Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Underwriting Review

If an application is not automatically approved or declined by the rules engine, a manual decision must be applied to the application. Within Underwriting Review, users such as underwriters and loan officers are able to review an application and render a decision.

Institutions may also use underwriting review to spot check applications that were decisioned with rules.

This topic includes an overview on how to navigate to the Underwriting Review screen as well as the information included in underwriting review.


The Underwriting Review screen may be located in the Workflow and/or the Screens List in the Application Navigator.


The Underwriting Review screen may be assigned to the Workflow Underwriting category. Upon navigating to the underwriting review screen, users are able to review an application to assess creditworthiness.

If multiple screens are assigned to a Workflow’s Underwriting stage, users are able to navigate to the screens by clicking  and .

When users reach the final screen assigned to the Workflow’s Underwriting stage, they are able to click ,   to manually decision the application.

While the  button appears within the top of the Underwriting screen in an account application, the functionality is not available; therefore, the button is disabled.

For more information on the manual decision process, refer to the Decision Processing section.

Screens List 

The Underwriting Review Screen may also appear within the Screens List in the Application Navigator. Upon selecting the underwriting review screen, users are able to review an application to assess creditworthiness.

If users complete underwriting review from the screen list, , , and  do not appear. Decisions are rendered by clicking one of the aforementioned buttons within the Application Toolbar.

Underwriting Review Information

While processing the underwriting review of an application, users are able to review the following information to assess creditworthiness:

In addition to reviewing applicant/application data, underwriting review may provide users the ability to review and issue Fees, Stipulations, Counteroffers, To-Dos, and cross-sells.

Depending on the configuration of the user-defined application screens, this underwriting review information can be collected in one screen or across multiple screens and panels. Refer to the Screens section of the Administrator Guide for more information on configuring underwriting review screens and panels. 

The images and processes listed below may not reflect your institution’s underwriting review screen. Refer to the following processes for example purposes only.

Decision Results

Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, a panel may be configured to display relevant application and results information that allows users to view a summary of the current status of the application at a glance.

Loan Terms Breakdown

Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, users may be able to view an itemized breakdown of loan terms and the factors that lead to the Final Loan Amount. This panel displays the calculations and values that factor into the loan amounts.

For more information on the Loan Terms Breakdown panel, refer to the Loan Terms Breakdown topic.


Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, a panel may be assigned to display aggregated applicant and application values, such as Net Worth Pre-Loan, Net Worth Post-Loan, Number of Collaterals, Number of Expenses, Number of Trades, and Total Income.

ShowList of Aggregates

Aggregate Name Rule Entity Level and Name Calculation

Disposable Income Per Dependant Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant’s Dependent Count = 0 Then 0


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income) - (Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments * (Percentage Responsible/100) where Liabilities Is Expense is true)) / Applicant's Dependent Count)

Application Entity


If the total of Dependent Count for all Applicants = 0 Then 0


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) - (Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments where Liabilities Is Expense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)) / the total Dependent Count for all Applicants)

Disposable Income Per Dependant Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant’s Dependent Count = 0 Then 0


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income) - (the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments * (Percentage Responsible/100) where Liabilities Is Expense is true) / Applicant's Dependent Count)

Application Entity


If the total of Dependent Count for all Applicants = 0 Then 0


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) - (the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments where Liabilities Is Expense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true))

Disposable Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income) - (Application's Monthly Payment Amount + (the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments * (Percentage Responsible/100) where Liabilities Is Expense is true)) / Applicant's Dependent Count)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) - (Application's Monthly Payment Amount + (the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments where Liabilities Is Expense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true))

Disposable Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income) - (the Applicant's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments * (Percentage Responsible/100) where Liabilities Is Expense is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type <> Previous or Additional income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) - (the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payments where Liabilities Is Expense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true))
Loan Payment to Income

Applicant Entity


If The aggregate “Total Income” for the applicant is equal to 0


(Set the ratio “Loan Payment To Income” for the applicant to 0)


(Set the aggregate “Loan Payment To Income” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMnthlyPaymentAmt) divided by the aggregate “Total Income” for the applicant)



