Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide

Cross-sells provides users an interface to sell additional loan,non-loan and account products, therefore providing additional value to the applicant's relationship with the institution. Cross-Sells are opportunities generated by the rules engine. The opportunities that generate are based on the risk, pricing and decision models and varies across applications. When an application has been approved, users are able to navigate to the Cross-sells screen to offer the opportunities generated.

In addition to the Cross-sells screen, a Cross-sell panel is available to provide users with the ability to offer existing cross-sell opportunities and generate new non-loan cross-sells. For details about the Cross-sell panel, please see the Underwriting Review topic in this guide.

This topic includes the following information:

Cross-sells Screen

The Cross-sell screen is divided into two tabs: Opportunities and Liabilities.

Opportunities Tab

The Opportunities tab displays the approved, and (if configured in System Management) pending review cross-sell opportunities that have generated for the applicant. Each opportunity is presented within a card that displays product details, such as: Cross-sell Amount, Monthly Payment, Credit Line, Term, and Rate.

Cross-sell Amount, Monthly Payment, Credit Line, Term, and Rate are not displayed for account product offers.
If an account product is already added to the application, the same product is not generated as a cross-sell.

Opportunities Tab Details

At the top of the Opportunities tab, a toolbar displays three buttons and the estimated total replacement monthly savings.

Button Description
Allows users to view the most recent cross-sell opportunities.

Allows users to initiate the cross-sell generation process. Clicking this button allows users to manually generate offers, if cross-sells have not been generated by Event Processing. If cross-sells have been generated by Event Processing, clicking this button reprocesses all offers.

Clicking Regenerate Opportunities clears all responses for previously generated offers. Additionally, all manually created Replacement and Cross-sell offers must be re-created.
Allows users to initiate the non-loan cross-sell generation process. Clicking this button allows users to manually generate non-loan cross-sell offers for an application.

The estimated total replacement monthly savings displays to the right of the buttons when at least one Replacement or Consolidated Offer is generated.

The amount displayed for the Total Replacement Monthly Savings is a sum of the monthly savings for all generated Replacement and Consolidated Opportunities.

Beneath the toolbar, the generated cross-sells are itemized within cards that are sorted according to opportunity type, in the following order:

Cross-sell offer cards with red backgroud have not been automatically approved by system, and have a status of pending review. While reviewing these opportunities with applicants, additional underwriting may be required in order to approve the cross-sell.
Within each opportunity type grouping, cross-sells are sorted by Date Created.

Loan Cross-sell Offer Cards

Loan cross-sell offer cards highlight the details of each loan cross-sell and allow users to perform actions. These cards contain the following functional areas:

The format and action buttons within each card are consistent. However the details presented vary according to the type of opportunity.

Show1 - Opportunity and Product

Within the Opportunity and Product section, the type of cross-sell opportunity displays in bold text. Each opportunity type is identified by one of the following icons:

Icon Cross-Sell Offer Type
Replacement offers
Consolidated offers
New Loan offers
Non Loan offers

Beneath the opportunity type, the name of the Cross-sell Product is displayed.

If a Replacement or Consolidated offer contains a liability that is presented in another cross-sell offer, a  displays within the Opportunity and Product section.

If a user attempts to accept separate cross-sells that share the same liability, a warning message displays during the Cross-sell Save Process. Users are unable to continue processing cross-sells until one of the contradicting cross-sells is removed.

Show2 - Script and Actions 

The Script and Action section displays the following icons:

Icon Description

Allows users to view the Sales Script configured for the cross-sell product. Clicking this icon opens the sales script in a pop-up window.


Allows a user to view a comprehensive list of the cross-sell details. Clicking this icon opens the Offer Details within a pop-up window. From this window, users are able to edit loan/liability details, provide responses, view the sales script, review the offer pitch history/responses, and examine the review indicators if the opportunity has a status of pending review.

The contents of the Offer tab varies by cross-sell opportunity type.

The Sales Script tab displays the feature and benefit script configured for the cross-sell product. 


The History tab displays the cross-sell product's pitch history and responses.                                            

Allows a user to delete a cross-sell offer.

An offer can only be deleted if the following conditions are met:

  • The offer was not created by Temenos Infinity.
  • A child application has not yet been created by this opportunity.

Show3 - Opportunity Details

The Opportunity Details section displays an overview of the product details, such as: Cross-sell Amount, Monthly Payment, Credit Line, Term and Rate. This section also identifies if the status of a cross-sell opportunity is pending review.

Show4 - Benefits

The Benefits section displays the applicant benefits associated with a cross-sell offer. These benefits include information, such as:

Each item listed displays the monetary and percentage differences for each benefit.

Show5 - Response

The Response section allows users to view and provide responses for each cross-sell offer that has not been accepted. 

