Akcelerant Lending Guide
Rules Management - Available Templates

Actions and Templates are rule logic created to ensure the specific wording of a rule is correct, thus enabling the rule to function properly.

Vocabulary Type Template/Action Purpose Category Typically Used
Application Add Discount Adds a discount in the form of a percentage to the Base Rate used for the Pricing Model.  Pricing
Application Add a document to the document set Adds a document to the document set for CUNA Web Docs. Document Selection
Application Add fee Adds a fee to the collection on the application. Fees
Application Add a Fee (Home Equity) Adds a Home Equity type of fee with options for “Prepaid Finance Charge,” “Include in Loan Amount,” “POC Amount,” “Paid By,” etc. Fees
Application Add a Premium Adds a premium in the form of a percentage to the Base Rate used for the Pricing Model.  Pricing
Application Add a Review Indicator Adds a review indicator to the collection on the application. The name of the review indicator is currently a free-form text field. A recommendation and description must also be entered when adding a review indicator. Decisioning
Application Add a Stipulation Required for Approval Adds a stipulation to the collection on the application where the IsRequiredToApprove field is set to true. In order to manually approve an application, any stipulations of this type must be either met or waived. Stipulation / Decisioning
Application Add a Stipulation Required for Approval with Security Groups Adds a stipulation to the collection on the application where the IsRequiredToApprove field is set to true. In order to manually approve an application, any stipulations of this type can only be met or waived by the assigned security group. Stipulation / Decisioning
Application Add a Stipulation Required for Disbursement Adds a stipulation to the collection on the application where the IsRequiredToDisburse field is set to true. In order to disburse an application, any stipulations of this type must be either met or waived. Stipulation / Decisioning
Application Add a Stipulation Required for Disbursement with Security Groups Adds a stipulation to the collection on the application where the IsRequiredToApprove field is set to true. In order to disburse an application, any stipulations of this type can only be met or waived by the assigned security group. Stipulation / Decisioning
Application Add Business Days Sets the value of any date field to any date plus any number of business days. This template looks at the “Non-Business Days” lookup list to determine if a particular date is considered a business day. Anywhere
Application Add a Manual To-Do

Enables a rule author to assign a Manual To-Do validation to display a notification and prevent an application from being decisioned or disbursed until the to-do is cleared.

A Manual To-Do that "is not required," such as a To-Do for Post Disbursement or Post Decline Validation, can also be written using this template.

Application Add Manual To-Do with Security Groups

Enables a rule author to assign a Manual To-Do validation to display a notification and prevent an application from being decisioned or disbursed until the to-do is cleared. Only a member of the assigned security group can provide the information causing validation to fail.


A Manual To-Do that "is not required," such as a To-Do for Post Disbursement or Post Decline Validation, can also be written using this template.

Application Add a Manual To-Do that is linked to a screen

Enables a rule author to assign a Manual To-Do validation to display a notification and prevent an application from being decisioned or disbursed until the validation associated with a specific screen is completed.


A Manual To-Do that "is not required," such as a To-Do for Post Disbursement or Post Decline Validation, can also be written using this template.

Application Add Manual To-do that is linked to a screen with Security Groups

Enables a rule author to assign a Manual To-Do validation to display a notification and prevent an application from being decisioned or disbursed until the to-do is cleared. Only a member of the assigned security group can provides the information on the screen causing validation to fail.


A Manual To-Do that "is not required," such as a To-Do for Post Disbursement or Post Decline Validation, can also be written using this template.

Application Add To-Do

Enables a rule author to assign a To-Do validation that displays a notification and prevents an application from being decisioned or disbursed until the validation is cleared.


A To-Do that "is not required," such as a To-Do for Post Disbursement or Post Decline Validation, can also be written using this template.

Application Add To-do that is linked to a screen

Enables a rule author to assign a To-Do validation that displays a notification and prevents an application from being decisioned or disbursed until the validation associated with a specific screen is cleared.


