Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide

The Search function allows users to search Temenos Infinity for existing accounts, persons, and cases.

The ability to use the Search feature is determined by a user and/or security group permission set by the system administrator. If the permission is set to None for the individual user or security group, is disabled in the ribbon bar.

For institutions that use both Account Servicing and Origination: There are two separate permissions that control the Search feature for the Account Servicing categories and Origination categories; therefore, it is possible that a permission may be set to View or Change for one, but set to None for the other. When this occurs, the user is only able to use the Search feature for the modules to which he or she is granted permission to access. If Custom Searches are configured for an institution, those searches are available within the Search window for any user who is granted permission to use the Search feature.

For more information on the permissions for the Search feature, please see the Desktop and Ribbon Bar Overview topic in the Administrator Guide.

Depending on the active Temenos Infinity modules for the institution, the following search options may be available:

The Application search types are for the Loan Origination module and the General search types are for the Collection and Service modules. By default, all search options are enabled within Temenos Infinity; however, options can be disabled if the corresponding module is not active for the financial institution. Please contact Customer Care for assistance in disabling search options.

To access the Search functionality, click  located in the Ribbon bar.

Search Navigation

Each Search Type contains a toolbar that displays the following icons:

Icon Title Description
Search Allows a user to perform a Search based upon the search criteria entered.
Clear Allows a user to Clear the search criteria entered in the query fields.
Basic Search types also contain the following radio buttons:
  • Person - Allows users to search for persons in Temenos Infinity. Person search returns a person result for each unique SSN/TIN, default address, home phone, and work phone.

  • Accounts - Allows users to search for accounts in Temenos Infinity. Account search returns a result for each Account Number and Suffix related to a person. The user is navigated directly to the workspace with the relative account in context.

  • Cases - Allows users to search for cases in Temenos Infinity. Case search returns a result for each Case Number associated to a person. The user is navigated directly to the workspace with the relative case in context.


When a general search returns multiple results, the results populate within the Search Results grid. Each result is presented in the Search Results grid and displays the following account, person, or case information:  

General Search Results Grid Description

Displays the account number matching the search criteria.

Only displays for Account searches.

Displays the account suffix matching the search criteria. Displays based upon the configuration made in the Global Parameter (Account_ID_Convention).

Only displays for Account searches.
Account Type Displays the account type matching the search criteria.
Only displays for Account searches.
Name Displays the name of the person or primary on the account or case.
Home Phone Displays the first (oldest) home phone number on a person, account, or case.
Work Phone Displays the work number associated with a person, account, or case.

Displays the SSN or TIN of the person or primary on the account or case.

If an SSN is not valid, the person is not loaded into Temenos Infinity and therefore is not returned in the search results. An SSN is invalid if:

  • It is not 9 numeric digits (minus hyphens).
  • It is blank or null.
  • It is all the same number (all 1's, 2's, 3's, etc.).
Default Address Displays the default home address for the person, account or case.
Case Number

Displays the case number matching the search criteria.

Only displays for Case searches.
Case Type

Displays the case type matching the search criteria.

Only displays for Case searches.
Case Title

Displays the case title matching the search criteria.

Only displays for Case searches.

The results grid displays an unlimited number of search results. A user can navigate through multiple pages of results at the bottom of the results list by utilizing the arrows or page text box. If only one result is found within a search, the user is navigated directly to the workspace with the relative account or case open.

Icon Description

This icon navigates the user to the next page of results.

This icon navigates the user to the previous page of results.

This icon navigates the user to the last page of results.

This icon navigates the user to the first page of results.

The user may enter a page number in the page box and press Enter on the keyboard to directly navigate to that page of results.
When using Basic Search, if a user exits the Basic Search then clicks to open the Search again, the last search criteria is displayed.
When people are returned in the search results, the System Administrator determines whether the Full or Partial TIN is displayed in the results. This security permission, View Full TIN in Search Results, is set up in System Management > Users > System Management > Permissions and System Management > Groups >Security Groups > System Management > Permissions.

Basic Search

The Basic Search function allows the user to search off of various criteria. The screen contains two sections: Person and Other. The Person search criteria allows users to search off of person related fields.

When searching for a person, the search results detail all of the unique combinations of person, address, and phone information. A person search can also be performed using an account number and the results will include all of the unique combinations of person, address, and phone information associated with that account. When opening a search result (person) in the workspace, details on any account associated with that person can be obtained. Account number is not a column on the person search results, as there can be many accounts associated with one person, and would make the results very long. To look for a specific account, it is recommended to use the account search instead of the person search.


Advanced Search

The Advanced Search function utilizes the Criteria Builder to search for specific accounts.

Refer to the Criteria Builder topic in this guide for more information regarding the advanced search feature. 

Once all criteria is entered, click Search at the top of the screen. Accounts that match the criteria(on) appear in the results list area.



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