Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Send Email Workflow Step

The Send Email workflow step is used to send an email with account or case information to one or more persons that have roles on the account(s) associated with the workflow.

This workflow step is also used to send an email with repayment plan information to all responsible parties for a repayment plan, or the responsible parties that meet the criteria to receive the email.

The responsible persons for a repayment plan can be viewed in the Repayment Plan Responsible Parties panel. For more information on this panel, please see the Repayment Plan Responsible Parties topic in this guide.

The Send Email workflow step can be configured as an automated or manual step by the system administrator in System Management > Workflows > Workflows. If configured as an automated step, an email is automatically sent when the workflow including the Send Email step executes in the workspace.

If a Repayment Plan email is assigned to the workflow step and no repayment plan is associated with the account in context, the automated workflow fails and the user must access the Failed Workflows Dashboard in order to correct the issue.

If the Send Email workflow step is configured as a manual step, when the step executes in the workflow, users are able to select from a defined list of email templates and identify the To, From, and CC recipients of the email, as well as upload any applicable attachments directly to the email.

Workflow Step Details

Upon execution of the Send Email step, the following screen appears in the workspace to identify the template, recipient, and attachment details for the email:

This screen includes the following sections:


The Template and From drop-downs provide the ability to select the email template to be used to generate the email as well as identify the email address from which the email is being sent.

The following information populates in each drop-down:

Field Description

Includes a list of the email templates assigned to the workflow step by the system administrator in System Management > Workflow > Workflows.

For more information on configuring the Send Email workflow step, please see the Send Email Workflow Step topic in the Administrator Guide.

Includes the email addresses added to the system Email Settings by the system administrator. 

The addresses that display in this drop-down are configured within the Add "From" Email Address box that appears in the Email Settings tab in System Management > Modules > Collection. For more information, please see the Email Settings section of the Collection topic in the Administrator Guide.

ShowAdd "To" Recipient

The Add "To" Recipient section provides the ability to identify the recipient(s) who are to receive the email. When a template for Account Roles is selected, this section populates with the account holders who are related to account(s) selected for the workflow and hold a "To" role assigned to the template.

For example, if the email is configured for Account roles, and the Primary and Secondary role types are assigned to the template, the name of both the primary and secondary account holders automatically populate within the grid.

If the email is configured for Contact roles, the grid populates with the contact(s) who are related to the person/account(s) associated with the workflow, and hold a "To" role assigned to the template.

When a repayment plan email is selected, the persons who populate within the "To" section of the grid are determined by the person exclusion criteria configured for the email template by the system administrator.

If the Person Exclusion criteria for a template excludes all responsible parties from receiving a repayment plan email, no recipients populate within the "To" Recipient section when the template is selected.
Person exclusion criteria for a Recovery email is defined within the Person Exclusion tab of the Email Template configuration window in System Management > Communication > Emails. For more information on excluding persons from receiving an email with repayment plan information, please see the Person Exclusion section of the Emails topic in the Administrator Guide.

If no person exclusion criteria is defined for the email template, the email is sent to all responsible parties for the repayment plan associated with the account(s) selected for the workflow. For example, if there are two responsible persons for a repayment plan, when the Send Email workflow is run, an email is generated for each responsible party.

If the email template has been configured to exclude certain persons from receiving an email, the email is sent to the responsible parties on the repayment plan who do not meet the exclusion criteria. For example, if the person exclusion criteria for a recovery email template is Person > Accounts > Account Flags > Deceased Flag is "1," an email is generated for each responsible person on the repayment plan who has a deceased flag set to false (0); an email is not generated for any responsible party with a deceased flag set to true (1).


If desired, additional "To" recipients can be added to the email by clicking the  button that appears in the top of the grid.

For more information on adding a "To" recipient, please see the Adding "To" Recipients section in this topic.

The grid that appears in this section displays the following columns of information for each primary recipient on the email:

Column Description
Select the check box to add the person as a primary recipient of the email. When this check box is selected, the email is sent to the recipient at the email address identified within the Email column.
"To" Recipient

Displays the name of the email recipient(s).

Email Displays the email address on record for the recipient.

