Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Vendor Management

Vendor Management allows the administrator to create and manage a list of Vendors/Dealers with whom the financial institution does business. This list may include dealers associated with indirect application sources such as CUDL, Dealertrack or RouteOne, and vendors/dealers who submit applications directly to the financial institution via fax or at a branch. The vendors within this list are used for reporting and the calculating vendor fees, such as dealer reserve.

The Vendor Management page in System Management (System Management > Origination > Loan > Vendor Management) allows administrators to create new vendors, as well as manage the attributes of existing vendors. If an institution contains an existing list of vendors, users are able to utilize the Vendor Search functionality from this page.

The Vendor Management topic contains the following information:

Vendor Management Attributes

Within the Vendor Editor window, administrators are able to define vendor attributes within the following tabs:


General attributes consist of the demographic and inspection review details for each vendor.

While managing vendors, define the following General attributes:

Field Description
General Properties

Enter the name or DBA of the vendor.

This is a required field/attribute.
Legal Name

Enter the legal name of the vendor.

The name provided should not be a DBA.
Core Vendor #

Enter the identification number used to identify the vendor's record on the core. 


This is a required field/attribute.

Prior to creating a vendor in Temenos Infinity, a vendor record must first be created on the core. The ID number associated with the vendor record must match the vendor's Temenos record.
Active Select the active check box to enable the vendor for use in the loan origination module. Inactive vendors cannot be selected when creating new applications.
Address 1 Enter the vendor's street address.
Address 2 Enter the vendor's street address.
City Enter the city where the vendor is located.
State Enter the state where the vendor is located.
Zip Code Enter the zip code associated with the vendor's city and state.
Phone Number Enter the vendor's phone number.
Extension If applicable, enter the extension associated with the vendor's phone number.
Fax Number Enter the vendor's fax number.
Email Address

Enter the email address of the vendor representative(s) that correspondences and reports should be sent to.

If more than one email address is entered, use a semi-colon ( ; ) to separate email addresses.
URL Enter the URL of the vendor's website.
Termination Date

Enter the date when the vendor ended its relationship with the institution or click  to select the termination date from a calendar.


Using the drop-down list, select the name of the individual at the financial institution who acts as the vendor's relationship manager.

The values that populate in this drop-down are displayed alphabetically by last name and populate from the users listed in the database.

Using the drop-down list, select the name of the market/region where the vendor operates.

The values that populate in this drop-down are defined within the VENDOR_MARKET lookup within Field Configurations.
Inspection Review
Identity Number Enter the vendor's identity number.
Inception Date Enter the date when the vendor began its relationship with the institution, or click  to select the inception date from a calendar.
Last Review Date Enter the date of the vendor's last regulatory review, or click  to select the last review date from a calendar.
Next Review Date Enter the date of the vendor's next regulatory review, or click  to select the next review date from a calendar.
Last Update Date Enter the date that attributes for the vendor were last updated, or click  to select a date from a calendar. This field can be used internally to track modifications made to each vendor and is not automatically updated in the Vendor Editor window.
Principal Credit Report Date Enter the date of the vendor's last Principal Credit Report or click  to select the date from a calendar.
Annual Review Date

Enter the date of the vendor's annual regulatory review, or click  to select the annual review date from a calendar.

Termination Date Enter the date when the vendor ended its relationship with the institution, or click  to select the termination date from a calendar.
Last App Date Displays the most recent date that a direct or indirect application was created for the vendor.
Last Booked Date Displays the most recent date that an application was disbursed for the vendor.
Approve Credit Limit

If the vendor is restricted to a certain credit limit, enter the monetary amount of credit that an application for the vendor cannot exceed.

The value entered in this field is used for informational purposes only.
Business Credit Report Date Enter the date of the vendor's last Business Credit Report or click  to select the date from a calendar.

