Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Contract Updates

After an indirect application has been approved, situations may arise where loan terms require adjustments once the contract arrives from the dealership. Since dealer contract is legally binding, the Loan Origination module must match the values enclosed. 

This topic consists of the following sections:

The process outlined in this topic assumes the following configurations have been made by the administrator:

  • The Contract Updates screen was created.
  • The decision model includes rule logic that creates a GAP and MBD offer in the amount of $0.00 for all applications submitted by Dealertrack and RouteOne.
To update loan terms post-decision, editability rights must be granted.

Business Example

The following section provides a business example that illustrates the updates that can be performed, based on contract and module application differences.

Application Submission

Using an indirect interface, a dealership creates an application based on the following breakdown:

Dealertrack Fields RouteOne Fields CUDL Fields Amount
Cash Selling Price Cash Price Sales Price / Total Sales Price $26,000.00
T&L Estimate Tile/Lic/Other Fees License $1,500.00
Sales Tax Taxes Tax $350.00
Rebate Rebate Rebate $2,000.00
Unpaid Balance Financed Amount Amount Requested $25,850.00

The indirect application imports to Temenos Infinity based on the following breakdown:

Module Loan Breakdown Fields Amount
Loan Proceeds $26,000.00
Rebate Amount $2,000.00
Fees in Loan Amount (Title & License + Tax) $1,850.00 ($350.00 + $1,500.00)
  • Initial Loan Amount
  • Final Loan Amount
  • Amount Financed

Additionally, the Fees in Loan Amount are also broken down in the Fees panel.

Based on the loan terms, the application is approved, priced and transmitted back to the dealership by the institution.

Dealer Approval Handling

Upon receiving the approval, the dealership discusses the decision, rate and loan terms with the applicants. During the discussion, the applicants negotiate to lower the monthly payment amount. During this negotiation, the applicants successfully reduce the loan amount by negotiating a $500 price reduction and by adding a $1,050.00 down payment. The applicants also add a $2,500.00 Mechanical Breakdown plan and a $560.00 Guaranteed Asset Protection plan. In addition to the aforementioned loan modifications, all applications approved by the financial institution are subject to a $125.00 Loan Application Fee as well as a $5.00 New Account Voucher for non-account holder applications. Finally, the dealer marks up the customer's interest rate from 3.35% to 4.125%, which results in the Total Interest amount increasing from $2,604.65 to $3,636.81.

These modifications are added to the loan contract, signed, and submitted to the financial institution.

Institution Receives Contract

Upon receiving the dealer contract, the loan file clerk notices the differences between the approved loan terms within Temenos Infinity and the contract signed by the applicant. The loan file clerk accesses the application within the module and navigates to the Contract Updates screen.

Once on the Contract Updates screen, the clerk clears the Calculate Amortization check box and completes the following updates:

Contract Update Screen Fields Dealertrack Fields RouteOne Fields CUDL Fields Amount
Contract Amount
(Base Loan Amount)
Cash Selling Price Cash Price Sales Price / Total Sales Price $25,500.00
Total Down Payment Cash Down Cash Down Cash Down $1,050.00
Total Rebate Rebate Rebate Rebate No change
Total Cross Sell in Loan Amount GAP + Warranty GAP + Service Contract GAP + Service Contract

Updates automatically once GAP and MBD plans are added.

Process noted later in this topic.
Total Interest Value derived from Contract Value derived from Contract Value derived from Contract


Contract Rate Customer Rate Customer Rate N/A 4.125%
Interest Rate Actual N/A N/A N/A 4.125%


Refer to the following rate matrix for more information on the rates affected by a dealer rate mark-up:

Temenos Field

Associated Dealertrack Field

Associated RouteOne Field

Associated CUDL Field


Interest Rate Assigned N/A N/A N/A Read-Only field that populates the Interest Rate assigned by Pricing.
Interest Rate Actual N/A N/A N/A

The Actual Interest Rate is the rate paid by the applicant.