Application Entity


If The aggregate “Total Income” for the application is equal to 0


(Set the aggregate “Loan Payment To Income” for the application to 0)


(Set the aggregate “Loan Payment To Income” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMnthlyPaymentAmt) divided by the aggregate “Total Income” for the application)

Net Worth Postloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets) - (Application's Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance  * (Percentage Responsible/100) where LiabilitiesTrade Closed Type = Not Closed))

Application Entity


(the Application total of Adjusted Balance in Assets) - (Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application total of Adjusted Balance where LiabilitiesTrade Closed Type = Not Closed))

Net Worth Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets) - (the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance  * (Percentage Responsible/100) where LiabilitiesTrade Closed Type = Not Closed))

Application Entity


(the Application total of Adjusted Balance in Assets) - (the Application total of Adjusted Balance where LiabilitiesTrade Closed Type = Not Closed)

Number Collateral

Application Entity


(the number of Collaterals on the Application)

Number Expenses

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's  number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true)

Number Expenses Balloon

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0))

Number Expenses Balloon FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0))

Number Expenses FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true)

Number Expenses Installment

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage or Open/30 Day ))

Number Expenses Installment FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and  (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and  (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage or Open/30 Day ))

Number Expenses Revolving

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Number Expenses Revolving FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and  (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Number Expenses Secured

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Number Expenses Secured FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true IsFromHost is true and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true IsFromHost is true and IsSecured is true)

Number Expenses Unsecured

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Number Expenses Unsecured FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsExpense is true IsFromHost is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true IsFromHost is true and IsSecured is false)

Number Trades

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's  number of Liabilities)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Number Trades Balloon

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0))

Number Trades Balloon Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0) and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where  (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0) and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeClosed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Balloon Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where  (Balloon Amount is not Null and <> 0) and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeClosed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeClosed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Credit Cards

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Number Trades Credit Cards Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail) and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed and (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Number Trades Credit Cards Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Number Trades Education Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Trade Category has a value of Education (Student Loans)) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Trade Category has a value of Education (Student Loans)))

Number Trades Installment

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Number Trades Installment Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and TradeClosedType does not have a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Installment Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Medical Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where Trade Category has a value of Medical and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Medical)

Number Trades Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Real Estate

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where Trade Category has a value of Real Estate)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate)

Number Trades Real Estate Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where Trade Category has a value of Real Estate and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type does not have a values of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate)

Number Trades Real Estate Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where Trade Category has a value of Real Estate and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a values of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate)

Number Trades Revolving

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Number Trades Revolving Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and  Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and  (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and Trade Closed Type does not have a values of Not Closed)

Number Trades Revolving Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and  Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and  (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and Trade Closed Type has a values of Not Closed)

Number Trades Secured

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true)

Number Trades Secured Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsSecured is true and TradeClosedType does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true and TradeClosedType does not have a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Secured Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsSecured is true and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Unsecured

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false)

Number Trades Unsecured Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsSecured is false and TradeClosedType does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false and TradeClosedType does not have a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Unsecured Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where IsSecured is false and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false and TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Vehicle

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, or Recreational Vehicle))

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and  (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, or Recreational Vehicle))

Number Trades Vehicle Closed

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where  (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, or Recreational Vehicle) and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, or Recreational Vehicle) and Trade Closed Type does not have a value of Not Closed)

Number Trades Vehicle Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's number of Liabilities where  (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht,  or Recreational Vehicle) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Application Entity


(the Application's number of Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht,or Recreational Vehicle) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Annual  Income

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of (Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type does not have a value of Previous Income) *12)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of (Adjusted Monthly Income where Income Type does not have a value of Previous Income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) *12)

Total Assets Available Balance

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Available Balance in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Available Balance in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Available Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Available Balance in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IfFromHost is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IsFrom Host is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj FI Accounts

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true and (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IsFrom Host is true and (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving)and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj Life Insurance

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Life Insurance)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Life Insurance and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj Other

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Other)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Other and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj Other FI Accounts

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is false and  (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is false and (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving) and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj RE

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Real Estate)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Other and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj Retirement

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Retirement Accounts (401K, 403B, Pension))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Retirement Accounts (401K, 403B, Pension) and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj Securities

