Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide

Workspaces are primarily configured through the use of Areas. Areas control the look, feel, and functionality of the workspace. Configuring different Areas is especially useful if different departments or functional areas work in Temenos Infinity.

For example, if an organization has a back office processing department, the person verification functionality might not be necessary for them since the department is not making direct contact with account holders. If an organization uses the Service module, a different overview screen might be necessary than what is used for collectors.

Administrators can manage Areas by navigating to System Management > Areas.

Column Name Description
Name The name of the Area that is displayed throughout Temenos Infinity.
Users The number of users assigned to that Area.
Groups The number of groups assigned to that Area.
Last Modified The date when the last modification was made on that Area.
Modified By The name of the user who made the last modification on that Area.

Area Attributes

All areas share common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing an area.


General attributes are located on the General tab: 

Attribute Description

Provide a name of the Area. This is a required field.

Description Provide a description of the new area.
Show the Queue Contents button on the workspace toolbar? This setting specifies whether the Queue Contents icon displays on the workspace toolbar when a person is accessed from a queue. This icon opens the list of accounts in the queue and allows users to access other accounts in the current queue.

When set to appear on the workspace toolbar, the Queue Contents icon is only active when a workspace is accessed through a queue.
Show Queue Selection List and the Get Next button on the workspace toolbar? This setting specifies whether the Queue Selector drop-down and Get Next button are displayed on the workspace toolbar when a person is accessed from a queue. This setting provides users with the ability to seamlessly work a queue and navigate to other queues.

When set to appear on the workspace toolbar, the Get Next button is only active when a workspace is accessed through a queue.
Show the Total and Remaining Accounts in the queue on the workspace toolbar? This setting specifies whether an information icon is displayed next to the Queue Selector drop-down in the workspace toolbar. When this feature is enabled, hovering over the information icon displays a message containing the total number of accounts in the queue as of the last queue refresh and the remaining accounts to be worked. Enabling this feature provides users with real-time information about the queue they are currently working.

If the setting to show the total and remaining persons is also enabled, hovering over the information icon displays a count of both remaining accounts and persons.
Show the Total and Remaining Person(s) in the queue on the workspace toolbar? This setting specifies whether an information icon is displayed next to the Queue Selector drop-down in the workspace toolbar. When this feature is enabled, hovering over the information icon displays a message containing the total number of persons in the queue as of the last queue refresh and the remaining persons to be worked. Enabling this feature provides users with real-time information about the queue they are currently working.
Which accounts must be worked before allowing Get Next?

This setting determines how the Get Next functionality operates. Select "All accounts in the current queue" to require the user to work all of the account holder's accounts assigned to the current queue prior to working another account holder. Select "All accounts in any queue" to require the user to work all of the account holder's accounts assigned to any queue prior to working another account holder. Select "None" to allow the user to work another account holder in the current queue without working any of the current account holder's other accounts. 


If this setting is set to All accounts in the current queue or All accounts in any queue and the Related Accounts panel is configured to include the Queue Info column in System Management > Screens, then the following icons appear within a column in the panel to identify the accounts that must be worked before selecting Get Next: 

Icon Description
The account is in the current queue and must be worked before selecting Get Next.
The account is in a different queue and must be worked before selecting Get Next.
See the Person Workspace topic to learn more about the Queue information icons and Get Next functionality.
Default Number of months of activity to display in the Workflow History This setting specifies how many months of activity are displayed by default in the Workflow History screen. Users are able to manually change the date range on this screen.

Should users be prompted with the Person Verification screen when searching accounts?

This setting specifies if the person verification prompt should appear in the workspace when a person is opened from a search. This provides a security feature prior to opening a person in the workspace.             

A comment is added to the account holder indicating if person verification was successful. The font and background color is configurable for these comments. See Administrative Settings for information on setting the look and feel of these comments

ShowConfiguring Person Verification Messages

The Person Verification Message consists of two sections:
  • Security Information- includes a Security Password, Security Question, and Security Answer for the person in context. These fields can be added to user defined Person screens for manual edit. The security questions available for selection within the Person screen are configured from the Security Question lookup field in System Management > Field Configurations. For more information on screen configuration, please see the Screens topic within this guide.

The data within the Person Verification Message populates through a Profile Import from the Core. The field paths within the Profile Import are as follows:

  • Account > Persons > Primary > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Primary >Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Primary >Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 1 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 1 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 1 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 2 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 2 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 2 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 3 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 3 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 3 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 4 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 4 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 4 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 5 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 5 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 5 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 6 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 6 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 6 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 7 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 7 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 7 > Security Question
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 8 > Security Answer
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 8 > Security Password
  • Account > Persons > Secondary 8 > Security Question

To learn more about manually configuring Security Information for a Person Verification Message, please see Configuring Security Information within the Workspace Toolbar section of the User Guide's Workspace topic.

  • Account Verification Questions- defined in the database and driven by account data, such as Date of Birth, and Home Telephone Number. These questions cannot be configured within the system, and can vary between Person Verification Messages. The following table displays the possible questions that may appear for Account Verification, as well as the field from which an answer is rendered:
Question Field Location
What is your email address? Address Account > Persons > Primary > Emails > Default Email > Address
What is your date of birth? Birth Date Account > Persons > Primary > Birth Date
What is your mother's maiden name? Mother's Maiden Name Account > Persons > Primary > Mother's Maiden Name
What are the last 4 digits of your social security number? SSN/TIN Account > Persons > Primary > SSN/TIN
What is your home telephone number? Phone Account > Persons > Primary > Phones > Home Phone > Phone
What is your work telephone number? Phone Account > Persons > Primary > Phones > Work Phone > Phone
Answers to Account Verification questions are rendered from the field corresponding to the account holder's role. For example, an answer to the question, "What is your date of birth?" for an account holder with a role of Secondary 2 is populated from Account > Persons > Secondary 2 > Birth Date.
Screen to be displayed in the top area of the workspace

This setting specifies the screen to be displayed in the top area of the workspace. The person screens displayed in this drop-down are configured in System Management > Screens.


