Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Data Purging

The Data Purging page provides system administrators the ability to control Temenos Infinity's database purge process from within System Management (System Management > Data Purging ). During the database purge process, rows are deleted from the tables indicated, based on the desired time span.

Data Purging Attributes

The Data Purging page includes two tabs:


Within the Configuration tab, system administrators are able identify the table categories to be purged from the database, as well as the time span of current data to be retained in the database.

The Configuration tab includes two sections: Activate Service, which allows administrators to enable or disable the data purging capabilities, and the purging options, which allows administrators to identify the data to be purged from the database.

In the Activate Service section, click the Activate Service check box to enable or disable the purge service.

In addition to the activation check box, this section also includes an overview of the data purge process, as well as a date that indicates when the purge process is set to run next.

Beneath the Activate Services section, a configuration grid allows system administrators to view and maintain the data included in the purge process. Within this grid, the following information is available:

Column Description

Indicates the names of the purge categories available to be included in the data purge.

Purge categories are system defined groupings of data tables that are eligible for purging. For more information on categories, please see the list of categories below.
Months to Retain Indicates the number of current months that the category data is to be retained. For example, if this value is set to 12, all data that is older than 12 months old is purged.
Is Active Indicates if the purge category is included within the purge process.


Within the Category column, the following purge categories are available:

Category Table(s) Included in Category Description
Account Activity AccountServicing.AccountActivity The Account Activity category includes when a user views or works an account in the Person workspace. This data includes the User, the Account, the start date/time, and the end date/time.
Account Servicing Comments
The Account Servicing Comments category contains comments added to Persons, Accounts, Cases, Tickets, or Tasks. This data includes system comments, dialer comments, ad-hoc comments, manual comments, and automated comments.
Application Document Version Data Lending.ApplicationDocumentVersion The Application Document Version Data category includes document sets that were generated and updated for Origination applications.
Audit Log Core.AuditLog The Audit Log category contains changes to auditable fields. This data includes fields for Persons, Accounts, Cases, Tickets, Tasks, Repayment Plans, and Applications.
Configuration Import History Core.ConfigImportHistory The Configuration Import History category stores the history row for each Configuration Import portion of the Configuration Export/Import process. This is where configurations can be moved from one instance of Temenos Infinity to another instance that has the same version.
Documents Core.Document

The Documents category contains the documents attached to origination applications, documents attached to emails, documents from web origination, as well as documents used by third party document providers.

This purge deletes the physical documents from the share path on the server. It is recommended that these documents are transferred or copied to an optical system or other location, prior to purging if retention is a concern.
Error Log dbo.tblErrorLog The Error Log category stores all errors that have occurred within Temenos Infinity. This includes errors that may be visible to the end user as well as background errors and errors returned from various processes that run.
Event Trace Core.EventTrace The Event Trace category records when Actions are triggered based on Events configured through Event Processing. This covers all modules that utilize Event Processing.
Interface Log dbo.tblInterfaceLog The Interface Log category stores all communications between Temenos Infinity and the system's Core Processor. This table stores information on the account, as well as the request/response through the interface.
Lending Email History Lending.EmailHistory The Lending Email History category includes all emails generated via Event Processing, or by utilizing the Send Email icon within an application.
Letter History dbo.tblLetterHistory The Letter History category includes letters generated in Account Servicing that are stored in dbo.tblLetterHistory, and in the share path on the server.
This purge also deletes the physical document from the share path.
Payment History dbo.tblPaymentHistory The Payment History category stores all payments made on accounts. This includes manual payments, payments from a Core Processor, payments via a Third Party connectors, and payments via a Profile Import.
Person Activity AccountServicing.PersonActivity The Person Activity category stores all instances when a user views or works a Person in the workspace. This includes the User, the Person, the Start Date/Time, and the End Date/Time.
Process Log dbo.tblProcessLog The Process Log category stores the history of all processes executed within Temenos Infinity, across all Modules. This includes all core and third party imports and exports, as well as processes that execute within the system to update data.
Queue Assignment History dbo.tblQueueAssignmentHistory The Queue Assignment History category stores when accounts move in and out of queues. This includes the account, the queue, the dates assigned/unassigned, and beginning/ending Days DQ, DQ Amount, and Balance.
Reason Code History dbo.tblReleaseCodeHistory The Reason Code History category records when a dialer import runs, and a return code from the dialer attempt has a matching Dialer Return Code in Temenos Infinity.
Third Party Field Audit dbo.tblThirdPartyFieldAudit The Third Party Field Audit category identifies the third party that provided the updated data, the applicable Person/Account, the field, the original/new values, and the date the information was provided.
Virtual Capture Guest Verification Lending.VCGuestVerification The Virtual Capture Guest Verification category stores a listing of each attempt an applicant makes to use the Guest Verification process in Virtual Capture. 
Workflow Batch Staging Data dbo.tblWorkflowBatchStaging

The Workflow Batch Staging Data category contains a listing of identifiers for accounts that have had batch workflows executed against them via various methods (Batch Workflow, Automated Workflow, Dialer Return Code workflows/pattern matching, etc.).

Purging this table does not delete any workflow history visible in Temenos Infinity.


The History tab allows administrators to review the results of data purges that have completed.

The History tab retains the data purge results of the last six months. After six months have passed, purge results are removed from the History tab.

Within this tab, completed purge data populates within a grid containing the following columns:

Column Description
Table Name Indicates the names of the purge categories included in the data purge.
Date Used Indicates the date value used to determine which records should be purged.
Execution Date Indicates the date and time the purge process executed.
Rows Purged Indicates the number of rows that were purged from a table during the process.

For each data purge that occurs, a new entry populates within the grid. Each entry displays a summary of information containing the date when the process executed, as well as the number of rows purged by the process. By default, each entry is collapsed within the grid. To expand the entry, click . To collapse an entry, click .

Data Purge Category Activation

To activate a category for the purge, double-click on the category row or highlight the row and click . The Edit Category screen opens in the workspace.


Within the Edit Category screen, system administrators are able to receive an overview of the purge category as well as activate and identify the number of months to be retained.

Field Description
Is Active

A check box that allows system administrators to include and exclude a category from the purge process.

  • Select the check box to include the category in the purge process.
  • Clear the check box to exclude the category from the purge process.

By default, this check box is not selected.

Months to Retain Enter the number of months that the category data is to be retained. For example, if this value is set to 12, all data that is older than 12 months old is purged
Affected Tables Read-only field that identifies the table(s) included in the category.



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