A To-Do that "is not required," such as a To-Do for Post Disbursement or Post Decline Validation, can also be written using this template.


See a To-Do Template to view an example of a Validation rule.

If a To-Do is linked to a screen, users are able to access the linked screen even if they do not have permission to view the screen. Screen permissions are mainly applied in Workflow Models, where the screen is mapped and provided rights for only certain users to view in the workspace. To-Dos are rules and only perform what is authored in the rule. To-Dos do not touch the security of the screen.
Application Assign Adverse Action Sets the adverse action field on the application. Used when an application is being auto-rejected.  Decisioning
Application Assign Application Status Sets the status of the application. Anywhere
Application Assign Application Decision Sets the decision for the application. If set to Auto_Approved, Approval processing will be executed. If set to Auto_Rejected, Rejection processing will be executed. Decisioning
Application Assign Application Status Sets the status on the application. Validation / Disbursement
Application Assign Credit Bureau Sequence An action template that allows rule based priority selection of Credit Bureaus. This template is used to replace the hard coded bureau selection on the loan product definition. Rules can set a Credit Bureau as a 1, 2 or 3. The resulting list of credit bureaus is used in ascending order when performing credit bureau rollover. Credit Bureau Selection
Application Assign to Queue Sets the Queue to which an application will be assigned. This action does not pin the application to a queue; therefore, the application can be re-queued based on other rules.  Queuing
Application Assign Rejected Reason Adds a reject reason to the collection on the application. Used when an application is being auto-rejected. Decisioning
Application Assign Risk Tier Set the Risk Tier for the applicant. 
Rules that use this action should be written at the Applicant entity. This will ensure that the rules are executed and tested for all applicants on the application.
Application Display Error Message Adds a message that will be displayed to the user. The message will be flagged as an error and will prevent the user from moving forward. These messages are typically used to enforce user-defined validation. Anywhere
Application Display Information Message Adds a message that will be displayed to the user. The message will be flagged as an informational and will not prevent the user from moving forward. These messages are typically used as a notification to the user. Anywhere
Application Display Warning Message Adds a message that will be displayed to the user. The message will be flagged as a warning and will not prevent the user from moving forward. These messages are typically used as a notification to the user.  Anywhere
Application Do Not Update Actual Rate When the Pricing Model runs, only the Assigned Rate updates. Unless "Do Not Update Actual Rate" Action is used, both the Assigned and Actual Rates update when Pricing runs. Pricing
Application Get Address for Applicant Type Gets the current address of an applicant of the defined type. Anywhere
Application Get Aggregate for Application This is an expression template that easily locates the value of an aggregate within the collection on the application. When using this template, an aggregate name must be selected from the list. Pricing / Decisioning
Application Get Aggregate for Application at Decision Returns the value of the specified aggregate at the time the application was decisioned. Validation
Application Get Application Host Value Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the core interface that the system can then use to populate the value of an application level field in the Framework's lending solution. Applicant Import
Application Get Average Score for Application This is an expression template that easily locates the value of the Average Score within the collection on the application. When using this template, a Score name must be selected from the list.
The Average score is calculated during credit report processing by taking an average of the same score values across all applicants on the application.
Risk / Pricing / Decisioning
Application Get Branch for User This is an expression template that easily locates the branch that is associated to a particular system user. You can select from current user, created by, decisioned by, pitched by, debt protection selected by, disbursed by or a specific username. Anywhere
Application Get Full Name for User Get Full Name of the user. Anywhere
Application Get First Collateral by Collateral Type This is an expression template that easily locates that first collateral record on the application for a specific collateral type. Use this template when writing a rule or decision table at the Application entity and needing to add a condition regarding the primary or first piece of collateral on the application. Pricing / Decisioning
Application Get First Collateral by Vehicle Type This is an expression template that easily locates that first collateral record on the application for a specific vehicle type. Use this template when writing a rule and when adding a condition regarding and needing to add a condition regarding the primary or first piece of collateral on the application. Disbursement
Application Get GL Account for Branch This is an expression template that easily locates the branch that is associated to a particular branch. You can select from originating branch, closing branch or the branch associated to a system user. Risk / Pricing / Decisioning
Application Get High Score for Application This is an expression template that easily locates the value of the High Score within the collection on the application. When using this template, a Score name must be selected from the list.
The High score is calculated during credit report processing by taking the highest of the same score values across all applicants on the application.
Application Get HostID1 for User An expression template that returns the HostID 1 value for the user that is passed to the template. The HostID 1 value is maintained on the user management screen. Disbursement
Application Get HostID2 for User An expression template that returns the HostID 2 value for the user that is passed to the template. The HostID 2 value is maintained on the user management screen. Disbursement
Application Get Liability Pattern Count By Category for Application An expression template that returns the liability count according to category.
Application Get Liability Pattern Count for Application An expression template that returns the liability count.
Application Get Low Score for Application This is an expression template that easily locates the value of the Low Score within the collection on the application. When using this template, a Score name must be selected from the list.
The Low score is calculated during credit report processing by taking the lowest of the same score values across all applicants on the application.
Risk / Pricing / Decisioning
Application Get Number of Application Liabilities