The Vendor Types multi-grid contains the following tables to allow administrators to assign type attributes to a vendor:

Attributes Description
Available Vendor Types

Contains a list of all vendor types that have not been assigned. Upon assigning a vendor type, the vendor type is removed from the available list.

The values that populate in this drop-down are defined within the VENDOR_TYPE lookup within Field Configurations.
Assigned Vendor Types Contains a list of all vendor types that have been assigned to the vendor. Once the vendor is saved, the vendor types in this table become the vendor type attribute(s).

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The Channels tab allows an administrator to set the channel specific information for each vendor. 

While managing vendors, define the following channel attributes:

Field Name Details

Read-only field that populates from the Lending.Channel table in the database.

The Channel column is not editable.
Vendor Channel #

The specific vendor ID number that may be associated for that specific channel.

For Indirect Dealers this would be their ID Number in CUDL, Dealertrack, or RouteOne. Leave blank for Direct vendors.
Status The current status of the dealer for that channel. Select an appropriate status from the drop-down list by double-clicking in the field:
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Watch-List – this option is generally used if you have had issues with the vendor/dealer and want to look more closely at their applications.
  • Blacklist - typically used if you have had issues with the vendor/dealer and no longer do business with them.
License Number Provides the ability to track license or agreement number.
License Effective Date The date in which the vendors license became effective.
License Expiration Date The date in which the vendors license will expire.
Fee Type Select an appropriate fee type from the drop-down list by double-clicking in the field:
  • Flat Fee - dealer is paid a set dollar amount per loan.
  • Percentage of Loan Amount - dealer is paid a percentage of each loan.
Flat Fee Field becomes enabled if Flat Fee is selected as the fee type. Enter the dollar amount to be paid per loan to the dealer.
Fee Percentage Field becomes enabled if Percentage of Loan Amount is selected as the fee type. Enter the percentage to be paid per loan to the dealer.
Minimum Fee Amount Enter the minimum fee that would be paid to the vendor.
Maximum Fee Amount Enter the maximum fee that would be paid to the vendor.

Update each row/column with the vendor's appropriate channel data.

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The Funding tab allows institutions to define specific funding information for each vendor. This tab includes two sections that provide administrators with the ability to capture the financial institution and account information used to compensate a vendor for the collateral on an approved application (Collateral Reimbursement) and enter the payment information used to submit reserve commission to the vendor (Reserve Reimbursement).

When funding occurs during the application process, the information configured in this tab is used to send collateral and reserve reimbursement payments to the applicable vendor according to the payment type selected.

The Payment Type can be set to any of the available values for informational purposes; however, ACH Transaction is the only payment type that is able to be automatically submitted to a vendor for payment from a Temenos application. When an ACH Transfer funding record is added to an application for the vendor, the information entered within this tab pre-populates in the Edit Funding window in the workspace, and the Business flag is automatically set to true for the ACH Transfer record

The following attributes are defined within each section of the Funding tab:

If funding information is the same for both Reserve Reimbursement and Collateral Reimbursement, select the Same as Collateral check box in the top of the Reserve Reimbursement section. When this check box is selected, the fields in the Reserve Reimbursement section populate with the information entered for Collateral Reimbursement.
Field Name Details
FI Name Enter the name of the financial institution to which the vendor payment is being issued.
FI Address 1 Enter the street address for the financial institution.
FI Address 2 Enter the second line of the street address for the financial institution.
Phone Number Enter the phone number for the financial institution.
City Enter the city for the financial institution.
State Select the state for the financial institution.
Zip Code Enter the zip code for the financial institution.
Payment Type

Select the type of payment to be issued to the vendor. This drop-down includes the following values:

While any of the below payment types can be set for informational purposes within this field, ACH Transaction is the only payment type able to be automatically submitted to a vendor for payment from a Temenos application.
  • ACH Transaction - Payment information is placed in a NACHA formatted file and exported to the vendor via the NACHA connector.
    Please see the NACHA - Origination Connector Guide for more information on this functionality.
  • Bill Payer - Payment is to be submitted to the vendor via a bill payment service.
  • Check - Payment is to be submitted to the vendor via a check.
  • GL Transfer - Payment is to be submitted to the vendor from a General Ledger at the financial institution.
  • Wire Transfer - Payment is to be submitted to the vendor via a wire transfer.
Routing Number Enter the routing number for the financial institution.
General Ledger (Reserve)

If payment is being sent to a vendor from a General Ledger, select the General Ledger from which the payment is to be made.

