Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Case Tasks

Case tasks are individual tasks created to be added to cases that are in progress. Case tasks can be included in a case without being part of an existing case process.

For example, in a foreclosure case, property maintenance is needed monthly for the duration of the time that an institution controls the property. A property maintenance case task can be configured to allow users to add the task every month to keep track of each month's maintenance individually.

By navigating to the System Management > Collections > Case Tasks page administrators can manage existing case tasks and create new case tasks.

The following columns display on the Case Tasks page in System Management:

Column Name Description
Name The name of the Case Task.
Description If provided, displays a description of the Case Task.
Task Type Denotes the task type of the Case Task.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made to the Case Task.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification to the Case Task.

The following list contains task attributes defined in the task type configuration processes:

There are five different task types available within the module.

Task Type Description
Execute Code This task type is used to run custom code that integrates with the API to update an external system.
For assistance creating custom code in the API, contact your Temenos Customer Care Representative.
Execute Rules This task type is used to execute business rules.
General This task type displays general information in a task.
Screen This task type is used to display a screen.                
New screens can be created while configuring a Screen Task.
Workflow This task type provides the ability to run a workflow in a task.

Each Task Type has unique business functions providing the ability to customize individual cases

For example, an account holder can reinstate a loan during a Repossession Case. To quickly reinstate a loan an institution can allow users to run a Reinstate Loan workflow in a task. To update this information on the core, administrators can use an Execute Code task that runs automatically to update the core without user interaction.

Task Type Attributes

All task types share common attributes that are defined while creating or editing a task.

All task types, with the exception of the General task type, have specific attributes that are located on a tab named the same as the task type.


General attributes provide basic information for a task and are located within the general tab:

Attributes Description

Provide a name for the task. This is a required field.

The task name can be changed by double-clicking the name of a task tile in the case process.
Case Queue

Assign a case queue to a task for specific users and departments to work the task. Selecting a case queue from the drop-down list. Once the task is active, it is assigned to this case queue. This is a required field.

Queuing a task is required in order to track that all created tasks are addressed by a user. A system-defined Default Queue is included in the drop-down as an option to queue common tasks for all users.
A task's queuing history is captured for Service-level Agreement (SLA's) reporting.
Notify queue members when this task is added to a queue. Select this check box to send an email notification to users that have access to a queue, when a task enters that queue.
Description Provide a brief description of the purpose and use of the task. The description is displayed to end users on the Summary tab of a task, as well as the Case Tasks page in System Management.
Workday Schedule Assign a workday schedule, by default the workday schedule is Calendar Days. This can be overridden by selecting the workday schedule from the drop-down list.
The workday schedule is used to start delayed tasks in a case process, to calculate Task Escalation, as well as task duration for SLA reporting.
Task Duration Define the expected duration for the task to be completed using whole numbers. This is a required field. This value can be used for various purposes including SLA's reporting.

Select the Duration Unit:

  • Minutes: Defined as 60 seconds.
  • Hours: Defined as 60 minutes.
  • Days: Defined as 24 hours.
  • Week: Defined as 7 days.
  • Month: Not all months have the same number of days; therefore, a month is calculated as 4 weeks and adheres to the workday schedule assigned to the task.
Task Delay A task delay is used to start a task after a specified delayed period. For example, while wiring funds an institution allows 30 days for an account holder to return a signed wire transfer form. The administrator configures a Wire Transfer Confirmation task to have a delay of 30 days to allow the account holder enough time to return the forms.

Define the duration of the delay using whole numbers and select the Duration Unit:

  • Minutes: Defined as 60 seconds.
  • Hours: Defined as 60 minutes.
  • Days: Defined as 24 hours.
  • Week: Defined as 7 days.
  • Month: Not all months have the same number of days, therefore a month is calculated as 4 weeks and adheres to the workday schedule assigned to the task.
If a task is delayed, the queuing and escalation process of a task does not start until the end of the delay period.
Results Administrators allow tasks to have more than one result by selecting the Allow for multiple results to be selected check box.

If results are defined, the user must select the result(s) while completing the task. Results can be evaluated in business rules and code to determine what additional or remaining work is required to complete a service request.