Returns the number of liabilities that occur during a specified time period.

Thle liability count does not differentiate between IsExpense = '0' and IsExpense ='1'
Application Get Ratio for Application This is an expression template that easily locates the value of a ratio within the collection on the application. When using this template, a ratio name must be selected from the list. Pricing / Decisioning
Application Get Ratio for Application at Decision Returns the value of the specified ratio at the time the application was decisioned. Validation
Application Is Self Employed This is an expression template that easily identifies whether an applicant is self-employed by looking up the Self Employed flag in the Income collection off of the applicant record. This template could be used in conjunction with the "Primary Applicant" template to determine if specifically the Primary Applicant is self-employed. Anywhere
Application Logged in User it The logged-in user performing the action. Anywhere
Application Logged in User is Assigned to Security Group The security group of the logged-in user. Anywhere
Application Pitch Cross-sell Product Adds a Cross-sell Product to the collection on the application to be pitched to the applicant. This action should be used to pitch Non-loan Cross-sell Products. The Amount will be obtained from the Cross-sell Product management screen. Cross-sell Products
Application Pitch Cross-sell Product with Amount Adds a Cross-sell Product with the specified Amount to the collection on the application to be pitched to the applicant. This action can be used to pitch both Loan and Non-loan Cross-sells. 
  • If the Cross-sell being pitched is a Non-loan, the amount entered will be used instead of the amount defined on the Cross-sell Product management screen.
  • If the Cross-sell being pitched is a Loan, the amount entered will be used as the Principal for the Cross-sell. In addition, the Number of Payments and Frequency entered on the Cross-sell Product management screen will be used. Loan Cross-sells will be priced, amortized and decisioned to determine if the applicant would be automatically approved for the product. If the applicant would be approved, the Cross-sell is displayed on the Cross-sell screen. If the applicant would not be approved, the Cross-sell is not displayed on the Cross-sell screen.
Cross-sell Products
Application Primary Application This is an expression template that easily isolates the primary applicant on the application. Once selected, the field list for the applicant entity is available. Anywhere