By default, the Actual Interest Rate reflects the value within the Assigned Rate field; however, it can be manually changed by a user within the Approval or Counteroffer screen.

The Actual Interest Rate can also be updated by the Contract Rate field located in the Loan Terms adjustment panel when the Contract is received.

Buy Rate Buy Rate Buy Rate Rate

The Buy Rate is the rate that is transmitted to the dealer. It is also the minimum rate that can be granted to the consumer using the flat rate or buy rate program.

By default, Buy Rate equals the Actual Interest Rate. If pricing is marked up by the dealer, the Buy Rate reflects the original rate transmitted to the dealership upon approval.

Contract Rate Customer Rate Customer Rate N/A

The Contract Rate is the rate given to consumers, which can be equal or greater than the Buy Rate. If the Contract Rate is updated, the Assigned Interest Rate automatically updates to reflect the Contract Rate.

In addition to the aforementioned fields, the following fee updates are made:

Contract Update Screen Fees Dealertrack Fields RouteOne Fields CUDL Fields Amount
Title and Licensing Fees T&L Estimate Tile/Lic/Other Fees License No change
Sales Tax Sales Tax Taxes Tax $1,470.00

Third Party Originated GAP

CUDL only. GAP updates for RouteOne and Dealertrack are performed on the Cross-sell screen.
GAP GAP GAP $560.00

Third Party Originated MBD

CUDL only. MBD updates for RouteOne and Dealertrack are performed on the Cross-sell screen.
Warranty Service Contract Service Contract $2,500.00
Loan Application Fee
New Account Voucher
Back End Fees Additional Items Other Ins/Svc $125.00
$ 5.00


The Total Finance Charge Fees Not in Loan Amount, Total Finance Charge Fees in Loan Amount, and Total Fees in Loan Amount fields update after all fees are added and the screen is saved.

GAP and MBD Cross-sell Updates

To update GAP and MBD amounts on RouteOne and Dealertrack applications:

The Total Cross Sell in Loan Amount field updates to reflect the $3,060.00 combined value of the GAP and MBD plans.


Once all the updates have been completed, the file clerk saves the screen and proceeds with Funding and Disbursement.

Contract to Temenos Mapping

The following section provides a sample dealer contract as well as a list of the contract's corresponding Temenos fields and fees.

The Temenos fields that correspond with the dealer contract are indicated in the image on the right.


Line  Line Item Label Amount Temenos Field
A Price of Vehicle (including sales tax) $37,662.10 Contract Amount (Base Loan Amount)
B Service Contract, paid to Abc Mutual N/A
Service Contract, amount $1,796.00 Third Party Originated MBD Fee or MBD Cross-sell
C Cash Price $39,458.10 N/A
D Trade Allowance $31,728.35 Trade In Value
E Less: Amount owing, paid to Abc Financial N/A
Less Amount owing, amount $42,140.28 Trade In Payoff Amount
F Net Trade In $0.00 N/A
G Cash Payment $550.00 Total Down Payment
H Manufacturer's Rebate $6,500.00 Total Rebate
I Deferred Down Payment N/A N/A
J Other Down Payment N/A N/A
K Down Payment $7,050.00 N/A
L Unpaid Balance of Cash Price $32,408.10 N/A
M Financed Trade-in Balance $10,411.93 Total Trade In Net Allowance
N Paid to Public Officials, including filing fees $41.25 Title and Licensing Fees
O Insurance Premiums Paid to Insurance Companies N/A N/A
P ABC Mutual $506.00 Third Party Originated GAP Fee or GAP Cross-sell
S Documentary Fee $75.00 Third Party Documentation Prep
U Loan Processing Fee $125.00 Loan Origination Fee
W Total Charges Amt Paid $11,159.18 N/A
X Prepaid Finance Charges $125.00 Loan Origination Fee
Y Amount Financed $43,442.28 Amount Financed



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