Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Send Letter Workflow Step

The Send Letter workflow step is used to send one or more letters with account, case, and/or person information to each account holder related to the account(s) selected for the workflow.

The Send Letters workflow step can be configured as an automated or manual step by the system administrator in System Management > Workflows > Workflows. If configured as an automated step, single letters are automatically sent when the workflow including the Send Letter step executes in the workspace.

If the Send Letter workflow step is configured as a manual step, users are able to select from a defined list of letter templates when the step executes in the workflow. The letter templates that appear in the Available Letters box are the letters assigned to the workflow step by the system administrator when the workflow was configured.

To manually send a letter with the Send Letter workflow step, highlight the letter(s) to be sent within the Available Letters box and click the > button to assign the letter(s) to the workflow step.

Once the desired letters have been selected, click  to proceed to the next step in the workflow.

The next screen of the Send Letter workflow step includes a grid that displays the name of the account holder and each letter assigned to the workflow step.

Within this screen, users are able to perform the following actions for each letter:


The ability to edit letters is currently only supported in Internet Explorer. Additionally, the system administrator must grant users Change permission to edit letters in order for a letter to be modified during the Send Letter workflow step.

The  button opens the letter editor to allow users to manually edit a letter prior to sending it to the applicable account holder(s).

To view/edit a letter within the Send Letter workflow step:


The  button allows users to manually print the selected letter at their institution. When this button is clicked, the letter is automatically sent to the computer's default printer.

When printing in the Microsoft Edge browser, letters are not automatically sent to the default printer. Upon clicking , a window appears to define the print preferences.

When finished making the desired changes, click .

If there are no other steps to the workflow, the workflow completes. The letter is available to view/print in the person’s Letter History screen and a note identifying that the letter was sent is automatically recorded in the Workflow History comments.

After the workflow including the Send Letter step completes, the letter is also available to print within the Batch Letter Printing page in System Management (System Management > Communication > Batch Letter Printing). For more information, please see the Batch Letter Printing topic in the Administrator guide.
Letters may be archived using the Letters & Forms Archive screen within System Management > Communication > Letters & Forms Archive. For more information, please see the Letters and Forms Archive topic in the Administrator Guide.

Letters including account, case, and/or person information are sent to each account holder associated with the account in context who holds a role that corresponds to a role type assigned to the letter template.

If the roles assigned to the letter template are not active roles for the account in context, the workflow completes, but a message appears to inform that the letter(s) could not be sent to the account holders.

Send Letter on Multiple Accounts

When running a workflow with a send letter workflow step on multiple accounts, the number of letters generated is based on the roles on the template.

For example, if a letter template is assigned the primary role type, and a person is primary on five accounts, if all five accounts are selected for a multi-account workflow with a Send Letter step, the primary receives one letter containing information on all five accounts. If the primary and secondary role types are assigned to the letter template, both the primary and joint account holders receive a letter once it is generated.

Field Behavior in Letters

Company and Contact Fields

When Company or Contact fields are included in a letter template, the fields populate with values for the first active company or contact related to the account, case, or person in context with the company type, or contact relationship, mapped to the field. For example, if Bruce Banner is a contact related to the person in context, with a relationship of Landlord, and the letter template is configured to include the Person > Contacts > Landlord > First Name field,  a value of "Bruce" populates for the field during letter generation.

Collateral Fields

When a letter is generated and printed to a PDF, a known issue exists where spacing is removed between the Collateral 1 Make and  Collateral 1 Model fields in the letter template. For example, if a space is added between the two fields in a template, a Collateral Make of "TOYOTA," and a Collateral Model of "TACOMA" displays as TOYOTATACOMA when generated in PDF format.



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