This drop-down populates with a list of the general vouchers identified within the Lending.GLVoucher database table.
Account Number If payment is being issued to a specific account, enter the account number where the vendor payment is to be sent.
Account Type (Reserve) Select Checking or Savings to identify the type of account receiving the payment.

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The Contacts tab is disabled until a vendor is created. Once a new vendor is saved, the Contacts tab is enabled within the New Vendor window.

The Contacts tab enables institutions to retain a list of important contacts and contact information associated with the vendor. This list of contacts provides institutions a point of reference for key contacts at dealerships.

A list of a vendor's contacts is available for an end user to view within the Vendor Contact panel.

Within the Contacts tab, the following contact attributes are displayed for each contact:

Field Name Details
Name Displays the name of the contact at the vendor.
Access Type Displays the contact's access type.
Job Title Displays the contact's job title.
Business Phone Displays the contact's phone number.
Email Address Displays the contact's email address.

Contact Attributes

All contacts share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a contact. 


Attribute Description

The general contact information includes the following fields:

Field Description
Title Provide a title for the contact.
First Name Provide the first name of the contact. This is a required field.
Last Name Provide the last name of the contact. This is a required field.
Suffix Provide a suffix in the name of the contact.
Vendor Select a vendor from the drop-down to associate with the contact. This is a required field.
Job Title Provide a job title for the contact.
Email Provide an email address for the contact.
Agent Number Provide an agent number for the contact.
License Number Provide a license number for the contact.
NMLS ID Provide an NMLS ID for the contact.
Access Type

Use the drop-down list to select the contact's access level for the Vendor Portal. This drop-down contains the following options:

By default, the Access Type is set to Standard.


Option Description
Limited Restricted access that allows the contact to only access an application once. After exiting an application session, the contact cannot return.
Standard Allows the contact to submit and return to applications he or she submitted.
Vendor Allows the contact access to all applications submitted by the vendor, and provides the ability to switch the vendor assigned to the application.
If desired, the Vendor Signer Contact field can be added to a Virtual Capture screen to determine the contact who receives a DocuSign envelope. This field is a lookup field that allows vendor applicants to select from list of all contacts who are assigned Standard or Vendor access for the vendor. For more information, please see the section titled Vendor Signer Contact for a DocuSign Envelope in the Configuring the Connector topic of the DocuSign connector guide.
If a shared terminal is used to access the Vendor Portal, it is advised that institutions do not store credentials in the browser's cookies to mitigate the risk of a standard or limited user logging in with a vendors credentials.
Contact Management This parameter determines whether the contact has access to contact management for the vendor. If the check box is selected, the contact is able to access Contact Management in the Vendor Portal. If this check box is not selected, the contact is unable to access Contact Management.
Phone Provide any or all of the contact's Business, Home, Fax, Mobile, and Other numbers.
Comments Provide comments for the contact.

Use the two-box control to determine which Vendor Portal Reports are available to a contact within the Vendor Portal. The contact has access to all assigned reports within the Vendor Portal Reports page.

The available reports are limited to those assigned in the Vendor Portal Reports tab in Vendor Management
Business Address

Provide a business address for the contact.

