Temenos Spotlight User and Administrator Guide
View Definitions

The following product views are available within the Select a View drop-down list:

Name: Benchmark Category Comparison

Description: Benchmark Category Comparison contains two separate views (View by Net Margin and View by Category) that display twelve bar charts comparing the performance of the financial institution against the average of all peers and the average of the top three peers.

The top three peers are chosen based on Net Margin of the institution and not the selected product. Both financial and non-financial KPIs are displayed.

For additional view details, refer to the Benchmark Category Comparison topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Close Account Analysis

Description: The Close Account Analysis view displays the number of accounts closed as well as the associated costs of each product during the selected time period in the hierarchy (one level below the selected product). Closed accounts and costs for the selected product are further delineated by channel.

For additional view details, refer to the Close Account Analysis topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Cost Top 10

Description: The Cost Top10 view displays the top ten drivers that impact revenue, based on the absolute value of all revenue items. These revenue items are sorted in descending order according to their absolute value displayed in the Total column.

The first and last periods of the date range chosen are displayed, along with the variance between these periods. The period total and period averages are also shown.

For additional view details, refer to the Cost Top 10 topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Cost Trend

Description: The Cost Trend view displays the total costs of the selected product and time period. The costs of the selected product are further detailed by the following types: Processing, Maintenance and One-Time (Open and Close) costs.

For additional view details, refer to the Cost Trend topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Institution Trending Prior Quarter

Description: The Institution Trending Prior Quarter view contains four graphs that display Average Customer, Average Accounts, Average Balance and Net Contribution trends over a two-year period.

For additional view details, refer to the Institution Trending Prior Quarter topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name:  Interest

Description: The Interest view displays rates and values of a product's interest, FTP and spread for the selected time period. 

For additional view details, refer to the Interest topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Member

Description:  The Member view displays the distribution of products, age and FICO score of the members who have the selected product during the selected time period.

For additional view details, refer to the Member topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Net Contribution Growth Comparison

Description: The Net Contribution Growth Comparison view displays two graphs that compare the Net Contribution of the current quarter to the previous quarter and same quarter in the previous year

For additional view details, refer to the Net Contribution Growth Comparison topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: New Loan Weighted Interest Rate

Description: The New Loan Weighted Interest Rate view trends the weighted average interest rate for new loan production for the period of time selected.

For additional view details, refer to the New Loan Weighted Interest Rate topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Open Account Analysis

Description: The Open Account Analysis view displays the number of accounts opened as well as the associated costs of each product during the selected time period in the hierarchy (one level below the selected product). The opened accounts and costs for the selected product are further delineated by channel.

For additional view details, refer to the Open Account Analysis topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: P&L

Description: The P&L (profit and loss) view displays a traditional profit and loss statement for the selected product. All revenue, cost and profitability line items are detailed along with balances and other key indicators. 

First and last periods of the date range chosen are displayed, along with the variance between these periods. The period total and period averages are also shown.

For additional view details, refer to the P&L topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Percent of Net Contribution

Description: The Percent of Net Contribution analytic displays member profitability by percent of net contribution. The entire customer/membership pool is grouped into ten groups (deciles), each representing ten percent of the customers/membership. The cumulative total percent of net contribution, percent of net contribution and net contribution of each decile is represented graphically.

For additional view details, refer to the Percent of Net Contribution topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Process Account Analysis

Description: The Process Account Analysis view displays the number of transactions processed as well as the associated costs of each product during the selected time period in the hierarchy (one level below the selected product). Transaction counts and costs for the selected product are further delineated by channel.

For additional view details, refer to the Process Account Analysis topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Product Management Summary

Description: The Product Management Summary view displays an "at a glance" overview of an institution's performance. It includes a chart and multiple graphical representations. The first and last periods of the date range chosen are displayed, along with the variance between these periods. The period total and period averages are also shown.

For additional view details, refer to the Product Management Summary topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Product Summary

Description: The Product Summary view displays the top and bottom five profit and loss cost line items as well as graphical representations based on their numerical size.

The first and last periods of the date range chosen are displayed, along with the variance between these periods. The period total and period averages are also shown.

For additional view details, refer to the Product Summary topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Products per Account Holder 

Description: The Products per Account Holder view displays account holders profitability in relation to the number of products, auxiliary products and channels used for the selected time period.

For additional view details, refer to the Products per Account Holder topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Revenue Top 10

Description: The Revenue Top 10 view displays the top ten drivers that impact revenue, based on the absolute value of all revenue items. These revenue items are sorted in descending order according to their absolute value displayed in the Total column.

The first and last periods of the date range chosen are displayed, along with the variance between these periods. The period total and period averages are also shown.

For additional view details, refer to the Revenue Top 10 topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Revenue Trend

Description: The Revenue Trend view displays the Net Interest and Non-Interest Income components of revenue, along with the detailed elements of Non-Interest Income.

For additional view details, refer to the Revenue Trend topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Segmentation Drilldown

Description: The Segmentation Drilldown view displays member profitability by net contribution, less one-time costs. The entire membership pool is grouped into five groups (quintiles), each representing the twenty percent of the membership. The profitability of each quintile is represented graphically and within the full profit and loss statement and Balance Sheet, each of which appears below the graph.

For additional view details, refer to the Segmentation Drilldown topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Total Average Net Contribution

Description: Total Average Net Contribution enables institutions to view the historical trending of the P&L item Average Net Contribution Per Account for the period and products selected.

For additional view details, refer to the Total Average Net Contribution topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product


Name: Waived Fees

Description: The Waived Fees view displays specific Non-Interest Income components, such as fee and waive fee information, for the selected product and time period.

For additional view details, refer to the Waived Fees topic within the View Details section.
Focus Area: Product



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