter attributes for a panel are defined on the Report Parameters tab.

The Report Parameters tab allows administrators to define the fields that are used as the default report criteria. Assigning parameter fields when creating the panel provides the ability for administrators to determine the account, case, and person fields from which report data is pulled and eliminates the need for users to manually select parameters at runtime.

For example, the User ID parameter can be defined for the Promises To Pay (Person) report. Upon selection, the administrator is able to choose the field in which the User ID is stored at the Account > Promise level on the account. When the panel and report renders in the workspace, the data displayed in the report would default to include the value in the selected field for the person/account in context.

Defining parameter fields is optional. If parameter fields are not defined, the parameters are presented to the user for selection when the panel and report is rendered in the workspace.
The parameters populate within the Report Parameters tab based on the report selected for the panel within the General tab. 
To ensure the entire report is displayed in the panel when rendered in the workspace, set the Maximum Height to 1500 on the panel's General tab.


When a field is double-clicked, the Field Selector closes automatically. When selecting a field and clicking , the Field Selector must be closed manually by clicking .

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The Buttons attribute is available when configuring attributes for Case screen types.

Buttons provide the ability to perform an action directly within a screen. Button attributes enable administrators to add and delete screen buttons, as well as customize the button label that appears within the screen.

The following Button attributes are defined on the Buttons tab:

Attribute Description
Button Displays the name of the Button. This attribute is read-only.
Label Enter the button label to appear within the application. To add a custom label, click within the Label column of the corresponding button and add custom text.

ShowAvailable Buttons

The below table provides an overview of the buttons that are available for each screen type.

Button Description
Finalize Recovery Account Provides the ability to end the life cycle of a recovery account. Clicking this button performs validations to confirm that the sum of the recovery ledger balances equals zero and that the recovery account does not have any component balances with a fractional amount below a penny. If the recovery account passes the validations, the Recovered Date is set to today's date.
Case Screens
Change Stage Provides the ability to change the stage of a case. Clicking this button displays a Change Stage window that allows a user to select the desired Case Stage from a drop-down.
Values in the drop-down are configured in the CASE_STAGE lookup defined in System Management > Field Configurations.
Change Status Provides the ability to maintain the status of a case. Clicking this button displays a Change Status window that allows a user to select the desired Case Status from a drop-down.
Values in the drop-down are configured in the CASE_STATUS lookup defined in System Management > Field Configurations.

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This tab is only displayed for screens of the following screen types:
  • Account
  • Account Credit Card Sub Record
  • Account Collateral
  • Case
  • Case Collateral
  • Person
  • Person Address
  • Person Email Address
  • Person Phone

Validation Rules can be assigned to a screen to present a message to the user. Upon adding or modifying data within the screen in the workspace and clicking , these rules automatically execute to perform the desired action. 

Rule attributes enable administrators to select Validation Rules from a list and assign them to the screen.

The following Rule attributes are defined within the Rules tab:

Attribute Description
Available Displays a list of all Validation Rules configured in System Management > Collections > Rules Management. To assign a Validation Rule to the screen, select a rule from the list and move it to the Assigned box using the arrows that display.
Assigned Displays a list of the Validation Rules assigned to the screen. The assigned Validation Rules execute when  is clicked after data is added or modified within the screen in the workspace.

ShowRule Configuration

In order to assign rules to a screen, the ability to author Business Rules must be enabled for the institution. For more information about how to enable this functionality, please contact a Temenos Customer Care Representative.

Validation Rules are configured in System Management > Collections > Rules Management. The following table provides an example of a validation rule that can be configured to execute within a screen:

Action Template What it Does
Display a Warning Message Displays a warning message to the user.

For more information on Validation Rules and other Rule Categories, please see the Getting Started with Rules Management topic within this guide.

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Account Types

Account Types allow administrators to assign screens to specific account types. The screen is only available if the account in context is an account type that is assigned to the screen.

For more information about accounts in context, please see the Overview Screen section in the Workspace topic in the user guide.

The Account Type attribute is defined on the Account Type tab:

Attribute Description
Available Displays a list of all the Account Types configured in System Management > Account Types. Assign access to the panel by selecting the desired account type(s) from the list and moving the account type(s) to the Assigned Account Type list using the arrows that are displayed.
Assigned Displays a list of all Account Types that have been assigned to the screen.