Users are able to select the Same as Vendor check box to recycle the vendor's address as the contact's address.
Home Address Provide a home address for the contact.
Other Address Provide any other address for the contact.
Vendor Portal Authentication

The Vendor Portal Authentication section provides the ability to grant each contact at a vendor access to the vendor instances of Virtual Capture. Within this section, administrators are able to define the credentials for a contact to use to create and submit applications for a customer through a vendor instance of Virtual Capture This section includes the following attributes:

Field Description
Active Select this check box to activate the contact's ability to access vendor instances of Virtual Capture.

Enter a username for the contact. The contact is required to enter this username while logging in to a vendor instance of Virtual Capture.

The username for each contact must be unique across all vendors; therefore, if the value entered for the username matches that of another vendor contact, an error is received when trying to save the contact. Additionally, when the Active check box is selected within the Vendor Portal Authentication section, the username must contain a value, or an error is received upon saving the contact details.
Password Enter a password for the contact. The contact is required to enter this password while logging in to a vendor instance of Virtual Capture.
Confirm Password Re-enter the contact's password.
Force Password Change On Next Login Select this check box to require the contact's password to be changed the next time he or she logs in to a vendor instance of Virtual Capture.
This check box is automatically cleared after the contact changes his or her password during the vendor log in process.

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Quality Score

The Quality Score tab is disabled until a vendor is created. Once a new vendor is saved, the Quality Score tab is enabled within the New Vendor window.

The Quality Score tab enables institutions to grade vendors according to the quality of the deals they transmit. The quality scores may be used to set review indicators to aid in decisioning.

Vendor quality scores are available to end users within the Vendor Quality Score panel.

Within the Quality Score tab, the following contact attributes are displayed for each of the vendor's quality scores:

Field Name Details
Score Displays the Lookup Description of each score listed within the VENDOR_SCORE_TYPE field lookup.
Value Displays the calculated score of each score.
Modified By Displays the name of the user who modified the score. For system calculated scores, "Lending System" displays.
Modified Date Displays the date when the record was calculated/updated.

The scores within the Quality Score tab populate according to the values within the VENDOR_SCORE_TYPE lookup in Field Configurations (System management > Origination > Field Configurations):

The following system-defined scores populate within this lookup and cannot be deleted:

Custom scores can be added to the VENDOR_SCORE_TYPE field lookup by clicking . However, the institution must contact their Temenos Customer Care Representative to write code logic to calculate these custom scores. Please see the Field Configurations topic in this guide for more information on creating lookup values.
Field Name Details
Average Credit Score

This Quality Score provides the average Credit Score for all submitted applications for a vendor.

Formula: (Sum AverageValue of configured Credit Score Model across all applications for vendor)/ (Count of Total Applications for vendor)
Funded Credit Score

This Quality Score provides the average Credit Score for all funded applications for a vendor. 

Formula: (Sum AverageValue of configured Credit Score Model across all disbursed applications for vendor)/ (Count of Total Applications Disbursed for vendor)
Funded Ratio

This Quality Score provides a percentage based on the number of approved applications versus the number of funded applications. 

Formula: (Count of Funded (Disbursed) Applications for Vendor)/ (Count of Total Applications for vendor)

The Akcelerant.Lending.Exe.VendorScoreCalculation process is used to calculate the quality scores of each vendor. By default this process occurs nightly at 8 PM.

Institutions may customize the run day/time by contacting their Temenos Customer Care Representative.

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The Comments tab is disabled until a vendor is created. Once a new vendor is saved, the Comments tab is enabled within the New Vendor window.

The Comments tab enables institutions to track any comment associated with the Vendor record. Leveraging rules can provide the most recent comment as an informational message to Temenos users.

Vendor comments are available to end users within the Vendor Comments panel.

 Within the Comments tab, the following comment attributes are displayed for the vendor:

Column Name Description
Date Created Displays the date the comment was added to the vendor record.
Comment Displays the comment.
Created By Displays the name of the user who added the vendor comment.

 Clicking  or  opens the comment dialogue box.

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The Documents tab is disabled until a vendor is created. Once a new vendor is saved, the Documents tab is enabled within the New Vendor window.