Primary Applicant's Current Address

This is an expression template that easily isolates the primary applicant on the application and then isolates their current address.  Once selected, the field list for the address entity is available. Anywhere
Application Processing User Is The Framework's lending solution processing user. Anywhere
Application Processing User is Assigned to Security Group The Framework's lending solution processing user’s security group. Anywhere
Application Require Approval Override This action is used when the current user is not authorized to approve the loan application. Based on criteria, this action would be used to send a message from the rules engine back to LOS, requiring an authorized user to log in to process the approval. 
This action is typically used in conjunction with the "Get Current User" or "Get Current User's Security Group" templates.
LOA Limits
Application The Selected Document Set Returns the document set selected in DocumentSelection rules. Validation
Application Send Email to Address Sends an email to the user who created the loan application. Provides selection from a list of email templates configured in the Framework. Decisioning
Application Send Email to Applicant Sends an email to applicants by selecting the applicant type that will receive the email. Provides selection from a list of email templates configured in the Framework. Decisioning
Application Send Email to Created By Sends an email the user that created the loan application. Provides selection from a list of email templates configured in the Framework. Decisioning
Application Send Email to Decisioned By Sends an email the user who decisioned the loan application.  Provides selection from a list of email templates configured in the Framework. Decisioning
Application Set Action Editability This template is used to refine Editability permissions. Rule authors are able to use this template to grant or revoke permissions to perform an action. Editability
Application Set Aggregate Recommendation for This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on a specific application-level aggregate. When using this template, it is important to select the desired aggregate from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the aggregate.
This action is typically combined with the Get Aggregate for Application template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Application Set Aggregate Value for Application Used to set the value of a specific application-level aggregate. The specified aggregate will be added to the aggregates collection on the application with the value as calculated by the specified formula. 
When using this template, it is important to select the desired aggregate.
Application Set Application Disbursement Value This action is used to set a name/value pair, using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The disbursement values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the core interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the core interface and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Application Set Application Document Processing Field Used to add custom fields to be sent to CUNA Web Docs for document processing. Document Generation
Application Set Application Host Value This action is used to set a name/value pair, using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The host values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the Core Interface and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Application Set Average Score Recommendation This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on the average value across all applicants for a specific Credit Bureau Score (e.g. Risk Model).  When using this template, it is important to select the desired score from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the aggregate.
This action is typically combined with the Get Average Score for Application template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Application Set Collection Editability This template is used to refine Editability permissions. Rule authors are able to use this template to grant or revoke permissions to add, edit or delete collection members. Editability
Application Set Document Header Set the document Header to be sent for CUNA Loanliner documents. Document Generation
Application Set Document Language Set the document Language to be sent for CUNA Loanliner documents. Document Generation
Application Set Document Logo Set the document Logo to be sent for CUNA Loanliner documents. Document Generation
Application Set Document Set This template enables rule authors to define the default IMM document set. Document Selection
Application Set High Score Recommendation This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on the high value across all applicants for a specific Credit Bureau Score (e.g. Risk Model). When using this template, it is important to select the desired score from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the aggregate.
This action is typically combined with the Get High Score for Application template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Application Set Field Editability This template is used to refine Editability permissions. Rule authors are able to use this template to grant or revoke permissions to add, edit or delete field values. Editability
Application Set Low Score Recommendation This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on the low value across all applicants for a specific Credit Bureau Score (e.g. Risk Model). When using this template, it is important to select the desired score from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the aggregate.
This action is typically combined with the Get Low Score for Application template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Application Set Ratio Recommendation for Application This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on a specific application-level ratio.  When using this template, it is important to select the desired ratio from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the ratio.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the ratio.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the ratio.
This action is typically combined with the Get Ratio for Application template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Application Set Ratio Value for Application Used to set the value of a specific application-level ratio. The specified ratio will be added to the ratios collection on the application with the value as calculated by the specified formula. 
When using this template, it is important to select the desired ratio.
Application Set the <Lenders Protection action> for the application to <Value> This template enables rule authors to set the Lenders Protection action to:
  • Apply Results to the Application
  • Apply Results to the Application and Approve
  • Create new Counteroffer
  • Create new Counteroffer and Accept
Event Processing
Application Set the Maximum Interest Rate This template is used to identify the maximum interest rate a loan application may not exceed regardless of the premiums added, if rule criteria is met. Pricing
Application Set the Minimum Interest Rate This template is used to identify the minimum interest rate a loan application may not exceed regardless of the discounts applied, if rule criteria is met. Pricing
Application Stop Processing Application This action is used during the execution of the Decision Model to determine whether or not the next stage of rules should be processed. 
  • If a stop processing action is returned, the next stage will NOT be executed.  
  • If a stop processing action is not returned, the next stage of the decision model will be executed. 
When all stages have been processed or a stop processing action is returned, the system will look at the decision. If the Decision is set to Auto Approved, then Approval processing will be run. If the Decision is set to Auto Rejected, then Rejection processing will be run.