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Case Types

Case types allow administrators to assign screens to be available within specific case types.

Case types attributes are only available while creating Case screens.

The Case Type attribute is defined on the Case Type tab:

Attribute Description
Available Displays a list of all the Case Types configured in System Management > Case Types. Assign access to the panel by selecting the desired case type(s) from the list and moving the case type(s) to the Assigned Case Type list using the arrows that are displayed.
Assigned Displays a list of all Case Types that have been assigned to the screen.

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The Areas attribute allows administrators to assign the areas in which a screen is available. If the screen is not assigned to an area, users will not be able to utilize the screen while working in that area.

The Area attribute is defined on the Areas tab:

Attribute Description
Available Displays a list of all the Areas configured in System Management > Areas. Assign access to the screen by selecting the desired area(s) from the list and moving the area(s) to the Assigned Areas list using the arrows that are displayed.
Assigned Displays a list of all Areas that have been assigned to the screen.

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Security attributes allow administrators to assign the user-defined screen to specific Users and Security Groups.

Security attributes are located within the Security Tab:

Attribute Description
Available Displays a list of all Users configured in System Management > Users and all Security Groups created in System Management > Groups > Security Groups. Assign access to the screen by selecting the desired user(s) and group(s) from the list and moving the name(s) to the Assigned Users/Groups boxes using the arrows that display.
Assigned Displays a list of the Users and Groups assigned access to the screen. Once the screen is saved, it is accessible to the assigned Users and Groups.

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Interactions provide the ability to configure the conditions in which a screen's fields and panels are hidden from the workspace. This configuration allows institutions to ensure that only relevant fields and panels are displayed in the workspace.

Screen interactions are maintained using the following action buttons:

Button Description

Allows the administrator to create a new Interaction. Clicking  displays a drop-down list , which allows the administrator choose from the following Interaction Types:


Interaction Type Description
Hide Field

Allows the administrator to determine the conditions is which a field is hidden on a panel.

ShowCondition Logic

Each Hide Field interaction must contain the following components:

  • A field to be hidden
  • At least one group of conditions
  • At least one condition in each group
Hide Panel

Allows the administrator to determine the conditions is which a panel is hidden on a screen.

ShowCondition Logic

Each Hide Panel interaction must contain the following components:

  • A panel to be hidden
  • At least one group of conditions
  • At least one condition in each group
Hide Row

Allows the administrator to determine the conditions in which a row is hidden within a user-defined grid panel.

ShowCondition Logic

Each Hide Row interaction must contain the following components:

  • A panel to be evaluated for hide conditions.
  • At least one group of conditions
  • At least one condition in each group

Every row within the selected panel is evaluated by the Hide Row conditions. When the condition is True, the row is hidden.

When a grid row is edited using an edit screen, the grid is refreshed when the user saves the screen. If an end user changes a value that causes the row to be hidden, the grid refreshes and the row is not visible. Additionally, a user may create a new item that does not display within the grid, because a value that causes the row to be hidden may have been set by the user during its creation. 

The Related Accounts and Related Tickets panels do not support Hide Row interactions.
If a Hide Row interaction exists on an Addresses, Emails, or Phones panel, the interaction takes precedence over the Hide Duplicates filter.
Field Validation

Allows administrators to determine the conditions in which the value entered in a field is invalid.

ShowCondition Logic

Each Field Validation interaction must contain the following components:

  • A field to be validated
  • At least one group of conditions
  • At least one condition in each group

A validation message is not required; however, it is recommended as the message provides end users useful information, when the field's value is invalid.

Validation occurs in real-time and does not require  or  to be clicked.
Allows the administrator to copy an existing Interaction.
Allows the administrator to edit an existing Interaction.
Allows the administrator to delete an existing Interaction.

The following attributes are defined within the grid that displays in the Interactions tab:

All interactions for a screen are grouped together by type. Users are able to expand a grouping by clicking  and collapse a grouping by clicking .

Attribute Description
Type Identifies whether the interaction Type is Hide Field, Hide Panel, Hide Row, or Field Validation.