The Documents tab enables institutions to view and maintain a list of documents related to the vendor, such as annual regulatory reports/audits.

Within the Documents tab, the following attributes are displayed for each vendor document:

Column Name Description
File Name Displays the name of the vendor document.
Description Displays the document's description.
Date Created Displays the date the document was added to the vendor record.
Created By Displays the name of the user who added the document to the vendor record.

Clicking  opens the Document Upload window to provide the ability to browse to a desired file and upload it to the vendor record.

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The Statistics tab provides institutions with quick and easy access to the Vendor Statistics report, which displays a statistical view of the number of applications submitted from a vendor according to risk tier to assist in determining the quality of loans produced by the vendor. This report displays a line chart that illustrates the total number of applications disbursed for the vendor based on the risk tier(s) associated with the applications. Upon opening the Statistics tab, the report populates with data for the selected vendor.

Within the top of the tab, the following attributes are available to allow administrators to determine the data that is displayed for the Vendor Statistics report:

Attribute Description
From Date

Enter the desired start date for the report or click  to select a date from a calendar.

This field defaults to a date that is six months prior to the current date.
To Date

Enter the desired end date for the report or click  to select a date from a calendar.

This field defaults to the current date.
Vendor(s) Select the vendor on which the report is to be run. This drop-down defaults to the vendor in context, but includes a list of all vendors configured in Vendor Management to allow the value to be modified.

Reference the table below for an overview of the data that populates when the report is generated:

Section of Report Description
Number of Applications (Vertical Axis) Displays the number of applications in a range from 0 to the highest number of applications submitted by the vendor. This range defaults to display in increments of five; however, when the number of applications for the vendor is less than five, this range is displayed in increments of one. 
Months (Horizontal Axis) Displays the months included within the date range specified for the report. The dates that display are the first of each month that is within the date range defined in the From Date and To Date parameters.
Chart Displays one or more color-coded lines which correspond to the risk tier(s) associated with the application(s) submitted by the vendor.
Risk Tier Legend Displays as a list along the bottom of the report to identify the color assigned to each risk tier configured in the Tiers tab in System Management > Origination > Loan > Risk Models.

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Vendor Portal

The Vendor Portal tab enables institutions to determine which Vendor instances and products a vendor can access in Virtual Capture.

This tab includes the following two-box controls, which allow administrators to assign a vendor access to specific instances and products in Virtual Capture.

Attribute Description
Virtual Capture Instances
Available Virtual Capture Instances

Displays a list of the Virtual Capture instances to which the vendor can be assigned. This list includes all active instances configured in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Settings that have an Instance Type of Vendor, and do not use the Login settings of another instance. 


To assign an instance to the vendor, select the desired instance from the list, and move it to the Assigned Virtual Capture Instances box using the arrows, or by dragging and dropping the value.

When the Use Default Settings check box is selected within the Login tab for a Vendor instance, the instance does not populate as an option to assign to a vendor within this box.

For more information on creating vendor instances, please see the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.

Assigned Virtual Capture Instances

Displays a list of the Virtual Capture instances that a vendor is permitted to access.

A vendor can also be assigned to an instance within the Login tab in Virtual Capture Settings.
Application Types
Available Application Types

Displays a list of the loan application types and account products used to create a product for Virtual Capture in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Products.


To assign an application type to the vendor, select the desired product from the list, and move it to the Assigned Application Types box using the arrows, or by dragging and dropping the value.

For more information on creating a product for Virtual Capture, please see the Virtual Capture Products topic in this guide.
Assigned Application Types

Displays a list of the products that can be accessed by the vendor in Virtual Capture. Once the vendor is saved, the products in this list are available for selection by the vendor when a new application is created in an assigned instance of Virtual Capture.

A vendor is only able to access a product in a specific instance of Virtual Capture if the product is assigned within this box.

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Vendor Portal Reports

The Vendor Portal Reports tab enables institutions to determine which vendor reports can be accessed by the vendor in Virtual Capture.