Multiple Results allow a case process to follow multiple paths. For more information, see the Case Process section of this guide.

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The Instructions attribute is used to provide clear instructions to the end-user explaining what work must be accomplished to complete this Task.

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Undo Instructions

The Undo Instructions attribute is used to provide clear instructions to the end-user explaining what actions must be taken when a task status is undone.

All task types must be completed manually when they are undone. Since users do not work automated tasks, such as Execute Code tasks, undo instructions on how to complete them manually are essential.

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Task Escalation is a rule based attribute that aids in assuring that SLA's are met.

A task can be assigned an escalation process that can be made up of one or more levels. Each task escalation level associates a time value and case queue to a task.

Tasks escalate by moving to the assigned queues at the associated times. Times adhere to the Workday Schedule that is assigned to the task and are defined in one of two types: Time or Duration.

If an Escalation Schedule is assigned to a task, the task begins escalation once it has been created in the ticket regardless of the task status. The only time a task does not escalate is while the person assigned to the ticket is in context. Once the person is no longer in context, the task resumes escalation.

Use the Escalation Tab to create an escalation schedule for a task.

All levels within a single Task Escalation process can only use one time format, either Time or Duration. When changing between Escalation Types a message appears warning administrators that previous Escalation settings are lost if they continue.

ShowTime Type

Time type escalation uses an absolute time method to escalate tasks. Administrators select this escalation type when a task needs to be completed by a specific time in a workday. 

The below example uses a Time type escalation and a workday schedule with a start time of 9:00 am and end time of 5:00 pm.

Surplus Payment task is created to have a default queue and 2 levels of escalation.

  1. An "Auto Repossession" case, containing the Surplus Payment task, is created at 9:30 AM. The task is placed into the Default Queue.
    • At 11:00 AM, the escalation process moves the task to the Account Service Queue. At 3:30 PM, the escalation process moves the task to the Manager Queue.
    • The task remains in Manager Queue until it is completed.
  2. If a case containing the Surplus Payment task is created at 4:00 PM, the task escalates directly to the Manager Queue.

    This occurs because 4:00 PM is within the Workday schedule start and end time but after both escalation levels time settings.
  3. If a case containing the Surplus Payment task is created at 5:30 PM, the task is placed in the Default Queue and escalates to the Account Service Queue at 11:00 AM the following morning.

    Since the 5:30 PM start time is outside the workday schedule, the escalation process begins at 9:00 AM the following morning.

To set escalation times using Time type, select the Time radio button in the Escalation tab toolbar.

Field Description
Escalation Time Enter the Time using absolute time values such as 10:00, 11:15, and 3:45. Also, from the drop-down select A.M. or P.M.
Assigned Queue Enter the task queue for the escalation level.

Building a Time Escalation Schedule:

While building a Time Escalation Schedule administrators can add or delete levels of escalation.

To add an escalation level to a task:

To remove an escalation level from a task select the level and click .

When multiple escalation levels are added to the Escalation Schedule, they automatically sort (from top to bottom) in the order of escalation based on the Escalation time assigned.

ShowDuration Type

Duration type escalation times use a relative time method to escalate tasks. Administrators select this escalation type when a task needs to be completed within an allotted amount of time from when it is created.

The below example uses a Duration type escalation and a workday schedule with a start time of 9:00 AM and end time of 5:00 PM. 

A Surplus Payment task is created to have 2 levels of escalation.

  1. A case containing the Surplus Payment task is created at 9:30 AM and the task is placed into the Default Queue.
    • Four and a half hours after the task is created, the task is escalated to the Account Service Queue at 2:00 PM.
    • The task is escalated to the Manager Queue at 4:00 PM, two hours after it has entered the Account Service Queue.
    • The task remains in the Manager Queue until it is completed.
  2. If a case containing the Surplus Payment task is created at 4:30 PM, the task is placed in the Default Queue and escalates to the Account Service Queue at 1:00 PM the following workday.

    Adhering to the workday schedule, the escalation process begins and runs until 5:00 PM on the start date. This process resumes escalation at 9:00 AM the following workday.

  3. If a case, containing the Surplus Payment task is created at 5:30 PM, the task is placed in the Default Queue and escalates to the Account Service Queue at 12:30 PM the following workday.