The value within the Panel attribute is determined by the interaction Type:

  • For Hide Field interactions, the Panel attribute indicates the name of the panel that contains the field to be hidden.
  • For Hide Panel interactions, the Panel attribute indicates the panel to be hidden.
  • For Hide Row interactions, the Panel attribute indicates the name of the panel to be evaluated for hide conditions.
  • For Validate Field interactions, the Panel attribute indicates the panel where the field being validated is located.

The value within the Field attribute is determined by the interaction Type: 

  • For Hide Field interactions, the Field attribute indicates the field to be hidden.
  • For Hide Panel interactions, the Field attribute is blank.
  • For Hide Row interactions, the Field attribute is blank.
  • For Validate Field interactions, the Field attribute indicates the field being validated.
Description Indicates the Interaction condition(s).

To access the condition and expression builder, click , or . Within the condition and expression builder, administrators are able to identify the field or panel to be hidden as well as the condition(s) that must be met for the interaction to occur. 

Upon clicking , administrators are prompted to:

Click on the desired field/panel/row to advance to the condition and expression builder.

If editing an existing interaction, administrators bypass the field/panel selection and are taken directly to the condition and expression builder.

The fields that populate in the Choose a Field window are limited to the fields that appear within user-defined panels, which are assigned to the screen.

The panels that populate in the Choose a Panel window are limited to the panels assigned to the screen.

In the condition and expression builder, administrators may define one or more groups that may contain multiple conditions. If an interaction contains multiple groups, each group may be linked with an AND/OR relationship. Click  to begin authoring the hide condition(s). Once clicked, a new group is added to the Interactions pop-up window.


A group is a group of conditions, and at least one group must be defined for an interaction. Each group contains one or more condition, and administrators can define one or more groups that may contain multiple conditions. If an interaction contains multiple groups, each group may be linked with an AND/OR relationship.

A screen interaction may contain an unlimited number of groups, and each group may contain an unlimited number of conditions.

Click  to begin authoring the hide condition(s). Once clicked, a new group is added to the Interactions pop-up window.

When creating a new interaction, one group is automatically added.

Within each group, administrators are able to perform the following actions: 

Action Description

Allows administrators to add an interaction condition to the group. Upon clicking this button, a new condition is added to the group. When a new condition is added, the first field available in the screen populates in the left expression. Click on the left expression to open the field and function menu.


If a group contains multiple conditions, each condition may be linked with an AND/OR relationship. By default, the relationship is set to an AND relationship. Click on the AND to change it to OR.

Allows administrators to delete a condition from the group. Upon clicking this button, the condition is removed from the group.


Each condition is comprised of two expressions (a left and a right) that are linked by a relationship operator.


An expression is a calculation that returns a single value. Each expression can be comprised of one or more tokens, which may include a mixture of manually entered data, operators, fields, and functions. The following example contains seven tokens:

When building an expression, the following navigation capabilities are available: 

Additionally, the following keys are supported for data entry:

Keys Description
Letters All upper and lowercase letters from A to Z
Numbers All numbers 0-9
Space The space bar
( Begin grouping
) End grouping
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
\ Forward slash
. Period or decimal
= Equal sign
! Exclamation
@ At symbol
# Number sign, pound sign, hashtag
$ Dollar sign
% Percent
^ caret
& And symbol, ampersand
, Comma
< Less than
> Greater than
? Question mark

Expressions are validated as they are authored. Invalid tokens are highlighted in red, and the errors are indicated in a tooltip when the cursor hovers over the exception.

ShowList of Validation Error Messages

  • The first token must be text, field, function or open parenthesis.
  • The last token must be text, field, function or close parenthesis.
  • The number of open parentheses must match the number of close parentheses.
  • Text must be followed by operator, close parenthesis.
  • Field must followed by operator, close parenthesis.
  • Function must be followed by operator, close parenthesis.
  • Operator must be followed by text, field, function, open parenthesis.
  • Open Parenthesis must be followed by text, field, function, open parenthesis.
  • Close Parenthesis must be followed by operator, close parenthesis.


When authoring an expression, administrators may select a field from the left side of the Field and Function menu. The fields available within this list are limited to those that are assigned to the screen.

The Field and Function menu is accessed by pressing the equal sign (=) on the keyboard within a blank token, or clicking on an existing field or function in a token.