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Securities (Stocks and Bonds))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Securities (Stocks and Bonds) and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Available Balance Adj Vehicle

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Vehicle)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Available Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Vehicle and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Balance in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Balance in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj FI Accounts

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true and (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is true and  (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving) and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj Life Insurance

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Life Insurance)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Life Insurance and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj Other

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Other)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Other and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj Other FI Accounts

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is false and (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where IsFromHost is false and (Asset Type has a value of Certificate, Checking, IRA, Money Market, or Saving) and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true

Total Assets Balance Adj RE

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Real Estate)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Real Estate and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj Retirement

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Retirement (401K, 403B, Pension))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Retirement (401K, 403B, Pension) and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj Securities

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Securities (Stocks and Bonds))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Securities (Stocks and Bonds) and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Balance Adj Vehicle

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Vehicle)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Vehicle and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Hold Amount

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Hold Amount in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Hold Amount in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Hold Amount FI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Hold Amount in Assets where IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Hold Amount in Assets where IsFromHost is true and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Market Value

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Assets Market Value Life Insurance

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Life Insurance)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Asset Type has a value of Life Insurance)

Total Assets Market Value Other

Applicant Entity


the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Other)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Asset Type has a value of Other)

Total Assets Market Value RE

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Real Estate)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Asset Type has a value of Real Estate)

Total Assets Market Value Retirement

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Retirement (401K, 403B, Pension))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Asset Type has a value of Securities (Stocks and Bonds))

Total Assets Market Value Securities

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Retirement (401K, 403B, Pension))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Asset Type has a value of Securities (Stocks and Bonds))

Total Assets Market Value Vehicle

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Market Value in Assets where Asset Type has a value of Vehicle)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Asset Type has a value of Vehicle)

Total Assets Original Value

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total of Original Value in Assets)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of OriginalValue in Assets where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Collateral Additional Housing Expense

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Down Payment in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Down Payment

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Down Payment in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Liable Lien Amount

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Lien Amount

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Market Value

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Market Value in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Market Value Adj

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Market Value in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Net Value

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Net Value in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Net Value Adj

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Net Value in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Net Value Adj

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Number Of Shares  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Original Investment Value

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Original Investment Value  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Original Value

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Original Value  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Original Value Adj

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Original Value  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Purchase Price

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Purchase Price  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Trade In Value

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Value  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Value

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Collateral Value  in Collaterals)

Total Collateral Value Adj

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Value  in Collaterals)

Total Expenses Balance FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expenses Balance FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expenses Balance Installment FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Closed End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and IsFromHost is true))


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and IsFromHost is true))

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Closed End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and IsFromHost is true))


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and IsFrom Host is true)

Total Expenses Balance Installment FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and  IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Balance Installment Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Closed End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day)))


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day)))

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Closed End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day)))


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a values of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Total Expenses Balance Installment Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day))

Total Expenses Balance Postloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true) + Application Initial Loan Amount

Application Entity


(the Application's total os Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expenses Balance Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true) + Application Initial Loan Amount

Application Entity


(the Application's total os Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expenses Balance Revolving FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a values of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true))


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true))

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true))


 (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a values of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Balance Revolving FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Balance Revolving Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a values of Credit Line, or Revolving)))


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Expenses Balance Revolving Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Expenses Balance Secured FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is true


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is true


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)   

Total Expenses Balance Secured FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Balance Secured Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is true


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is true


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Total Expenses Balance Secured Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true)

Total Expenses Balance Unsecured FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Balance Unsecured FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Balance Unsecured Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Total Expenses Balance Unsecured Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false)

Total Expenses Balloon FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Balloon Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsFromHost is true and IsExpense is true) + Application Balloon Amount

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) + Application Balloon Amount

Total Expenses Balloon FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Balloon Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsFromHost is true and IsExpense is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expense Balloon Postloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Balloon Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true) + Application Balloon Amount

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and  IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true) + Application Balloon Amount

Total Expenses Balloon Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Balloon Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expenses Limit Revolving FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Limit Revolving FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Limit Revolving Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application  Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Expenses Limit Revolving Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Expenses Limit Unsecured FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Limit Unsecured FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Limit Unsecured Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Total Expenses Limit Unsecured Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false)