This tab includes the following two-box control, which allows administrators to assign a vendor access to specific reports in a vendor instance of Virtual Capture.

Attribute Description
Available Reports

Displays a list of the vendor reports configured within the Reports page in the Ribbon Bar. This list includes all active Application type reports with the Vendor Portal parameter set to true in the Define tab of the report configuration window.


To assign a report to the vendor, select the desired report from the list, and move it to the Assigned reports box using the arrows, or by dragging and dropping the value.

A vendor can also be assigned to a vendor report within the Security tab of the report configuration window. For more information, please see the Security section of the Reports Administration topic in this guide.

Assigned Reports

Displays a list of the vendor reports that a vendor is permitted to access in Virtual Capture.

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Vendor Management Actions

From the Vendor Management screen, administrators are able to perform the following actions:

Creating a Vendor

To create a vendor from the Vendor Management page:

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Copying a Vendor

To copy a vendor:

Editing a Vendor

To modify an existing vendor:


Search allows the administrator to search the entire Vendor List by vendor name (full name or partial name).

To complete a vendor search:

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Importing Vendors and Contacts

In addition to manually adding vendors and their associated contacts within Vendor Management, institutions are able to perform a one-time import to add vendors and contacts. To perform a one-time vendor import, institutions must create an Excel spreadsheet containing the following information, in the specified format.

This process is performed during implementation with the assistance of Temenos Professional Services. After implementation, vendors and contacts are added through Vendor Management.
To perform this import, it is recommended that Microsoft Excel is temporarily installed on the server where the document is being imported. This installation assists Temenos Professional Services with troubleshooting failed imports.

Excel Document

The Excel spreadsheet should consist of two sheets:

Sheet Name Description

Contains information about the vendor. The following columns must be included in Sheet1:

  • VendorName
  • LegalName CoreVendorNumber
  • Channel
  • Type
  • ChannelNumber
  • Address1
  • Address2
  • City
  • State
  • ZipCode PhoneNumber
  • Extension FaxNumber
  • EmailAddress
  • URL
  • IdentityNumber
  • AnnualReviewDate
  • InceptionDate
  • TerminationDate
  • Representative
  • Market
  • Status
  • LicenseNumber
  • LicenseEffectiveDate
  • LicenseExpirationDate
  • FlatFeeAmount FeePercentage
  • MinFeeAmount
  • MaxFeeAmount

When completing Sheet1, refer to the field descriptions in the General section for assistance.

  • The Channel field should reflect the name of the connector (CUDL, Dealertrack or RouteOne) used to submit applications for the vendor. For direct vendors, enter "Direct."
  • The Channel Number field should reflect the vendor's ID number in CUDL, Dealertrack or RouteOne. Leave blank for direct vendors.
Make sure the spreadsheet does not include any special characters, such as: /, *, &, % or $.

Contains information about each contact associated with each vendor. The following columns must be included in Sheet2:

  • VendorName
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • PhoneNumber
  • Extension
  • EmailAddress

When completing Sheet2, refer to the field descriptions in the Contacts sections for assistance.

  • The VendorName column should match the VendorName on Sheet1.

Import Process

Once the spreadsheet is created, save it locally on the app server. While on the server, navigate to the Exe folder located within the app server (or dedicated app/web server) C:\Program Files (x86)\Akcelerant\Framework\Exe.

Within the Exe folder, locate and select the VendorImport application. Within the Import Vendors pop-up, Browse to the location of the vendors spreadsheet and click Import.

Once the import successfully executes, click OK in the notification message.

An exception record returns for all Vendors which do not contain a Vendor Name or Core Vendor Number.

All vendors included in the spreadsheet, populate within the Vendor Management page in System Management. All vendor contacts included in the spreadsheet, populate within each associated vendor.

Any data that was not imported, must be added manually by editing the vendor in Vendor Management.

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