Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Base Rate Tables

Base Rate Tables allow institutions to establish the base rates by which all loans and/or interest-bearing account products are priced. The base rates established are used in conjunction with the appropriate Pricing Models to compute rates according to business rules. From the Base Rates Tables page (System Management > Origination > Base Rate Tables), institutions are able to create and maintain base rates according to effective dates. When rates are changed, a new rate is added with the appropriate effective date for the new base rate. Discounts and premiums, based on specific Pricing Models, are automatically applied to the effective rate.

In order to have access to the Base Rate Tables page, the Base Rate Tables Management permission must be set to Change for the user or security group. This permission is configured under the System Management - Origination category in the Permissions tab of System Management > Users or System Management > Groups > Security Groups.

The Base Rate Tables topic includes the following attributes and instructions to assist administrators with creating and editing base rate tables:

Base Rate Table Attributes

The following attributes are defined for all base rate tables.


The General attributes include the basic information pertaining to the base rates.

The following attributes are defined within the General tab: 

Fields Description
Name Enter the name of the base rate.
Description Enter a brief description of the base rate.

Select the check box to enable the base rate table.

Inactive base rates are not available to select within the Base Rate drop-down when creating or editing a pricing model.


Rate attributes enable an institution to add and manage the base rates that are called when Pricing rRules execute during the application process. 

The  and  buttons within the top of the tab provide the ability to assign and remove the rates associated with a base rate table.

Creating and Managing Base Rate Tables

Creating Base Rate Tables

Editing Base Rates

To edit a base rate:

Base Rate Index Fields

Each pricing model is assigned a default base rate table in System Management > Origination > Pricing Models; however, if desired, system administrators can also configure the following lookup fields to appear in a rule or screen to update the base rate used to price a loan or account product in an individual application:

This functionality ensures that each application is not restricted to only using the default base rate assigned to the pricing model for the application type. For example, the Loan Base Rate Index field and/or Account Base Rate Index field can be added to a rule in System Management > Origination > Rules Management to automatically set the value of the  when certain conditions are met in an application. System administrators can also add the  field to an Application screen, or the  in System Management > Origination > Screens to allow users to manually update the base rate for the loan, or each account product during the application process. 

The Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field are also available to be added to views and reports.


When configured to appear in a screen, the Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field are set to the Default Base Rate Table assigned to the pricing model; however, the value can be changed by selecting a new base rate from a drop-down that lists all active base rate tables assigned to the pricing model.

If the value of the Loan Base Rate Index field or Account Base Rate Index field is updated during the application process, a Validation is performed upon saving a screen in the application to ensure that the value reflects a rate assigned to the pricing model. If the Loan Base Rate Index field or Account Base Rate Index field is not set to a value assigned to the pricing model, an error is received to inform that the Base Rate Index is invalid, and does not match a rate assigned to the pricing model.


When the pricing model executes for the application, rather than using the default base rate table for pricing, the system looks at the value in the Loan Base Rate Index field, or Account Base Rate Index field, to determine which base rate to use when pricing the loan and/or account product(s) on the application in progress.

For more information on assigning base rate tables to pricing models, please see the Pricing Models topic for Account Origination or Loan Origination in this guide.

Restricting Editability of the Base Rate Index Fields

By default, the Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field are only editable pre-decision; however, this can be modified by a system administrator in System Management > Origination > Editability.

Additionally, system administrators can also restrict specific users and/or security groups from editing the fields through rules. If desired, an Editability rule can be authored in Rules Management to determine which users and/or security groups are permitted to edit the Loan Base Rate Index field and Account Base Rate Index field during the application process.

Reference the table below for an overview of the Entity and Rule Logic to use to author an Editability rule for this purpose:

Entity Template Example Rule Logic
Application Set Field Editability
Application.AccountProducts Set Field Editability



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