Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide

The Workflows page allows administrators to manage all workflows found within the Lifecycle Management Suite. Workflows are used to document what occurs within an account , and can be configured to be as basic or as complex as the creator desires.

To manage workflows, navigate to System Management > Workflow > Workflows.

Workflow view is filtered by context and displays those workflows that are Account-related, -related, both Account- and -related, and those that do not require an account or (“None”).

The following columns display within the Workflows page:

Column Name Description
Name Name of the workflow.
Description Description of the workflow.

The level that the workflow is applied to, which is defined by the workflow steps added to the workflow. Reference the table below for an overview of each workflow context: 

Workflow Context Description Example
Account Workflow configured to include account-specific workflow steps, fields, or screens. Next Contact Date Workflow Step
Workflow configured to include -specific workflow steps, fields, or screens. Change Field Workflow Step configured to change the value of a  Status
Both Workflow configured to include a combination of Account and components. Change Field Workflow Step configured to change the value of a Status, as well as a Change Field Workflow Step to set the value of an Account Flag.
None Workflow configured to include components not specific to an account or . Post Comment Workflow Step
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification.

Workflow Attributes

All workflows share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a workflow.


General attributes are located on the general tab:

Attribute Description
Name of the new workflow. This is a required field.
Description Provide a description of the new workflow.
Active Select whether the workflow is active in the Lifecycle Management Suite.
Multi-Account Select whether the new workflow is multi-account.
When Multi-account is selected, only workflow steps that are multi-account capable appear within the Design tab when adding a new step to the workflow.


The design attribute provides administrators with the capability to create custom workflows. Follow the procedure below for a high-level overview of how to build a workflow using workflow steps.

Account Types

Administrators can assign account types to have access to the new workflow on the account types tab.

Attribute Description
Assign Account Types Select Account Types from the Available Account Types list and move them to the Assigned Account Types list to provide access to the workflow.


Administrators can assign the level of access a user has to a workflow on the security tab.

Attribute Description
Assign Users

Assign a level of access to indvidual users by selecting users and moving them between columns:

Access Level Description
None Users assigned to "None" are not able to execute the workflow or see it in the Workflow History screen.
View Users assigned to "View" can view workflow details in the Workflow History screen but cannot execute the workflow.
View and Execute Users assigned to "View and Execute" can execute the workflow and view the details in the Workflow History screen.
Assign Groups

Assign a level of access to a group of users by selecting the group and moving it between columns:

Access Level Description
None A group assigned to "None" is not able to execute the workflow or see it in the Workflow History screen.
View A group assigned to "View" can view workflow details in the Workflow History screen but cannot execute the workflow.
View and Execute A group assigned to "View and Execute" can execute the workflow and view the details in the Workflow History screen.
Users are able to right-click on an active workflow to complete it if they have View or View & Execute permissions.


Assign specific categories to have access to the new workflow.


For each area, determine the level of access for the workflow in the Areas tab.

Attribute Description
Assign Areas

Assign a level of access to each area by selecting the areas and moving them between columns:

Access Level Description
None Areas assigned to "None" are not able to execute the workflow or see it in the Workflow History screen.
View Areas assigned to "View" can view workflow details in the Workflow History screen but cannot execute the workflow.
View and Execute Areas assigned to "View and Execute" can execute the workflow and view the details in the Workflow History screen.
For a user to have access to the workflow on an Area, the workflow must be assigned to the area and the user must have access to the workflow individually or through a security group.

Configure Fields

Administrators are able to rename up to 120 workflow-based fields and define drop-down values for the look-up type fields on the configure fields tab. These fields are stored within the workflow when it is executed and cannot be viewed on the account.

To rename a configured field administrators must: 


Solutions allow the administrator to select if running this workflow should count as a user worked the account and whether the account should be deactivated in the queue.

Attribute Description
Count as Worked If selected, indicates that the completion of this workflow should count as a worked account in performance reporting.
Deactivate Account in Queue If selected:
  • Worked accounts are removed from the queue once the workflow is complete.
  • The worked account does not return with the Get Next option while working a queue after the workflow is executed.
  • If the Related Accounts panel is configured to include Queue Info, the icon for the worked account updates within the panel column to reflect that the account was removed from the queue.
For more information on Queue Info within Related Account, see the Workspace Overview section of this guide.

ShowCreating a Workflow

ShowCopying a Workflow

ShowEditing a Workflow

ShowDeleting a Workflow

ShowPrinting a Workflow

See Also

Workflow Steps


Person System Screens



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