    Since 5:30 PM is outside of the defined workday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, the escalation process starts at 9:00 AM the following workday.

To set escalation times in Duration type, select the Duration radio button on the Escalation tab.


Field Description
Quantity Enter the Time using whole numbers for hours and decimals for minutes. Please see below for some examples:
Time Description
0.25 15 minutes
1.5 1 hour and 30 minutes
2.75 2 hours and 45 minutes
3 3 hours
Unit Displays the unit of measurement for the quantity. Duration escalation is always set in hours.
Assigned Queue Enter the Service queue for the escalation level.

Building a Duration Escalation Schedule:

While building a Duration Escalation Schedule, administrators can add or delete levels of escalation.

To add an escalation level to a task:

To remove an escalation level from a task select the level and click .

When multiple escalation levels are added to the Escalation Schedule, they automatically sort (from top to bottom) in the order of escalation based on the Quantity of time.

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Execute Code

The Execute Code task type is automated to run code that evaluates data and interact with systems outside the module. If the task is completed, results automatically activate the next task in the case.

The Execute Code attributes displayed on the Execute Code Tab are Assembly Path and Class Name. Both of these attributes are required.

Attribute Description
Assembly Path

Provide the assembly path of the custom code.

This is provided by the developer that wrote the code.

Class Name

Provide the class name of the custom code.

This is provided by the developer that wrote the code.

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The Execute Rules task type is automated to apply business rules to analyze data at precise steps in a case process. The results returned by the assigned business rule(s) are used to drive users down different paths in a case process.

The Execute Rule attributes display on the Rules Tab:

Attribute Description

Displays a list of the Available Rules configured in System Management > Collections > Rules Manager. Assign a rule to evaluate by selecting the desired rule from the list and moving the rule to the Assigned Rules list using the arrows that are displayed.

The Rule Manager can be opened from within the Rules tab by clicking  in the toolbar. If a rule is created while in the Task Edit screen, clicking  displays the new rule.
Assigned Displays a list of all rules that have been assigned to the task. Multiple rules can be assigned to a single task. All rules execute simultaneously
Although an execute rule task can include multiple rules, it is recommended to configure a single rule to accomplish the desired task. This practice is beneficial for configuring rules and troubleshooting if there are any issues.

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The Screen task type allows users to view and edit a screen in Temenos Infinity. Tasks such as filing for Bankruptcy can be completed in a screen task.

The Screens tab displays a grid with two fields Name and Description. These fields display the name and description that are provided to the screen when it is created. The grid organizes all Person, Account, and Case screens that are available in the system by type. Administrators must select the desired screen from the list or an error message appears when attempting to save the task.

From the Screens tab toolbar, administrators have the ability to create a new person, account, or ticket screen by selecting a screen type from the create drop-down.

Administrators can also edit existing screens by selecting a screen from the list and clicking .

When a new screen is created through a task, it is available throughout the module the same as if it was created through the System Management > Screens page. For more information about creating and editing screens, please see the Screens topic of this guide. 

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Workflows are step-by-step processes used to perform work on one or more accounts. The Workflow task type provides the ability to run both automated and manual workflows within a case. For example, a deficiency payment workflow has multiple steps to complete the deficiency payment process. This process may need to be completed independently or it can be included in a case such as a "Auto Repossession" case.

The Workflow attribute includes a drop-down list of all workflows listed in alphabetical order. The first workflow in the list is pre-populated by default. Administrator must select a workflow or the default workflow is assigned to the task.

Once a workflow is created it is included in the drop-down list. See the Workflow section of this guide for more information on creating a workflow.

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Once all the neccessary attributes have been defined, click  to save the task and return to the task process screen.

Click  to disgard changes to the task attributes and return to the tasks tab.

ShowCreating a Case Task

The Create function enables administrators to configure a new task that can be added to a Case by a user.

ShowCopying a Case Task

The Copy function enables administrators to duplicate the configuration of an existing Case Task. The existing screen can be used as a base for creating a new Case Task.

ShowEditing a Case Task

The Edit function enables users to revisit an existing case task and modify the current configuration.

ShowDeleting a Case Task

The Delete function enables administrators to remove case tasks.

See Also



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