Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Send Email Workflow Step

The Send Email workflow step enables the ability to quickly and easily send an email to account holders to provide them with information regarding their account, case,or repayment plan, such as a delinquency notice, monthly statement or settlement offer. By configuring a workflow to include this step, administrators are able to define which email is generated with the workflow step as well as determine whether an email is automatically generated during execution of the workflow step or if users have the ability to manually select the email to be sent.

Workflow Step Configuration

The Send Email workflow step is configured to appear in a workflow from the Workflows page in System Management (System Management > Workflow > Workflows).

Similar to other workflow steps, the Send Email step is added to a workflow from the Design tab in the Workflow Configuration window. For information on this tab and how to configure a workflow, please see the Workflows topic in this guide.

Step Properties

Once the Send Email step is selected, a window appears to configure the step properties.

The General, Queuing and Instructions tabs for the Send Email workflow step are completed in the same manner as other workflow steps. For information regarding the completion of these tabs, please see the Configuring Workflow Steps section in the Workflows topic.

Email Tab

Within the Email tab, administrators are able to determine the execution method for the Send Email step as well as assign one or more emails(s) to be sent during execution of the workflow step.

The radio buttons that appear in the top of the tab determine how emails are generated with the Send Email workflow step.

By default, the Automated radio button is selected upon opening the Email tab. 

Select Automated to automatically send an email when the Send Email step executes in the workflow. Select Manual to allow users to select from a defined list of email templates when the step executes.

Once an option is selected, assign the email(s) to the workflow step within the Select an email section of the tab. This section appears differently depending on whether the step is configured as Automated or Manual.

When Automated is selected, the Email tab appears as shown below:


When set to Manual, the Email tab appears as follows:

Both the Select an email and Available Emails boxes display a list of the emails configured in System Management > Communication > Emails.

For more information on configuring an email, please see the Emails topic in this guide.

To assign an email to the Send Email workflow step:

When a Repayment Plan email is assigned to the workflow step, a section titled Repayment Plan Selection populates within the bottom of the Email tab. 

Since more than one repayment plan may be associated with a recovery account, this section allows administrators to set repayment plan type criteria that determines which repayment plan an email is generated for in the Send Email step.

Within the Repayment Plan Selection section, select one of the following options to determine the repayment plan type that is used to generate the email:

Repayment Plan Type Description
Use the active Settlement Offer associated with the account

Uses the most recent active Settlement Offer associated with the account. This option automatically selects the most recent repayment plan based on Created Date where IsSettlement is true.

This option is selected by default.
When this option is selected as the repayment plan type, if there are multiple repayment plans in a settlement for the related account, then the most recently created repayment plan for the settlement is associated with the email.
Use the active Repayment Plan associated with the account Uses the active repayment plan associated with the account. This option automatically selects the most recent repayment plan with a status of Active or Delinquent.
Use the most recent Repayment Plan associated with the account

Uses the most recent repayment plan associated with the account. This option automatically selects the most recently created repayment plan.

This option can be used to replace an existing active repayment plan. Please see the example below for more information.

ShowUsing the Most Recent Repayment Plan Example

John has an account in Recovery for vehicle repairs and sets up a repayment plan at Temenos Financial. The Recovery Agent sends out the repayment plan stipulation, which John signs and returns. The payment schedule is set up and for several months John pays his payments on time. Then, John loses his job and stops making payments on his repayment plan. Once he obtains another job, John calls Temenos Financial and speaks with Mr. White to create another repayment plan. Since John has an existing active repayment plan, once Mr. White works through the terms with John, he runs the Send Email workflow to send information about the most recent repayment plan to John for review.

Reference the Repayment Plan Type example below for an overview of how the Repayment Plan Type selection setting is used to determine which repayment plan receives an email:

ShowRepayment Plan Type Example

Recovery account 12345-67 is associated with the following repayment plans:

  • RP 176
    • IsSettlement = 1
    • Status = Cancelled
    • Created Date = 4/14/2016
  • RP 177
    • IsSettlement = 1
    • Status = Active
    • Created Date = 4/18/2016

When a workflow including the Send Email step is run on account 12345-67, both of the repayment plans noted above are evaluated and the system looks at the Repayment Type selection to determine which repayment plan to associate to the email. For this example, the Repayment Type Selection for the Send Email workflow step was set to use the active Settlement Offer associated with the account.

Based on the Repayment Type selection, RP 177 is associated to the email since IsSettlement is true, the status is active and, out of the two repayment plans with active settlement offers, RP 177 was the most recently created repayment plan.

Once an execution method has been determined, the desired emails are assigned to the workflow step, and the repayment plan type is defined, click  to retain the workflow step configurations and add the Send Email step to the workflow. 

Continue configuring workflow steps for the workflow and/or complete the remaining workflow attributes. Once saved, the workflow is available in the workspace to generate and send an email to the applicable account holders with the Send Email workflow step.

For information on executing the Send Email workflow step in the workspace, please see the Send Email Workflow Step topic in the User guide.



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