A loan cross-sell response cannot be modified once it is set to Yes or Yes Referred.

Within each cross-sell card a  button is available to allow users to accept or decline a cross-sell offer in an application.

Clicking this button opens a window that lists the available responses for the offer:

Select the check box to indicate the desired response, and click OK to close the window.

If Follow-up is selected, a field dynamically appears, which requires users to provide a follow-up date.

Once the window is closed, the selected response populates in bold in the card, and the  button updates to 

If the response for a Loan Offer is set to Yes or Yes Referred, the following occurs based on the value configured for the Step to create new loan from cross-sell parameter by the system administrator:

The Step to create new loan from cross-sell parameter is configured in the Approval tab of the Origination page in System Management (System Management > Modules > Origination).

Account Cross-sell Offer Cards

Account cross-sell offer cards highlight the details of each account cross-sell and allow users to perform actions. These cards contain the following functional areas:

The format and action buttons within each card are consistent, however the details presented vary according to the type of opportunity.

Show1 - Opportunity and Product

Within the Opportunity and Product section, the type of cross-sell opportunity displays in bold text.

Account product offers are not denoted with an icon.

Beneath the opportunity type, the name of the cross-sell product is displayed.

Show2 - Script and Actions

The Script and Action section displays the following icons:

Icon Description

Allows users to view the Sales Script configured for the cross-sell product. Clicking this icon opens the sales script in a pop-up window.


Allows a user to delete a cross-sell offer.

An offer can only be deleted if the following conditions are met:

  • The offer was not created by Temenos Infinity.
  • The account product has not yet been added to the parent application.


Show3 - Response

The Response section allows users to view and provide responses for each cross-sell offer that has not been accepted. 

Within each cross-sell card, a  button is available to allow users to accept or decline a cross-sell offer in an application.

Clicking this button opens a window that lists the available responses for the offer:


Select the check box to indicate the desired response, and click OK to close the window.

If Follow-up is selected, a field dynamically appears, which requires users to provide a follow-up date.

Once the window is closed, the selected response populates in bold in the card, and the  button updates to 

Liabilities Tab

The Liabilities tab does not populate with existing liability information for account cross-sells.

The Liabilities tab contains a grid that lists existing liabilities from an applicant’s credit report. The liabilities that populate in this list are not linked to a Replacement or Consolidation Offer. Each liability imported populates as a new row within the liabilities grid.

For a liability to populate in this section, it must be classified as an expense and have an ECOA code of I, J, S or U. Additionally, a liability cannot have a concurrent application.

Users are able to select liabilities from this grid to manually create Replacement and Consolidation Offers. Once liabilities have been selected for Replacement or Consolidation Offers, they are removed from the Liabilities tab.

This grid displays liability attributes within the following columns:

Column Name Description
Creditor Displays the name of this financial institution that holds the liability.
Credit Limit Displays the credit limit of the liability.
Assumed Monthly Payment Displays the assumed monthly payment based on the assumed interest rate and balance.
Assumed Interest Rate

Displays the assumed interest rate for the liability.

Reference the section below for an overview of the logic used to calculate the Assumed Interest Rate for closed end liabilities:

ShowAssumed Interest Rate Calculation

The system uses the following logic to calculate the Assumed Interest Rate for closed-end liabilities:

Field used for Calculation Logic

Liability > Original Loan Amount


Liability > High Credit Amount

The value of the Origination Loan Amount is used to calculate the Assumed Interest Rate, unless the Original Loan Amount is NULL/Empty. If Original Loan Amount is NULL/Empty, the High Credit Amount field is used in the Assumed Interest Rate calculation.
Liability > Term If the value of Term is NULL/Empty, the calculation for Assumed Interest Rate is performed using the values for Liability > Assumed Balance and Liability > Assumed Remaining Term.
Assumed Balance

Displays the assumed balance of the liability.

Assumed Remaining Amount Displays the assumed remaining loan amount of the liability.
Assumed Remaining Term

Displays the assumed remaining loan term of the liability.

The system automatically sets this field to the number of months remaining on the existing loan; however, this value may be overridden using rule logic. For more information on this functionality, please see the Cross-Sell Products Admin topic.

Assumed Collateral Value Displays the assumed collateral value of the liability.
Is Housing Displays a check box that indicates if a liability is a housing expense.
Adjustment Percentage

Indicates what percent of the product or liability is to be included in the cross-sell decision.

The % Include column defaults to 100, which denotes that 100% of the liability is to be included in the cross-sell decision.
Maturity Date Displays the maturity date of the liability.
Balloon Due Date Displays the balloon due date of the liability.
Balloon Amount Displays the balloon amount of the liability.
Past Due Displays the past due balance of the liability.
Adjusted Balance Displays the adjusted balance of the liability based on the % Include value.
Adjusted Monthly Payment Displays the adjusted payment of the liability based on the % Include value.
Payment Frequency Displays the payment frequency of the liability.
Trade Category Indicates the liability category such as Automobile or Credit Card.
Account Number

Displays the liability's account number.