Total Expenses Payment Credit Cards Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and  (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Expenses Payment Education Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and  Trade Category has a value of Education (Student Loans)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Category has a value of Education (Student Loans)) and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Expenses Payment FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment FI Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true))

Application Entity


Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment FI Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true))

Total Expenses Payment FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsFromHost is true and IsExpense is true))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsFromHost is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true

Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan

Applicant Entity


Take the following:

Application TradeType has a value of “Mortgage”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Mortgage”))


( Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Mortgage”)

Application Entity


If TradeType has a value of “Mortgage”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Mortgage”))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Mortgage”)

Total Expenses Payment Housing Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and Account Type has a value of Mortgage))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Account Type has a value of Mortgage )))

Total Expenses Payment Installment FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application LoanType has a value of “Closed End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment FI Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day” and IsFromHost is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment FI Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day” and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If LoanType has a value of “Closed End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment FI Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day” and IsFromHost is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment FI Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day” and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Payment Installment FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day) and IsFromHost is true))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30Day) and IsFromHost is true))

Total Expenses Payment Installment Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application LoanType has a value of “Closed End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day”))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day”)

Application Entity


If LoanType has a value of “Closed End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day”))

Else( Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Installment Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day”)

Total Expenses Payment Installment Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30 Day)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, or Open/30Day)))

Total Expenses Payment Medical Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and  Trade Category has a value of Medical))

Application Entity


(the Application's total of Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Category has a value of Medical and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Expenses Payment Postloan

Applicant Entity


Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true))

Application Entity


Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true))

Total Expenses Payment Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Expenses Payment Real Estate Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and Trace Closed  Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Expenses Payment Revolving FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application LoanType has a value of “Open End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving” and IsFromHost is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving” and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If LoanType has a value of “Open End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving FI Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving” and IsFromHost is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving FI Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving” and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Payment Revolving FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving) and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application LoanType has a value of “Open End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”)) 


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”)

Application Entity


If LoanType has a value of “Open End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Revolving Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”)

Total Expenses Payment Revolving Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Limit n Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Expenses Payment Secured FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application IsSecured is true


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured FI Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured FI Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is true


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured FI Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured FI Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expense Payment Secured FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expense Payment Secured Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application IsSecured is true


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is true


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and IsSecured is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Expenses Payment Secured Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and IsSecured is true)

Total Expense Payment Secured Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is true)

Total Expenses Payment Unsecured FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Payment Unsecured FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false and IsFromHost is true)

Total Expenses Payment Unsecured Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Total Expenses Payment Unsecured Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IsExpense is true and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and IsSecured is false)

Total Income

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type does not have a value of Previous Income)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type does not have a value of Previous Income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income Additional

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Additional Income)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Additional Income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income Alimony

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Alimony Income)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Alimony Income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income Child Support

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Child Support)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Child Support and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income Non Current

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type does not have a value of Current Income)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type does not have  a value of Current Income and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income Other

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Other)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Other and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income Retirement

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Retirement)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Retirement and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Income SSI

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Social Security)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Income in Incomes where Income Type has a value of Social Security and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true)

Total Trades Balance Credit Cards Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed, and (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Category has a value of Education (Student Loans))

Total Trades Balance Education Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed, and (Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Category has a value of Education (Student Loans))

Total Trades Balance Installment Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Closed End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Closed End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day

Total Trades Balance Installment Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day

Total Trades Balance Medical Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Medical)

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Category has a value of Medical)

Total Trades Balance Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


(Application's Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Application Entity


(Application's Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Total Trades Balance Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Trades Balance Real Estate Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Real Estate)

Total Trades Balance Revolving Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where ITrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or  Revolving)))


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or  Revolving)))

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)

Total Trades Balance Revolving Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or  Revolving)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)

Total Trades Balance Secured Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is true


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is true


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)

Total Trades Balance Secured Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeCloseType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)

Total Balance Unsecured Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Total Balance Unsecured Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeCloseType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Total Trades Balance Vehicle Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Balance * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, or Recreational Vehicle (Camper, Motor Home))))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Balance in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, or Recreational Vehicle (Camper, Motor Home)))

