Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
User Performance Web Part

The User Performance Web Part is used to calculate and track user performance in Temenos Infinity. This web part displays target numbers and actual numbers for calls, contacts, and promises for each user within a performance group. The numbers within this web part are calculated based on the calls placed, valid contacts made, and promises obtained by each user while working a person. 

Performance Measures

When a workflow is executed in the workspace, the system keeps track of the number of calls, contacts, and promises for each user. This data is used by the system administrator for performance tracking and/or incentive purposes. User performance is measured through the following:


The Contact Method step in a workflow allows the user to document how they either made contact or attempted to make contact with an account holder. Users are credited with a call when the Contact Method step is completed in a workflow.

Since the Contact Method workflow step allows for multiple contact attempts, a call is recorded for each contact attempt made within the workflow step. For example, when a user runs the Contact Method workflow step and makes two contact attempts, then the user receives credit for two calls.

When a workflow is canceled or left active but a Contact Method step is completed, a Call is still recorded for the collector.

Please see the Contact Method Workflow Step topic within this guide to learn more about this workflow step.  


System administrators determine which contact results within the Contact Method workflow step are considered valid contacts.

Contact results and valid contacts for this workflow step are defined by the system administrator in System Management > Field Configurations.

As previously mentioned, the Contact Method workflow step allows for multiple contact attempts to be made, which can result in more than one valid contact. Users are credited with a contact for each Valid Contact recorded within a Contact Method workflow step.

When a workflow is canceled or left active that includes a Valid Contact, a Contact is still recorded for the collector.

ShowPromise to Pay

The Promise to Pay step in a workflow allows the user to take a promise to pay as well as manage existing promises. Users are credited with a promise when a promise to pay step is completed in a workflow.

When a promise to pay is taken by a user, but canceled on the same day, a promise is still recorded for that user.

For more information regarding this workflow step, please see the Promise to Pay workflow step topic within this guide.

To learn more about running a workflow, please see the Running Workflows topic within this guide. 

Additional information regarding workflow configuration can be found within the Workflows topic in the Administrator Guide.

Navigating the User Performance Web Part

Date Selection

The date and time of the last update to the User Performance Web Part is recorded within the top left of the screen. By default, performance numbers for the current day are displayed within the grid, however users are able to refine this table by modifying the date range. 

User Performance Grid

The grid within the User Performance web part displays the following columns of information:


The User column is organized by performance group and displays the name of each collector assigned to the group. This provides the ability to analyze individual performance numbers, as well compare performance results across group members. Click on a User name to open the User Detail screen for that User.

The Performance Groups that display within this web part are created by the system administrator in System Management > Groups > Performance Groups. In order to view and track performance results for a user within this web part, the user must be assigned to the performance group on the User Assignment tab of the Performance Group configuration window.


For more information on performance groups, please see the Performance Group topic in the Administrator Guide.

User Detail Screen

The User Detail Screen displays the user's individual performance numbers for the time frame selected in the date range drop-down box. This screen is a helpful tool to track a user's day to day performance.

The date range on the User Detail screen can be modified in the same manner as on the User Performance Screen.

The top grid on this screen displays the selected user's individual performance numbers in the same format as on the User Performance Screen. Below the top grid, the Performance Scores section includes a grid displaying the user’s overall performance score(s).

The Performance Scores grid lists the date(s) for the selected time frame along the top of the grid and a range of the user's performance scores along the left.

The highest performance score is the top number displayed in the grid.

The red icon identifies the user's overall performance score for the date identified.


The Performance column displays a user’s overall performance percentage. This percentage is determined by averaging the percentage of Calls, Contacts, and Promises recorded for a user with the following expression:

(Calls % + Contacts % + Promises %)/3 

For example, if Calls % is 51, Contacts % is 75, and Promises % is 114, then the user’s Performance % is 80 [(51+75+114)/ 3].

Performance Icons

The performance icon found to the right of the number in each % column represents how a user is performing in relation to the target numbers assigned to them by the system administrator.

Target numbers for a user are defined on the Collection Settings tab in System Management > Users. For more information on these settings and how they contribute to user performance, please see the Users topic in the Administrator Guide.

 These performance icons are determined by the Monitor Margin Update percentage defined by the system administrator and identify the following information about a user’s performance:

The Monitor Margin Update percentage is configured in System Management > Modules > Collection. For more information, please see the Solutions topic within this guide.
Performance Icon Description
Indicates the collector is below their target number of calls, contacts, and/or promises.
Indicates the collector is above their target number of calls, contacts, and/or promises.
Indicates the collector is even with their target number of calls, contacts, and/or promises.


The Calls column displays the following performance numbers for a user’s Call performance:

Column Description
# The # column lists the actual number of calls recorded for a user.

The Target column displays the target number of calls a user is expected to make for the specified time period. This performance number is calculated using the following expression:

Total Calls Per Hour x Hours Worked = Target Number of Calls


The % column displays a user’s overall call performance expressed in a percentage. This performance number is calculated using the following expression:


# of Calls/Target Calls = Performance % 

For example, if 60 calls were made and the target is 80, then the performance percentage is 75.

Total Calls Per Hour is a value determined by the system administrator and configured for each user. This setting is defined on the Collection Settings tab in System Management > Users.


The Contacts column displays the following performance numbers for user’s Contact performance:

Column Description
# The # column lists the actual number of valid contacts recorded for a user.

The Target column displays the target number of valid contacts a user is expected to make for the specified time period. This performance number is calculated using the following expression:


Actual Calls x Target % Contacts= Target Number of Contacts

Target % Contacts is a value determined by the system administrator and configured for each user. This setting is defined on the Collection Settings tab in System Management > Users.

For example, if 40 calls are made and the target % of contacts is 50, then the target number of contacts is 20 (40 x .50).

If the target number is not even, then the value truncates. For example, if the user makes 37 calls and the Target % Contacts is 50, the value displayed for Target Contacts is 18 instead of 18.5.

The % column displays a user’s overall contact performance expressed in a percentage. This performance number is calculated using the following expression:

# of Contacts/Target Contacts = Performance %

For example, if the target number of contacts is 20 and 15 contacts were made, then the performance percentage is 75%.


The Promises column displays the following performance numbers for a user’s Promise performance:

Column Description
# The # column lists the number of promises recorded for a user.

The Target column displays the target number of promises a user is expected to obtain for the specified time period. This performance number is calculated using the following expression:

Number of Contacts x Target % Promises= Target Number of Promises

Target % Promises is a value determined by the system administrator and configured for each user. This setting is defined on the Collection Settings tab in System Management > Users.

For example, if the number of contacts is 20 and target % of promises is 60% then the target number of promises is 12.


The % column displays a user’s overall promise performance expressed in a percentage. This performance number is calculated using the following expression:

# of Promises/Target Promises = Performance %

For example, if the target number of promises is 12 and 9 promises were made, then the performance percentage is 75%.



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