A Function is a token that uses one or more inputs to produce a single value. The following functions appear on the right side of the Field and Function menu:


Upon selecting a function, the corresponding pop-up window opens. Within the function pop-up window, administrators are able to set the inputs to the desired values.

The Today function does not require additional inputs to be configured; therefore, a pop-up window does not open.

Review the following table for an overview of the functions available within the condition and expression builder:

Function Name Description Function Logic and Inputs Function

Returns true or false, given whether the field contains the entered characters.

To return true, the entered characters must exist in the field exactly as typed (case sensitivity is ignored).

Contains (b) within (a)

a. Field

b. Characters

When the Contains function window displays, the Choose Field drop-down defaults to the first field in the list, and does not automatically populate with the field for the condition. The field for the condition must be selected from the drop-down list.

Left Returns the left-most characters.

The left (b) characters of (a)

a. Field

b. Number of characters

Middle Returns a portion of the string with a given starting point and length.

The middle (c) characters of (a), starting with.

a. Field

b. Start

c. Length

Right Returns the right-most characters.

The right (b) characters of (a)

a. Field

b. Number of characters

Display of Lookup Returns the display of the lookup field. Choose the lookup field.
Number of Characters Returns the number of characters in the given field.

The number of characters in (a).

a. Field

Today Returns today’s date.


The Today function does not require any inputs to be configured; therefore, a pop-up window does not open.

Date Modifier Returns a new date after applying modifiers to the original date. For example: Today minus 2 months, or BirthDate plus 18 years.


a. Field or Today

b. + or -

c. Value

d. Month, Day, Year

Date Part Returns an integer representing a part of a given date (month, day, or year). For example: The month of 4/1/77 is 4.

The (b) of (a)

a. Field/Today

b. Month, Day, Year

Short Date Returns the selected short date format of the date field. Choose the date field.

Choose the format:                                
  • MM/DD/YY
  • YY/MM/DD

Long Date Returns the long date format of the selected date field. Choose the date field.
Money Returns the money format of the selected field. Choose the field.
Decimal Returns the decimal format of the selected field. Choose the field.

Enter the number of decimal places.

When a calculated field requires formatting, an empty field must be created to hold the calculated value, and the formatting needs to be applied to the empty field.

In addition to setting the inputs, administrators are able to perform the following actions:

Action Description
Update Saves the selections made in the function's pop-up window, and returns the administrator to the condition and expression builder.
Functions Closes the function's pop-up window, discards all selections, and returns the administrator to the field and function menu.
Cancel Closes the function's pop-up window, discards all selections, and returns the administrator to the condition and expression builder.
Relationship operators

The relationship operators available in a condition are based on the left expression's data type. For example, in the following image, the left expression is a date field and operators available are limited accordingly.

Refer to the following matrix for an overview of the relationship operators available with each data type:


Data Type

Booleans Dates Strings Lookups Numerics
Is equal to

Is not equal to

Is greater than

Is greater than or equal to

Is after

Is on or after

Is less than

Is less than or equal to

Is before

Is on or before

Is blank

Is not blank

Is between

Reference the following list for an overview of information to consider for specific interactions and/or functions:

  • When authoring conditions that use a lookup field, administrators are able to select multiple options within the pop-up window. Click each value to be included in the condition. Once selected, a check mark appears next to the item
  • Hidden panels consume no space within a screen. If a screen is configured as one column, and contains a Hide Panel Interaction, panels shift up to consume the space of the hidden panel. If a screen is configured to include multiple columns, and contains a Hide Panel Interaction, panels shift to the left to occupy the space of the hidden panels; however, the panels that appear in subsequent rows do not wrap up to occupy the space, thus causing blank spaces in a screen.
  • Hidden fields consume no space within a panel. If a one-column panel is configured on a screen containing a Hide Field Interaction, fields shift up to consume the space of the hidden field. If a multiple-column panel is configured on a screen containing a Hide Field Interaction, fields shift to the left to occupy the space of the hidden fields; however, the fields that appear in subsequent rows do not wrap up to occupy the space, thus causing blank spaces in a panel.
  • When creating a Calculate Field interaction, the condition identifies when the field should be calculated. If the condition is true, the field is calculated. If the field should always be calculated, do not include a condition.
  • If the Is Equal To or Is Not Equal To operators are used in a condition that includes a Number of Characters string function, the system automatically evaluates the defined value as a number.
  • Though the Is Blank and Is Not Blank operators are available for a Number of Characters string function, the operators are not applicable when using the Number of Characters function to evaluate a text field. If a text field is NULL, the count of characters returns as "0," rather than NULL.