The top area screen is not a required screen; however, including a Person screen configured with "related" panels provides a complete overview of the accounts/cases for a person in the workspace and enables multi-account functionality. For example, when a Person screen configured to include the Related Accounts and Related Cases panels is assigned to the top area screen in this drop-down, the layout of the workspace resembles that shown below:

The Related Accounts panel must appear in the workspace in order to run Multi-account workflows.

The person screen assigned to the top area of the workspace cannot contain the same panel(s) as the screen assigned to the overview screen if a panel with the property CanHaveMultiple=False is included. This property prevents a panel from being displayed on a page more than once, and returns an error when trying to save the Area. For an overview of each panel, please see the Available Panels section within the Screens topic of this guide.                                  

See the Screens topic within this guide for more information on screen configuration and overview of each panel. To learn more about the workspace top area, please see the Workspace Overview topic within this guide.
Screen to be displayed in the Overview tab of the workspace This setting specifies the screen to be displayed in the overview screen of the workspace. The person screens displayed in this drop-down are configured in System Management > Screens.

This is a required screen.

When an account or case is selected within the Related Accounts or Related Cases panels in the top area screen, the information pertaining to the selected account or case renders in the overview screen. 

In order for information within a panel to update as a new account or case is selected from the top area screen, the panel must be configured to appear on the person screen mapped to the overview tab in the workspace. Clicking a row within the Related Accounts or Related Cases panel only refreshes the information within the overview screen.

Additional information about configuring the overview screen can be found within the Workspace Overview topic.                          


Assign individual users and groups access the area in the Security tab.

Attribute Description
Assign Users Select users from the Available Users list and move them to Assigned Users to provide users access to the area.
Assign Groups Select Groups from the Available Groups list and move them to Assigned Groups to provide groups access to the area.


Within the Screens tab, select which screens should be available in the workspace for this Area. 

Check the Include checkbox next to a screen to make it available on the Screens tab in the Left Navigation Panel of the workspace. Check the Preload checkbox next to a screen to have it automatically open when the workspace is opened.

Screens assigned to preload when the workspace is opened populate next to the overview tab.

Case screens configured to pre-load in the workspace choose an arbitrary case to load by default. If a person is not related to any cases, the case screen does not pre-load.


Within the Workflows tab, assign workflows to have either View status or View & Execute status.

Access to Workflows

For access to a workflow, the workflow must be assigned to the area and the user must have direct security access to the workflow or access through a Security Group. This security only applies when a user enters the Workspace of an Area.

For example, if a workflow is not assigned to an Area, the workflow does not appear in the Area regardless of the security applied to the workflow.

When assigning a workflow to an area or assigning Users and Security Groups to a workflow, there are three levels of security:

None is the lowest level of security and View & Execute is the highest level of security.

Permission Description
None The workflow is unavailable from the navigation panel and the workflow is omitted from Workflow History while the user is using the Area regardless of permissions.
View The workflow is unavailable from the navigation panel; however, the workflow is visible in the Workflow History while the user is using the Area, if the user is granted at least view permission in the workflow's security settings. 
View & Execute The workflow is available from the navigation panel and the workflow is visible in the Workflow History while the user is using the Area, if the user is granted view and execute permissions in the workflow's security settings. 

Assigning Workflows

Workflows can be assigned to Areas with two different methods:

Users and Security Groups can be assigned with the following methods:

General Tips for Managing Workflow Security

If a user is assigned to a Security Group, the highest level of security granted on either the User level or Security Group level is inherited by the user. For example, Sam Rockru is assigned to Security Group A. Security Group A has been given View & Execute permissions. However, Sam has been placed in the None box. Since he is assigned to Security Group A, Sam still has View & Execute permissions for the workflow.     


In the Categories tab, assign the categories to be used in this Area.

Workflow History Fields

In the Workflow History Fields tab, determine the fields that display in the Workflow History screen when an account is open in the workspace. Check the Include check box next to the field to have it displayed on the Workflow History screen in the workspace of this Area.

The order the fields are displayed on the Workflow History Screen (left to right) are displayed on this tab (top to bottom). Drag and drop the rows within the Workflow History Fields tab to change the order that the fields appear on the Workflow History screen.


From the Rules tab, assign the rules to execute within the Workspace Person Summary using the two boxes that display:

The Available Rules box contains all Presentation Rules configured in System Management > Collections > Rules Management. Administrators can assign rules to the Person Summary panel by clicking the arrows that display to move the desired rule(s) to the Assigned Rules box.

Rules in the Assigned Rules box execute upon loading a person workspace within the assigned Area and display the information in the Person Summary panel after the workspace has loaded.

See Workspace Overview for more information about the rule configuration for the Person Summary panel. Please see the Rule Authoring topic within this Guide to learn more about authoring Business Rules.

Saving the Area   

Once all information for the Area has been configured, click Save.

A success message displays to confirm that the Area was saved successfully. Select OK.

Click Save and Close to save the new Area and return to the Areas page.

Select Cancel to abandon all changes made to the area. The following confirmation message displays:

Click Yes to proceed with the cancellation process. Click No to return to the Areas page.

Upon saving the new Area, authorized users are able to access it in the Area drop-down when a workspace is open.

The new Area can now be assigned to other features throughout Temenos Infinity, such as Reports, Queues, etc.

ShowCreating an Area

ShowCopying an Area

ShowEditing an Area

ShowDeleting an Area



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