Displays the account to which the person is associated. If the person is a secondary on the account, the word "Secondary" appears next to the account number as shown in the below example.

ShowAdd "CC" Recipient

The Add "CC" Recipient section provides the ability to identify the recipient(s) to be carbon copied on the email. When a template is selected, this section populates recipients based on the account(s) selected for the workflow and, if applicable, the contact(s) related to the person/account(s) with a"CC" role assigned to the template.

Since roles are not assigned for repayment plan emails, the "CC" Recipient section appears blank when a repayment plan email is selected within the Template drop-down.

A "CC" recipient can be added to the email by clicking the  button that appears in the top of the grid.

For more information on adding a "CC" recipient, please see the Adding "CC" Recipients section in this topic.

The grid that appears in this section displays the following columns of information for each "CC" recipient assigned to the email:

Column Description
Select the check box to carbon copy the recipient on the email. When this check box is selected, the recipient is CC'd on the email that is sent to the email address identified within the Email column.
"CC" Recipient Displays the name of the recipient.
Email Displays the email address on record for the recipient.

Displays the account to which the person is associated.


The Attachments section enables the ability to attach documents directly to an email. This section automatically includes all documents attached to the account or case associated with the workflow from the Account or Case Documents screen. Within the Attachments section users are also able to perform the following actions:

Button Description

Click to open the Document Upload window to upload a document for an account. Within this window, users are able to select the desired document and identify the document details such as a description of the document, the document type, and the associated account.

Click to open the Document Upload window to upload a document for a case. This button only appears in the Attachments section when the Send Email workflow step executes in a Case workflow.
Click to view the attached document.
Click to refresh the Attachments section and display the most up to date information for the document(s).

For more information on the above actions, please see the Upload Document and View Document sections in this topic.

The Attachments grid displays the following columns of information for each document uploaded to the Send Email step:

Column Description

Select the check box next to the desired document to attach it to the email. When a document is uploaded to the Send Email workflow step, the check box is automatically selected for the document.

File Name Displays the name of the document uploaded to the workflow step.
Description Displays the description provided for the document.
Account Displays the account to which the document is related.
Date Created Displays the date the document was uploaded to Temenos Infinity.

When   is selected, the next screen of the Send Email workflow step appears. This screen displays a grid that lists the email address for each "To" recipient assigned to the email. If desired, users can select a recipient within the grid and click  to modify the email content for that specific recipient.

Workflow Step Execution

To execute the Send Email workflow step, select the desired email template within the Template drop-down and identify the email address from which the email is to be sent.

Once a Template and From email address are identified, select the check box next to a person's name in the Add "To" Recipient grid to add him or her as a primary recipient of the email. If recipients appear in the Add "CC" Recipient section, select the check box next to each desired person in the grid to include him or her as a copied recipient on the email.

If desired, click one of the following buttons to assign additional recipients to the email:

If a responsible party on a repayment plan is manually added to a repayment plan email using the  or  buttons, an email is generated for the person regardless of the person exclusion criteria defined for the email template; if the person meets the criteria to be excluded, he or she will still receive the email.


Clicking  opens a Search window to locate additional recipients to add to the email.

To add a "To" recipient:


Clicking  opens a Search window to locate additional contact recipients to add to the email. Within this window, users are able to add an existing contact as well as create a new contact to add to the email.

To add an existing contact as a "CC" recipient:

Button Description
Click to add the contact to the email. Once  is clicked, the contact populates in the "CC" recipient grid.

Click to modify the contact's information prior to adding the contact to the email.

This functionality is only available for contacts. When  is clicked, and a person that is not listed as a contact is selected within the grid, a message appears to inform that the person cannot be edited from the Search window.

Upon clicking :

  • The Contacts window from the Address Book (System Management > Address Book > Contacts) opens to update information for the contact.
  • Update the desired information within the Contacts Window and click 
  • Upon clicking , the following window appears to identify the contact's relationship to the email:

  • Within the Contact Relationship window:
    • Select Person or Account from the first drop-down to relate the contact to either the person or account that is associated with the email.
    • From the second drop-down, select a role that identifies how the contact is related to the person or account. This drop-down includes the values configured for the CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP lookup in Field Configurations.
    • Once a value is selected for each field, the  button is enabled within the window. Click to add the contact to the email.
  • Upon clicking , the contact populates in the "CC" recipient grid and is automatically selected as a recipient to be carbon copied on the email.