Total Trades Balloon Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


(Application Balloon Amount + (the Applicant's total (Balloon Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Application Entity


(Application Balloon Amount + (the Application's total Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Total Trades Balloon Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Balloon Amount * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed))

Total Trades Limit Credit Cards Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Limit in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Balloon Amount in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Credit Card, Department Store, or Miscellaneous Retail))

Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Limit in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))


(the Applicant's total Limit in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))

Application Entity


If the Application Loan Type has a value of Open End


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))


(the Application's total Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Limit in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Trades Limit Unsecured Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Applicant's total Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities where Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)


(the Applicant's total Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Initial Loan Amount + (the Application's total Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)


(the Application's total Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Total Trades Limit Unsecured Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Limit * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Limit in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeCloseType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Total Trades Payment Installment Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application LoanType has a value of “Closed End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Installment Open Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day)) 


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Installment Open Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day)

Application Entity


If LoanType has a value of “Closed End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Installment Open Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day”))


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Installment Open Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 day”)

Total Trades Payment Installment Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Account Type has a value of Installment, Mortgage, Open/30 Day))

Total Trades Payment Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Open Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed”))

Application Entity


Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Open Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed”))

Total Trades Payment Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed)

Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application LoanType has a value of “Open End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”))


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”)

Application Entity


If LoanType has a value of “Open End”


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”))


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and AccountType has a value of “Credit Line, Revolving”)

Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


 (the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and (Account Type has a value of Credit Line, or Revolving))

Total Trades Payment Secured Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Application IsSecured is true


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Secured Open Postloan” for the applicant to ((Application MonthlyPaymentAmount plus Application LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and IsSecured is true)) 


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Secured Open Postloan” for the applicant to (the total of (AdjustedMonthlyPayment multiplied by (PercentageResponsible divided by 100)) in Liabilities filtered by TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and IsSecured is true)           

Application Entity


If IsSecured is true

Then( Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Secured Open Postloan” for the application to ((MonthlyPaymentAmount plus LoanRealEstate TotMthlyPaymentAmt) plus (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and IsSecured is true))


(Set the aggregate “Total Trades Payment Secured Open Postloan” for the application to (the total of AdjustedMonthlyPayment in Liabilities filtered by IncludeInApplicationAggregate is true and TradeClosedType has a value of “Not Closed” and IsSecured is true)

Total Trades Payment Secured Open Preloan

Applicant Entity

(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)

Application Entity

(the Application's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeCloseType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is true)

Total Trade Payment Unsecured Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If the Application IsSecured is false


(Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)  in Liabilities whereTrade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


If IsSecured is false


(Application Monthly Payment Amount + (the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false))


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100)) in Liabilities where TradeClosedType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Application Entity


(the Application's total (Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and TradeCloseType has a value of Not Closed and IsSecured is false)

Total Trades Payment Vehicle Open

Applicant Entity


(the Applicant's total Adjusted Monthly Payment * (Percentage Responsible / 100) in Liabilities where (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, Recreational Vehicle (Camper, Motor Home)))

Application Entity


(the Application's total Adjusted Monthly Payment in Liabilities where IncludeInApplicationAggregates is true and (Trade Closed Type has a value of Not Closed and Trade Category has a value of Automobile, Boat/Yacht, Recreational Vehicle (Camper, Motor Home)))
Aggregates are assigned at the sub-product level.

Review the aggregates for any amounts of values that do not align with the institution’s lending or new account guidelines to assist in rendering a decision.

Aggregates may change during the following application events:

Concurrent application values are added during the Decision process. This can cause aggregate values to differ between the first calculate and decision because additional liabilities are added by the decision.

If desired, system administrators can author a rule using The Applicant with the Highest/Lowest Aggregate Value template to set application details based on the applicant with the highest or lowest value for a specific aggregate. For more information, please see the rule vocabulary template example for The Applicant with the Highest or Lowest Aggregate or Ratio Value in the Administrator Guide.


Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, a panel may be assigned to display applicant and application ratios such as Debt To Income Pre-Loan, Debt To Income Post-Loan, Loan To Value, and Revolving Debt.