Validation Message

A Validation Message is a message that displays to the end user, if the value entered in the field does not meet the conditions identified in the Validate Field interaction.

The Validation Message section within the condition and expression builder only displays for Validate Field interaction types.


Click the mouse within the message text box or press the Tab button to select the Message text box.

Click  to remove the clear the validation message currently entered within the text box.

For more information on creating Interactions, please see the How to Create Screen Interactions topic.

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Creating a Screen

The Create function enables administrators to define the structure of a user-defined screen. This function provides the ability to configure and customize all screen and panel attributes to meet an institution's needs.

To design a user-defined screen, navigate to System Management > Screens and click .

A Select Screen Type window appears.

The Screen types available within the selection window are both Main Screens and Edit Screens.

ShowMain Screens

Main Screens are screens used to collect account, case, and person information within a variety of user-defined panels.

The following screen types are classified as main screens: 

Screen Description Available Panels
Account Screen type used to view and capture Account, Collateral, and Credit Card Sub Record information.
  • Account
  • Collaterals
  • Credit Card Sub Records
  • Report 
  • Rich Text
Case Screen type used to view and capture case information such as bankruptcies, collaterals, foreclosures, legal matters, and repossessions.
  • Bankruptcy Assets
  • Bankruptcy Claims
  • Bankruptcy Hearings
  • Bankruptcy Liabilities
  • Bankruptcy Parties
  • Bankruptcy Payments
  • Bankruptcy Reaffirmations
  • Case
  • Foreclosure Notices                            
  • Foreclosure Publications
  • Foreclosure Trustee Sale Guarantees
  • Legal Filings
  • Legal Hearings
  • Legal Parties
  • Legal Summons
  • Parties
  • Primary
  • Related Accounts
  • Related Cases
  • Related Collaterals
  • Related Persons
  • REO Invoices
  • REO Rental Terms
  • Report
  • Repossession Assignments
  • Repossession Conditions
  • Repossession Locations
  • Repossession Notices
  • Repossession Repairs
  • Rich Text
  • Service Request

Screen type used to view and capture person information such as addresses, employers, payrolls, phone numbers, and promises.

The Person screen type is typically used as an Overview screen in the Workspace.
  • Account
  • Addresses
  • Case
  • Email Addresses
  • Employers
  • Financial Statements
  • Messages
  • Notepad
  • Payrolls
  • Person
  • Phone Classification History
  • Phones
  • Promise History
  • Related Accounts
  • Related Cases
  • Related Loan Applications
  • Related Persons
  • Report
  • W2s
Custom Workflow fields can be added to any Person, Account, or Case screen. However, if the screen to which these fields are assigned is accessed outside of a workflow, the custom workflow fields are dimmed and unavailable.
If address, phone and email panels are included in an Overview screen or top area of the workspace, information in these panels cannot be edited as they are read-only.

ShowEdit Screens

Edit Screens are used to collect information for grid panels. When adding or editing information in a grid panel, an edit screen is used. Unlike main screens, edit screens are tied to panels and can only be accessed via the associated panels.

For information about the panels associated with Edit Screens, refer to the Panels Type section within this topic.

The following screen types are classified as Edit screens:

Screen Description Available Panels
Account Collateral Screen type used to capture Account Collateral information, such as insurance, liens, taxes, and valuations.
  • Collaterals
  • Insurances
  • Liens
  • Listings
  • Offers
  • Sales
  • Taxes
  • Valuations
Account Collateral Insurance Screen type used to capture insurance information for account collateral. Insurances
Account Collateral Insurance Claim Screen type used to capture collateral insurance claim information. Claims
Account Collateral Lien Screen type used to capture lien information for account collateral. Liens
Account Collateral Listing Screen type used to capture listing information for account collateral. Listings
Account Collateral Offer Screen type used to capture offer information for account collateral. Offers
Account Collateral Sale Screen type used to capture sale information for account collateral. Sales
Account Collateral Tax Screen type used to capture tax information for account collateral. Taxes
Account Collateral Valuation Screen type used to capture valuation information for account collateral. Valuations
Account Credit Card Sub Record Screen typed used to capture Credit Card Sub Record information. Credit Card Sub Record
Case Bankruptcy Assets Screen type used to capture asset information for bankruptcy cases. Assets
Case Bankruptcy Claims Screen type used to capture claim information for bankruptcy cases. Claims
Case Bankruptcy Hearings Screen type used to capture hearing information for bankruptcy cases. Hearings
Case Bankruptcy Liabilities Screen type used to capture liability information for bankruptcy cases. Liabilities
Case Bankruptcy Parties Screen type used to capture information regarding the parties for bankruptcy cases. Parties
Case Bankruptcy Payments Screen type used to capture payments information for bankruptcy cases. Payments
Case Bankruptcy Reaffirmations Screen type used to capture bankruptcy case reaffirmations. Reaffirmations
Case Collateral Screen type used to capture Case Collateral information, such as insurance, liens, taxes, and valuations.
  • Collaterals
  • Insurances
  • Liens
  • Listings
  • Offers
  • Sales
  • Taxes
  • Valuations
Case Collateral Insurance Screen type used to capture insurance information for case collateral. Insurances
Case Collateral Insurance Claim Screen type used to capture insurance claim information for case collateral. Claims
Case Collateral Lien Screen type used to capture lien information for case collateral. Liens
Case Collateral Listing Screen type used to capture listing information for case collateral. Listings
Case Collateral Offer Screen type used to capture offer information for case collateral. Offers
Case Collateral Sale Screen type used to capture sale information for case collateral. Sales
Case Collateral Tax Screen type used to capture tax information for case collateral. Taxes
Case Collateral Valuation Screen type used to capture valuation information for case collateral. Valuations
Case Foreclosure Notice Screen type used to capture case foreclosure notices. Notices
Case Foreclosure Publication Screen type used to capture foreclosure publication information for cases. Publications
Case Foreclosure Trustee Sale Guarantee Screen type used to capture Trustee Sale Guarantee information for cases. Trustee Sale Guarantees
Case Legal Filing Screen type used to capture legal filing information for cases. Filings
Case Legal Hearing Screen type used to capture legal hearing information for cases. Hearings
Case Legal Party Screen type used to capture information regarding the legal parties involved in cases. Parties
Case Legal Summon Screen type used to capture legal summons information for cases. Summons
Case Party Screen type used to capture information regarding the parties involved in cases. Party
Case REO Invoices Screen type used to capture real estate owned invoice information for cases. Invoices
Case REO Rental Income Screen type used to capture real estate owned rental income information for cases. Rental Incomes
Case REO Rental Terms Screen type used to capture real estate owned rental term information for cases. Rental Terms
Case Repossession Assignments Screen type used to capture repossession assignment information for cases. Assignments
Case Repossession Conditions Screen type used to capture repossession condition information for cases. Conditions
Case Repossession Locations Screen type used to capture repossession location information for cases. Locations
Case Repossession Notices Screen type used to capture repossession notice information for cases. Notices
Case Repossession Repairs Screen type used to capture repossession repair information for cases. Repairs
Case Service Request Screen type used to capture service request information for cases. Service Requests
Person Address Screen type used to capture address information for persons.
  • Person Address
  • Rich Text
Person Email Address Screen type used to email address information for persons. Person Email Address
Person Employer Screen type used to capture employer information for persons. Person Employer
Person Financial Statement Screen type used to capture financial statement information for persons. Person Financial Statement
Person Payroll Screen type used to capture payroll information for persons. Person Payroll
Person Phone Screen type used to capture phone information for persons.
  • Person Phone
  • Rich Text
Person W2 Screen type used to capture W2 information for persons. Person W2

Once a screen type is selected, the Edit Screen window appears for administrators to define the attributes of the screen.

Within the Edit screen window, define the General attributes.

Once all General attributes are defined, navigate to the Panels tab to perform one of the following actions:

ShowAdd a Panel

To add panels to a screen, select the Panels tab and click . Clicking opens the Select Panel window.