Application The Applicant with the Highest Score Finds the applicant who has the highest credit score. Anywhere
Application The Code for a Lookup Value Finds the lookup code for a lookup value. Anywhere
Application The Display for a Lookup Value Finds the lookup display for a lookup value. Anywhere
Application The Field for a User Finds additional data for a user. Anywhere
Application The Field for a Company Allows users to author rule logic with company fields from their institution’s address book. Anywhere
Application The Execution Source Enables customers to select where a rule executed from (for example Screen, Decision and so on) via the ValidationLocation value list. This allows institutions to write one rule with the one condition, and then conditionally throw the warning or error/to-do depending  on where the rule was fired from.  Validation
Application The Number in Words Returns a number in words. E.g. for 134 it will return “One hundred and thirty four.” Document Generation
Application The Value for the Replacement Cross-sell Liability Obtains the value of a replacement Cross-sell liability. Cross-sell generation
Application The Value for the Active Valuation An expression that returns the selected value (such as: Market Value, Trade In Value, and so on) for the last valuation executed. Validation
Applicant Add Core Message Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the Core Interface sets a Core Message alert on an application. Applicant Import
Applicant Add Phone Number for Applicant Adds a phone number to the phones collection for an applicant.  Anywhere
Applicant Exclude Liability for Applicant This is an assignment template used to set the IsExpense flag to false on a specific liability record for the applicant. Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant.Liabilities entity to ensure the rule is executed for each liability for each applicant.
Liabilities where the IsExpense flag is false are not displayed on the Liabilities workflow step.
Trade Processing
Applicant Get Aggregate for Applicant This is an expression template that easily locates the value of an aggregate within the collection for an applicant. When using this template, an aggregate name must be selected from the list. 
To isolate an aggregate for the Primary applicant, first select the Primary Applicant template followed by the Get Aggregate for Applicant template.
Pricing / Decisioning
Applicant Get Aggregate for Applicant at Decision Returns the value of the specified aggregate for each applicant at the time the application was decisioned. Validation
Applicant Get Applicant Host Value Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the Core Interface that the system can then use to populate the value of an applicant level field in the Framework's lending solution. Applicant Import
Applicant Get Liability Pattern Count by Category Expression template that returns a count of matching liabilities based on a trade category, timeframe, trade indicator and number of occurrences. Decisioning
Applicant Get Liability Pattern Count Expression template that returns a count of matching liabilities based on a timeframe, trade indicator and number of occurrences. Decisioning
Applicant Get Phone Number for Applicant This is an expression template that easily locates a particular phone (e.g.: home, work) for an applicant. Anywhere
Applicant Get Ratio for Applicant This is an expression template that easily locates the value of a ratio within the collection for an applicant. When using this template, a ratio name must be selected from the list.  Pricing / Decisioning
Applicant Get Ratio for Applicant at Decision Returns the value of the specified ratio for each applicant at the time the application was decisioned. Validation
Applicant Get Score for Applicant This is an expression template that easily locates the value of a score within the collection for an applicant. When using this template, a score name must be selected from the list. 
To isolate a ratio for the Primary applicant, first select the Primary Applicant template followed by the Get Ratio for Applicant template.
Risk / Pricing / Decisioning
Applicant Include Liability for Applicant This is an assignment template used to set the IsExpense flag to true on a specific liability record that has already been systematically excluded for the applicant. Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant.Liabilities entity to ensure the rule is executed for each liability for each applicant. Trade Processing
Applicant Number of Credit Report Inquiries Expression template that returns a count of inquiries reported on a credit report for an applicant. Decisioning
Applicant Set Aggregate Recommendation for Applicant This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on a specific applicant-level aggregate. When using this template, it is important to select the desired aggregate from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the aggregate.

Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant entity to ensure the rule is executed for each applicant.

This action is typically combined with the Get Aggregate for Applicant template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Applicant Set Aggregate Value for Applicant Used to set the value of a specific applicant-level aggregate. The specified aggregate will be added to the Aggregates Collection for the applicant with the value as calculated by the specified formula.  Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant entity to ensure the rule is executed for each applicant.
When using this template, it is important to select the desired aggregate.
Applicant Set Applicant Disbursement Value This action is used to set a name/value pair, using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The disbursement values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active.  Specific values in the name field are filtered by the core interface, and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursements
Applicant Set Applicant Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Web Docs step for an applicant. Document Generation
Applicant Set Applicant Host Value This action is used to set a name/value pair using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The host values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the Core Interface, and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Applicant Set Ratio Recommendation Applicant This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on a specific applicant-level ratio.  When using this template, it is important to select the desired ratio from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the ratio.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the ratio.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the ratio.

Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant entity to ensure the rule is executed for each applicant.

This action is typically combined with the Get Ratio for Applicant template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Applicant Set Ratio Value for Applicant Used to set the value of a specific applicant-level ratio. The specified ratio will be added to the ratios collection for the applicant with the value as calculated by the specified formula. Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant entity to ensure the rule is executed for each applicant.
Type When using this template, it is important to select the desired fields.
Applicant Set Score Recommendation for Applicant This is an assignment template which is used to set the recommendation (or indicator) on the value for a specific Credit Bureau Score (e.g. Risk Model). When using this template, it is important to select the desired score from the list and select the appropriate recommendation (good, maybe, bad). 
  • A recommendation of "good" will result in a green indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "maybe" will result in a yellow indicator for the aggregate.
  • A recommendation of "bad" will result in a red indicator for the aggregate.

Rules using this action should be written at the Applicant entity to ensure the rule is executed for each applicant.

This action is typically combined with the Get Score for Applicant template, where the "Get" is used in the condition portion of the rule and the "Set" is used in the action portion.
Applicant The Segmentation Code Category Expression template that returns the applicants' segmentation code.
If new segmentation values are added, the user must sync lookups.
Liabilities Get Liability Host Value Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the Core Interface that the system can then use to populate the value of a liability level field in the Framework's lending solution. Applicant Import
Liabilities Set Liability Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Web Docs step for a liability. Document Generation
Assets Get Asset Host Value Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the Core Interface that the system can then use to populate the value of an asset level field in the Framework's lending solution. Applicant Import
Assets Set Asset Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Web Docs step for an asset. Document Generation
Assets Set Application Asset Host Value This action is used to set a name/value pair using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The host values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the Core Interface, and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Addresses Get Addresses Host Value Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the Core Interface that the system can then use to populate the value of an address level field in the Framework's lending solution. Applicant Import
Addresses Set Address Host Value This action is used to set a name/value pair using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The host values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the Core Interface, and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Addresses Set Address Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Web Docs step for an address. Document Generation
Associated Applications Include Application for Decisioning Used to determine if an associated application of an applicant should be considered in Decisioning the current application. Decisioning
Incomes Set Income Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Web Docs step for an income. Document Generation
Phones Get Phone Host Value Expression template that returns a name/value pair from the Core Interface that the system can then use to populate the value of a phone level field in the Framework's lending solution. Applicant Import
Phones Set Phone Host Value This action is used to set a name/value pair using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The host values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the Core Interface, and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Phones Set Phone Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Web Docs step for a phone. Document Generation
Collateral Set Collateral Host Value This action is used to set a name/value pair using a name and then up to five value fields. The usage of the value fields are dependent upon the name used. The host values collection is then interpreted as necessary by the Core Interface that is active. Specific values in the name field are filtered by the Core Interface, and then the value fields are utilized as necessary. Disbursement
Collateral Set Collateral Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Loanliner for a collateral. Document Generation
Funding Set Funding Document Processing Field Used to provide custom data to CUNA Loanlinerfor funding. Document Generation



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