When the Trade Category for a Liability is Credit Card or Department Store, all but the last four digits of the credit card account number appear masked within the Account Number field to be in compliance with the PCI regulations that require credit card numbers to be masked and not displayed in clear text on a screen. While this functionality cannot be disabled, the  icon that appears in the Account Number field does provide the ability to temporarily unmask the value of the credit card number by hovering over the icon. Navigating away from the icon once again masks the credit card account number.

The ability to unmask the value of the credit card number is determined by the system administrator. If a user is not granted permission to view masked fields, a tool-tip is presented to the user when hovering over the  icon to identify that permission to unmask the field is not enabled.

To provide a user with the ability to unmask fields, set the View Masked Fields permission to View under the Application Processing category in the Permissions tab of System Management > Users, or System Management > Origination > Groups > Security Groups.

ECOA Code Displays the liability's ECOA Code.
Status Displays a liability's delinquency status.
Last Reported Date Displays the date when a liability was last reported to the credit bureau.
Description Displays any further information about the liability.
Open Date Indicates the date the liability was opened.

Above the Liabilities grid, a toolbar allows users to perform the following functions:

Button Description
Allows a user to replace a single applicant liability at another institution with a loan.
Allows a user to consolidate multiple applicant liabilities into a single loan.
For more information on the functionality of these buttons, refer to the Generating Cross-sell Opportunities section.

Cross-sell Opportunities

The following cross-sell types may be presented within the Cross-sell screen's Opportunities tab:

Non-Loan Offers

Non-loan offers are cross-sell products that are not loan sub-products. These offers may include products such as Accounts, Safe Deposit Boxes, and GAP/MBD coverage. When a non-loan offer is selected, the Amount displays the premiums that may be charged for the product such as insurance premiums and minimum required balance (for accounts).

These products typically have fixed amounts and no calculations are available.

Review the cross-sell opportunities with the applicant and process the applicant’s response according to the answers given. Enter the Response information within the corresponding fields.

If Include In Loan Amount is not selected, a new loan application is created.

New Loan Offers

New loan offers are cross-sells for loan sub-products. These offers may include products such as Credit Cards and Home Equity Loans.

New Loan Offers indicate the Amount, Assumed Monthly Payment, Term and Interest Rate for each new loan opportunity generated. Review the cross-sell opportunities with the applicant and process the applicant’s response according to the answers given.

Account Offers

Account offers are cross-sells for account products. These offers many include products such as Certificates of Deposit, IRA's and Preferred Checking accounts.

Replacement Offers

Replacement Offers are cross-sells that replace an existing liability found on the applicant’s credit report.

When a New Offer is selected, the Monthly Savings, Assumed Monthly Payment and Assumed Interest Rate are indicated in the Cross-sell details window. Each replacement offer also displays the opportunity's benefits. These benefits include information, such as rate reductions, credit line increases and monthly savings.

The liability being replaced by a cross-sell is denoted by selecting the Refi field on the child application's liabilities screen.

Consolidated Offers

Consolidated Offers are replacement cross-sell offers that replace multiple existing liabilities found on the applicant’s credit report. Consolidated Offers may generate automatically via rules or be configured manually by the user processing the application.

For a consolidated offer to be generated, at least two liabilities must be included in the offer.

Generating Cross-sell Opportunities

Cross-sell opportunities are generated manually through  or , or automatically through Event Processing.

When a manual cross-sell is added on a screen that includes other application data, the application data is cleared when the cross-sell is saved; therefore, it is highly recommended that the screen is saved prior to manually adding a non-loan cross-sell, regenerating opportunities, or refreshing the Cross-sell panel to ensure that the application data is maintained. 

Regenerate Opportunities

Upon navigating to the Cross-sells screen, users are notified that no cross-sell opportunities currently exist.

To generate cross-sells, click  within the Cross-sells toolbar. A notification appears which alerts users that continuing causes all existing cross-sell to be overwritten. Click Yes.

Cross-sells generate and populate within the Opportunities tab.

Consolidated and Replacement offers may also be manually created. For more information on these processes, please refer to the Processing Cross-sell Opportunities section.

Add Non-loan Cross-sell

To manually add a non-loan cross-sell to an application, click  and select the desired non-loan cross-sell offer from the drop-down. This drop-down includes a list of the active Non-loan cross-sell products configured by the system administrator in System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products.

 is enabled and disabled according to the Add Non-loan Cross-sell editability option configured by a system administrator in System Management > Origination > Editability.