Select the desired Panel Type to be assigned to the screen and click OK.

The panel types that display within the Select Panel window depend on the screen type selected. The example above displays the panels available to be added to a Person Screen. For more information on panel types and screen types that support them, please see the list of available Panel Types.

After selecting a panel type, an Edit Panel window opens to configure panel attributes.

Define the General attributes for the panel, and then navigate through the tabs to configure the additional attributes.

Depending on the panel type, the following actions may be available:

Add and Remove Fields

Within the Fields tab, perform one of the following actions to determine the fields that are available within the panel:

Add Fields

To begin adding fields to the panel:

Delete Fields

Once fields have been added to a panel, administrators are able to remove them by selecting the field in the Fields tab and clicking .

When deleting a field, the system checks whether the field is included in a Validate Field interaction condition. If the field is included in a Validate Field interaction condition, a warning message displays that asks whether the field as well as all interactions using it should be deleted. Click Yes to delete the field as well as the interactions related to the field. Click No to keep the field as well as the interactions.

Manage Edit Screens

If the panel is a grid, an edit screen is required. Navigate to the Edit Screens tab and define the Edit Screen attributes. To add an Edit Screen to the panel, click within the Screen column and select the desired screen. The screen name populates within the Screen column.

Add and Remove Columns

Within the Columns tab, perform one of the following actions to determine the columns that are available within a grid panel:

Add Columns

To add columns to the panel:

Delete Columns

Determine Panel Properties

If the Properties tab is available:

Assign Report Parameters

To assign a default value for a parameter

ShowEdit Panels

After a panel has been created, administrators are able to revisit the screen and edit the panels of previously created user-defined screen.

ShowDelete Panels

Administrators are able to delete panels from existing or in-progress user-defined screens.

Upon completion of all panel attributes, if the Buttons tab is enabled, select the tab to add and a manage the buttons that appear on the screen.

ShowAdd a Button

When the Buttons tab is enabled, use this tab to manage screen buttons and their attributes.

ShowDelete Buttons

Once a button has been added to a screen, administrators are able to remove them by selecting the button and clicking .

If desired, navigate to the Rules tab to assign rules to execute when the screen loads in the workspace.

After all rules have been assigned, select the Account Types and/or Case Types tabs to enable the availability of the screen for the applicable accounts and/or cases in the workspace.

Navigate to the Areas tab to assign the screen to specific workspace areas.

Once the screen has been assigned to the designated areas, select the Security tab to determine the users who have access to the screen.

If desired, select the Interactions tab to perform one of the following actions:

ShowAdd Interaction

Within the Interactions tab, add one of the following Interactions to the screen:

Hide Panel

Hide Field

Hide Row

Validate Field


ShowCopy Interaction

The Copy function enables users to duplicate the logic and structure of an existing Interaction. The existing interaction can be used as a base for creating a new interaction. After copying an interaction, users are able to add, modify or delete conditions.

ShowEdit Interaction

The Edit function enables users to revisit an existing interaction and modify the existing conditions to enhance usability.

ShowDelete Interaction

The Delete function enables users to remove an existing interactions and all of its conditions from a screen.

Upon completion of all screen attributes, click  for a view of the completed screen.  A preview window appears displaying a rendition of the screen.

Previewing a screen can be done at any point during creation of the screen, but is important to perform just prior to clicking . Doing so allows mistakes to be found before the screen is opened in the workspace.

When finished viewing the preview, click the X at the top right corner of the browser window. Any necessary changes can be made on the Screen window. 

Once all updates have been made to the user-defined screen, click Save and Close to finalize the creation of the screen.

The newly created screen now populates within the Screens page.

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Copying a Screen

The Copy function enables administrators to duplicate the structure of an existing user-defined screen. The existing screen can be used as a base for creating a new screen. After copying a screen, users are able to add, modify, or delete screen attributes and then save it with a different name in order to create a new user-defined screen.

Editing a Screen

The Edit function enables administrators to revisit an existing user-defined screen and modify the existing logic/structure to enhance usability.

With the exception of Name and Instructions, users are unable to modify the content of System-Defined screens.

Deleting a Screen

The Delete function enables administrators to remove an existing user-defined screen and all of its existing logic to enhance usability.

System-Defined screens cannot be deleted.

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