ShowList of Ratios

Ratio Name Rule Entity Level and Name Calculation
Annual Unsecured Debt to Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income = 0 Then 0


(Applicant's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Postloan / Applicant's Total Income) * 12


Application Entity


If Application's Total Income = 0 Then 0


(Application's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Postloan / Application's Total Income) * 12

Annual Unsecured Debt to Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant’s Total Income = 0 Then 0


(Applicant's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Preloan / Applicant’s Total Income) * 12


Application Entity


If Application’s Total Income = 0 Then 0


(Application's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Preloan / Application’s Total Income) * 12

Capacity Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant’s Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Balance Revolving Open Postloan / Applicant's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan


Application Entity


If Application’s Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Trades Balance Revolving Open Postloan / Application's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan

Capacity Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant’s Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Balance Revolving Open Preloan / Applicant's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan


Application Entity


If Application’s Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Trades Balance Revolving Open Preloan / Application's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan

Combined Loan To Value

Application Entity


If (Total Collateral Value – total Liens) = 0 then  0


(If Application is Decisioned, Disbursed or is in Pending Disbursement status then Combined LTV = (FinalLoanAmount + TotalLienAmount) / TotalColateralValue


Combined LTV = (InitialLoanAmount + TotalLienAmount) / TotalColateralValue

Debt To Income Expenses Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application Total Expenses Payment Postloan / Application Total Income


Application Entity


If Application's Total Income = 0 then 0


Application Total Expenses Payment Postloan / Application Total Income

Debt to Income Expenses Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant Total Expenses Payment Preloan / Applicant Total Income


Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Expenses Payment Preloan / Application's Total Income

Debt To Income Trades Open Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Payment Open Postloan /Applicant's Total Income


Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Trades Payment Open Postloan / Application'sTotal Income

Debt To Income Trades Open Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Payment Open Preloan / Applicant's Total Income

Application Entity


If Application's Total Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Trades Payment Open Preloan / Application'sTotal Income

Housing Debt To Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan / Applicant's Total Income

Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Expenses Payment Housing Postloan / Application's Total Income

Housing Debt To Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Expenses Payment Housing Preloan / Applicant's Total Income

Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Expenses Payment Housing Preloan / Application's Total Income

Loan Payment to Income

Applicant Entity



If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application Payment Amount / Applicant's Total Income

Application Entity


If Application's Total Income = 0 then 0


Application Payment Amount / Application's Total Income

Loan To Value

Application Entity


If Total Collateral Value = 0 then  0


(If Application is Decisioned, Disbursed or is in Pending Disbursement status then LTV = FinalLoanAmount / TotalColateralValue


LTV = InitialLoanAmount / TotalColateralValue

Revolving Balance To Annual Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Balances Revolving Open Postloan / (Applicant's Total Income * 12)

Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Trades Balances Revolving Open Postloan / (Application's Total Income * 12)

Revolving Balance To Annual Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Balances Revolving Open Preloan / (Applicant's Total Income * 12)

Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Trades Balances Revolving Open Preloan / (Application's Total Income * 12)

Revolving Debt To Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan / Applicant's Total Income

Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Postloan / Application's Total Income

Revolving Debt To Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Preloan / Applicant's Total Income

Application Entity


If Application 'sTotal Income = 0 then 0


Application's Total Trades Payment Revolving Open Preloan / Application's Total Income

Revolving Limit To Annual Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Postloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Revolving Limit To Annual Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Trades Limit Revolving Open Preloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Unsecured Balance To Annual Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured Postloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured Postloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Unsecured Balance To Annual Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured Preloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured Preloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Unsecured Balance To Annual Income FI Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured FI Postloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured FI Postloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Unsecured Balance To Annual Income FI Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured FI Preloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Expenses Balance Unsecured FI Preloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Unsecured Debt To Income Postloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Postloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Postloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Unsecured Debt To Income Preloan

Applicant Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Applicant's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Preloan / (Applicant's Total Income *12)

Application Entity


If Applicant's Total Income  = 0 Then 0


Application's Total Trades Payment Unsecured Open Preloan / (Application's Total Income *12)

Ratios are assigned at the sub-product level.