To create a new contact:

When all recipients have been assigned to the email, navigate to the Attachments section and perform one of the following actions to attach any necessary documents to the email:

ShowUpload Document

To upload a document to an email:

When  is clicked, the Document Upload window appears as shown below:

ShowView Document

To view a document that was uploaded to the Attachments grid:

Once all Template, Recipient and Attachment details are complete, click  to proceed with the workflow.

Within the second screen of the Send Email workflow step, review the list of recipients to ensure that all "To" recipients have been added to the email. If desired, select a recipient within the list and click  to modify the email content for that recipient.

ShowEdit "To" Recipient

When is clicked, the following window appears to make the necessary modifications:

Within the Edit window:

When pre-configured, the Header and Footer fields are read-only and pre-populate with the text defined by the system administrator.

Once all information for the Send Email workflow step is complete, click . Upon clicking , the email is generated and sent to all of the assigned recipients. 

If there are no other steps to the workflow, the workflow completes. The email is available to print in the Email History screen and a note identifying that the email was sent is automatically recorded in the Workflow History comments.

If the email was sent to multiple people related to an account or repayment plan, all of the emails sent appear in the Email History screen.

If only one repayment plan is associated with the account(s) selected for the workflow, the email is generated for that repayment plan. If more than one repayment plan is associated to the selected account(s), the repayment plan type selection configured for the Send Email workflow step is used to determine the repayment plan for which the email is generated.

When a Repayment Plan email is assigned to the Send Email workflow step, administrators are able to determine the repayment plan type that is used to generate the email. Please see the Repayment Plan Type example below for an overview of the repayment plan type criteria that can be used to generate an email for an account with multiple repayment plans:

ShowRepayment Plan Type Example

When configuring the Send Email workflow step, administrators have the ability to select one of the following options to set the repayment plan type criteria for the workflow step:

Repayment Plan Type Description
Active Settlement Offer

Uses the most recent active Settlement Offer associated with the account. This option automatically selects the most recent repayment plan based on Created Date where IsSettlement is true.

When this option is selected as the repayment plan type, if there are multiple repayment plans in a settlement for the related account, then the most recently created repayment plan for the settlement is associated with the email.
Active Repayment Plan Uses the active repayment plan associated with the account. This option automatically selects the most recent repayment plan with a status of Active or Delinquent.
Most Recent Repayment Plan

Uses the most recent repayment plan associated with the account. This option automatically selects the most recently created repayment plan.

For example, Recovery account 12345-67 is associated with the following repayment plans:

  • RP 176
    • IsSettlement = 1
    • Status = Cancelled
    • Created Date = 4/14/2016
  • RP 177
    • IsSettlement = 1
    • Status = Active
    • Created Date = 4/18/2016

When a workflow including the Send Email Step is run on account 12345-67, both of the repayment plans noted above are evaluated and the system looks at the Repayment Type selection to determine which repayment plan to associate to the email. For this example, the Repayment Type Selection for the Send Email workflow step was set to use the active Settlement Offer associated with the account.

Based on the Repayment Type selection, RP 177 is associated to the email since IsSettlement is true, the status is active and, out of the two repayment plans with active settlement offers, RP 177 was the most recently created repayment plan.

For more information on the repayment plan type selection settings, please see the Email Tab section of the Send Email Workflow Step topic in the Administrator Guide.

If none of the repayment plans associated with the selected account(s) meet the criteria defined for the repayment plan selection, the email cannot be generated and the following occurs:

Field Behavior in Emails

Company and Contact Fields

When Company or Contact fields are included in an email template, the fields populate with values for the first active company or contact related to the account, case, or person in context with the company type, or contact relationship, mapped to the field. For example, if Bruce Banner is a contact related to the person in context, with a relationship of Landlord, and the email template is configured to include the Person > Contacts > Landlord > First Name field,  a value of "Bruce" populates for the field during email generation.



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