Upon selecting the desired offer, the Non-Loan Offer Details window appears to provide users with the ability to modify the offer details and review the sales script.


The following offer details are displayed and can be edited within the Non-Loan Offer Details window:

The default Non-Loan Offer details, as well as the sales script, are displayed according to the configurations made by an administrator within System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products.
Field Description
Amount Displays the amount of the non-loan cross-sell.
Include In Loan Amount Indicates whether the non-loan cross-sell amount is included in the loan amount.
Is Third Party Indicates whether the non-loan cross-sell is from a third party.
Is Military APR Indicates whether the non-loan cross-sell is included in the Military APR (MAPR) calculation for a close-ended loan.

Once the desired modifications have been made to the offer details and the sales script has been reviewed, click . The Non-Loan Offer Details window closes and the non-loan cross-sell appears within an offer card on the Cross-sells screen. 

Event Processing

Cross-sell products may be generated by the system-defined Process Cross-sells on Approval event and action pair or a custom pair created by the institution. Upon completing the defined event, such as Application Approval, cross-sells are processed. Once all cross-sell opportunities have been generated, a Notification alerts users that cross-sells have been generated.

To ignore the cross-sell opportunities Notification, click Dismiss to remove the Notification. Click Close to acknowledge and retain the Notification.

Navigate to the Cross-sell screen via the workflow or manually select the screen to work the cross-sells that were generated.

The StopCrossSellAction rule prevents cross-sell opportunities from generating on applications and child applications.

Processing Cross-sell Opportunities

Cross-sell offers may be processed directly within the Offer Card, by clicking Provide Response, or the Offer Details window, by clicking .

If the calculator was disabled on the parent application, the calculator is re-enabled on cross-sell applications generated in order to calculate the payment and other loan attributes.

While processing cross-sells, users may be prompted to present a disclosure to the applicant prior to accepting the opportunity.


Click Accept Disclosure and Continue to proceed with the cross-sell acceptance. Once a disclosure is accepted the Disclosure check box is selected in the Offer Details window.

If prompted to accept the disclosure, users are unable to proceed without accepting the disclosure.

Non-Loan Offers

Processing Non-Loan Offers within Offer Cards

Processing Non-Loan Offers within the Offer Detail Window

New Loan Offers

Processing New Loan Offers within Offer Cards

Processing New Loan Offers within the Offer Details Window       

Account Offers

Processing Account Offers within Offer Cards

If the account product is later removed from the application via the Add Account Product screen, the response displayed within the cross-sell offer card is changed to Declined.

Replacement Offers

Replacement offers may contain liabilities that are also presented in another cross-sell opportunity. If a user attempts to accept separate cross-sells that share the same liability, a warning message displays during the Cross-sell Save Process. Users are unable to continue processing cross-sells until one of the contradicting cross-sells is removed.

Processing Replacement Offers within Offer Card

Processing Replacement Offers within the Offer Details Window

Creating Replacement Offers

Consolidated Offers

Consolidated offers may contain liabilities that are also presented in another cross-sell opportunity. If a user attempts to accept separate cross-sells that share the same liability, a warning message displays during the Cross-sell Save Process. Users are unable to continue processing cross-sells until one of the contradicting cross-sells is removed.

Processing Consolidated Offers within Offer Card

Processing Consolidated Offers within the Offer Details Window

Creating Consolidated Offers

The liabilities presented within this grid are not filtered and may have been accepted in another cross-sell opportunity.

All “Assumed” values can be updated directly in the grid.

While processing a Consolidated Cross-sell, users are able to click to remove all data from the details screen and start over building the consolidated offer. Additionally, users are able to click to return to the Cross-sell screen without processing a Consolidated Offer.

The liabilities consolidated by cross-sells are denoted by selecting the Refi field on the child application's liabilities screen. Each liability consolidated contains a check mark within the Refi field.

Accepted Cross-Sells

Accepting New Loan, Replacement and Consolidated Loan cross-sell offers creates separate "child" applications. The creation of these applications can occur at one of two possible stages:

The parent application number is indicated on each child application created. Additionally, the values for Created By and Originating Branch copy from the parent application and populate on the child application.

The Parent Application Number field is configurable in Screens, Queues, Views and Reports. The parent application number is also a searchable value within the Basic Search.
If there are two or more applicants on the parent application, the child application is created with all applicants that include an applicant type of Primary, Joint, or Non-Signing Spouse.

Each child application must be decisioned and disbursed. The decisioning of these applications can be automated by a parameter set by the system administrator. If child applications are not automatically approved, users must open each child application, render a decision and disburse each child application created.

Accepting Account cross-sell offers adds the account product to the current "parent" application. A separate "child" application is not created for account product cross-sells.



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