Review the ratios for any values that do not align with the institution’s lending or new account guidelines to assist in rendering a decision.

Ratios may change during the following application events:

Concurrent application values are added during the Decision process. This can cause ratio values to differ between the first calculate and decision because additional liabilities added are by the decision.
If desired, system administrators can author a rule using The Applicant with the Highest/Lowest Ratio Value template to set application details based on the applicant with the highest or lowest value for a specific ratio. For more information, please see the rule vocabulary template example for The Applicant with the Highest or Lowest Aggregate or Ratio Value in the Administrator Guide.


Review the ratios for any values that do not align with the institution’s lending or new account guidelines prior to rendering a decision.

The Scores panel displays all score models associated to the application and the specific scores for each applicant. It also shows what the Average, High, and Low scores are for the application. 

Review the scores for any values that do not align with the institution’s lending or new account guidelines prior to rendering a decision

Review Indicators

The Loan Review Indicators and Account Review Indicators panels display various indicators to highlight the status of particular decision criteria and allow institutions to review any indicators that do not align with their lending or new account guidelines prior to rendering a decision. 

Within the Loan Review Indicators panel, all of the review indicators related to an application's Loan decision are displayed in alpha-numeric order by name.

Within the Account Review Indicators panel, all of the review indicators related to an application's Account decision are displayed.

Depending on the configuration of the Underwriting Review screen, the Loan Review Indicators and/or Account Review Indicators panel may be assigned to display review indicators such as:

Icon Description

The application has successfully passed that decision criteria.

The application needs to be reviewed further to make a decision based on that criteria.

The application has failed that decision criteria.
When a counteroffer is accepted, the original review indicators that are attached to an application are replaced by new counteroffer review indicators.

Clearing Review Indicators

Each time an application is decisioned, the review indicators assigned to the application type's decision models are executed and populate in the Loan Review Indicators or Account Review Indicators panel. When an application is re-decisioned, the previous review indicators are cleared and new indicators are applied according to the updated application criteria.

When a decision is removed from an application, the existing review indicators remain on the application; they do not get cleared.

However, if both an account and loan decision are required for an application, there are instances where indicators for the loan decision are not removed.

The table below provides an overview of the behavior for review indicators when an application includes both an account and loan decision:

Loan Decision Loan Review Indicators Set Account Decision Account Review Indicators Set Behavior of Indicators on Re-Decision

Decision - None

Status - Pending Review

Loan Review Indicators are set on the application and populate in the Loan Review Indicators panel.

Decision - None

Status - In Progress

No Account Review Indicators are set on the application.

Loan Review Indicators - When the application is re-decisioned, all existing Loan review indicators are cleared and new Loan review indicators are applied according to the updated application criteria.


Account Review Indicators - Nothing occurs since an Account decision was not rendered and no Account review indicators existed on the application.

Decision - Approved

Status - Decisioned

Loan Review Indicators are set on the application and populate in the Loan Review Indicators panel.

Decision - None

Status - Pending Review

Account Review Indicators are set on the application and populate in the Account Review Indicators panel.

Loan Review Indicators - When the application is re-decisioned for the Account decision, the existing Loan review indicators remain on the application. The loan review indicators are not cleared since the loan was already decisioned.  


Account Review Indicators - When the application is re-decisioned, all existing Account review indicators are cleared and new Account review indicators are applied according to the updated application criteria.

Decision - Approved

Status - Decisioned

Loan Review Indicators are set on the application and populate in the Loan Review Indicators panel. Decision - Approved Status - Decisioned Account Review Indicators are set on the application and populate in the Account Review Indicators panel. If the decision is removed from the application, all Loan and Account review indicators are cleared and new Loan and Account review indicators are applied when the application is re-decisioned. 

Associated Applications

Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, a panel may be assigned that allows users to view any applications to which the current applicants are associated, such as those from a third party or promotional offer.

Users are able to open an application from the list by double-clicking the appropriate row in the grid.


Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, a panel may be assigned that allows users to view the collateral associated with the current application.

For more information on collateral, see the Collateral topic within the Origination section.

Trade Ins

Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, a panel may be assigned that allows users to view the information associated with the vehicle that was traded in.


The Stipulations panel may be assigned to allow users to view and maintain the conditions required to approve and/or disburse an application. 

For more information on stipulations, see the Stipulations Panel topic within the Decision Processing section.

To-Dos Panel

The To-dos panel may be assigned to allow users to view all outstanding To-dos and Stipulations that are required to decision or disburse the current application, as well as complete manual To-dos.

For more information on the To-Dos panel, see the To-Do Panel topic within the Decision Processing section.

Fees Panel

The Fees panel may be assigned to allow users to add and maintain application and processing fees while completing an application’s underwriting review process.

For more information on the Fees panel, see the Fees Panel topic within the Decision Processing section.

Counteroffers Panel

The Counteroffer panel enables users to create one or more counteroffers that contain alternative loan terms that are more desirable to the institution.


This panel contains a toolbar that allows users to perform the following functions:

Icon Title Description


Allows a user to create a counteroffer to the application. When counteroffer is added to the application.


Allows a user to edit a counteroffer currently on the application.

For more information on editing counteroffers, refer to the editing counteroffers topic.


Allows a user to remove a counteroffer from the application. When a counteroffer is deleted, a row is removed from the counteroffer grid.

For more information on deleting counteroffers, refer to the deleting counteroffers topic.


Send to Third Party

Allows a user to send the selected counteroffer to the indirect connector that submitted the application. 

If multiple counteroffers have been created, the Send Counteroffer to RouteOne/DealerTrack action transmits only the last counteroffer created to the third party. This button allows users to transmit the counteroffer of their choosing to the third party.
If a subsequent counteroffer is created or an existing counteroffer is modified, the DealerTrack/RouteOne Counteroffer Update event pair transmits the new or modified counteroffer. If a counteroffer other than the new or modified is to be presented to the dealer, reselect the counteroffer that is to be transmitted and click Send to 3rd Party.
This button is only enabled if an application was submitted by DealerTrack or RouteOne.

Each counteroffer populates as a separate row within a grid containing the following columns:

Column Name Description

Indicates whether the counteroffer was accepted or rejected.

Approved Amount Indicates the countered loan amount.
Term Indicates the countered loan term (months).
Interest Rate Indicates the countered interest rate.
Payment Indicates the countered payment amount.
Goals A check box that indicates if the counteroffer has goal aggregates and/or ratios.
Stipulations A check box that indicates if the counteroffer has stipulations.
Comments A check box that indicates if the counteroffer has comments.
Requires Review A check box that indicates if the counteroffer requires underwriting review.
Counteroffer Decision Indicates the counteroffer decision.
The Counteroffer panel may be assigned to any user-defined application screen. It may also be assigned to its own exclusive screen.

Depending on the configuration of the underwriting review screen, users may be able to create one or more counteroffers that contain alternative loan terms that are more desirable to the institution.

From the counteroffers panel, users are able to view and maintain counteroffers.

For more information on maintaining counteroffers, see the Counteroffer topic within the Decision Processing section.

Cross-sells Panel

If configured by the system administrator, the Cross-sells panel may appear within the Underwriting Review screen to provide users with the ability to review cross-sells that currently exist on the application, as well as create additional non-loan cross-sells.

By default, the Cross-sells panel displays existing cross-sells within product cards. If the application does not have any existing cross-sells, a message is displayed indicating that the user must regenerate the opportunities within the Cross-sell screen in order for cross-sells to appear within the panel.


Clicking  within the Cross-sells panel allows users to select the desired non-loan cross-sell product and enter details about the new cross-sell to add to the application.

 is enabled and disabled according to the Add Non-loan Cross-sell editability option configured by a system administrator in System Management > Origination > Editability.
Non-loan cross-sells marked as Active within System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products are displayed within the Add Non-loan Cross-sell drop-down.

Clicking  within the Cross-sells panel allows users to refresh the Underwriting Review screen.

Unlike the Cross-sells screen, the Cross-sells panel does not include the Liabilities tab or the Regenerate Opportunities button.
For more information on adding cross-sells to an application, please see the Cross-Sells topic within the Approval section of this guide.



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