Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Loan Origination Product Guide
Application Workspace Overview

This section provides an overview of the configurable areas within the Lifecycle Management Suite's application workspace. Many areas of the application workspace can be configured by administrators to display institution-specific information and this section serves as a guide to where those configurations can be made.

Show1 - Workspace Toolbar

The workspace toolbar is located on the top of all workspaces. The icons within the toolbar are always displayed; however, the availability and functionality of these icons is configurable. Below is an overview of the Toolbar icons that can be configured by system administrators:


In order for  to be active in the toolbar and the end-user to be able to manually approve an application, the following must be configured by the system administrator:

  • The Editability Action for Approve must be correctly enabled for the status of the application in System Management > Origination > Editability.
  • The Approve Loan permission is enabled in System Management > Users to manage user permissions and/or System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.
If the Approve Loan permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application decision has already been rendered,  is disabled.


When the Decline Application permission is enabled, the  icon is active in the toolbar. If active, users are able to manually decline an application. To configure the Decline Application permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.
If the Decline Loan permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application decision has already been rendered,  is disabled.


The More icon provides additional decision actions. It is always active within the toolbar; however, the following decision actions are dependent on the associated permissions.


Decision Action Description Permission
Remove Decision

If enabled, this action allows users to remove an application's decision.

If the permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application is disbursed or has not been decisioned, the Remove Decision option is disabled.
Remove Decision on Application

If enabled, this action allows users to withdraw an in progress application.

If the permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application is disbursed, the withdraw option is disabled.
Withdraw Application
Remove Withdraw

If enabled, this action allows users to restore a previously withdrawn application to an in progress state.

If the permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application has not been withdrawn, the remove withdraw option is disabled.
Remove Withdraw Status From Application
Create New Counteroffer

If enabled, this action allows users to create alternate loan terms for an application.

If the permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application is disbursed, the new counteroffer option is disabled.
Counteroffer - Add, Edit and Delete
Remove Counteroffer Decision

If enabled, this action allows users to reset the loan terms to the original terms prior to the first Counteroffer.

If the permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application is disbursed or has not been countered, the remove counteroffer decision option is disabled.
Remove Decision on Application
Change Product

If enabled, this action allows users to change the product of the current application.

If the permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. A product cannot be changed after a loan decision is rendered for an application; therefore, after the loan has been decisioned, the Change Product button is disabled within the More drop-down.

Change Product on Application

 To configure permissions for More decision actions:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.


The Create Documents icon is always active within the toolbar; however, the behavior of this button depends on the documentation connector that is active within the Lifecycle Management Suite.

  • If only one documentation connector is enabled, clicking opens the screen of the active documentation connector.
  • If multiple documentation connectors are enabled, clicking the Create Documents icon opens the screen of the documentation connector that had its connector screen last saved.


When the Disburse Loan permission is enabled, the  icon is active in the toolbar. If active, users are able to disburse an application. To configure the Disburse Loan permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.
If the Disburse Loan permission is enabled, the availability of the icon is dependent on the state of the application. If an application has already been disbursed or is not in a disbursable state,  is disabled.


When the Send Custom Emails permission is enabled the send email icon is active in the toolbar. If active, users are able to send emails from within an application. To configure the Send Custom Emails permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.

Clicking the send email icon populates the Send Email pop-up window.

Within this window, users are able to send a custom email or use one of the institution-defined templates, which are defined in System Management > Origination > Email Templates.


The Links icon is always active within the toolbar. However, the links it contains depends on items defined within System Management > Origination > Hyperlinks.


In order to define the hyperlinks that populate in this drop-down, the Hyperlinks permission must be enabled. To configure the Hyperlinks  permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.


The Queuing icon is always active within the toolbar. It contains functionality that enables users to view which queue the application is currently assigned. It also allows users to perform the following queuing actions:


Action Description Permission
Pin To Queue

 Allows users to assign the application to a specific queue. 

Once an application is pinned to a queue, it will remain in that queue until it is unpinned. Once unpinned, normal queuing resumes.
Pin Application to Queue
Unpin From Current Queue

Allows users to remove an application from the queue it was pinned to.

Once unpinned, normal queuing resumes.
Pin Application to Queue

To configure the queuing permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions. 


If the application has not been disbursed, the core button is active. It contains functionality that allows users to perform the following core actions:


Action Description Permission
Change Account/Loan Number Allows users to identify the account number for the account holder and loan assigned to the application. With Change permission to Create New Member Account for an Existing Member, users are also able to create a new record for an existing primary applicant in the core system.

N/A to allow a user to access the Change Account/Loan Number screen and generate an account number for a new account holderand the loan assigned to the application.

Create New Member Account for an Existing Member must be set to Change to enable the Generate button in the Member Account Number section of the Change Account/Loan Number screen and allow a user to create a new record for the existing primary applicant in the core system.

Core Update Allows users to view the last time a core update was performed on an application. It also allows users to perform a manual core update, if the appropriate permission is granted. Update Application From Core set to Change.

To configure the above permissions:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.

Event Processing Configurations to Automatically Generate Account Numbers

Within Event Processing, the following two actions can be configured to execute during a specified event to automatically generate a Member Account Number and/or Loan Account Number/Suffix:

Action Description
Generate Account Number

Automatically assigns a new loan/suffix based on the following logic:

  • If the Host Supports Account Number Auto-Generation parameter on the Solution.Orgination page has a value of "Yes," and the Account Origination module is not active, the Lifecycle Management Suite executes code for interface specified as the Disbursement Method.
  • If the Host Supports Account Number Auto-Generation parameter on the Solution.Origination page has a value of "No," the Lifecycle Management Suite stops executing the action.
Create Member Account Number

Automatically creates a record in the core for the primary applicant and returns a member account number in the application based on the following logic:

  • If the Host Supports Account Number Auto-Generation parameter on the Solution.Origination page has a value of "Yes," and the Account Origination module is not active, the Lifecycle Management Suite executes code for the interface specified as the Disbursement Method.
  • If the Host Supports Account Number Auto-Generation parameter on the Solution.Origination page has a value of "No," the Lifecycle Management Suite stops executing the action.
  • If the primary applicant is a current account holder, and the value of the NewMembership field is Create New Member Account, a new member account number is created for the primary applicant in the core. When a new member account is created, the primary applicant's account number is set to the new account number in the application and the value of the NewMembership field is set to New Member Account Created.
For more information on configuring Event/Action pairs, please see the Event Processing topic in this guide.

Rule Configuration to Automatically Create New Member Accounts for Existing Primary Applicants

To automatically create a new record in the core for an existing primary applicant, system administrators can author a rule in Rules Management to set the value of the NewMembership field to Create New Member Account. When the value of the NewMembership field is set to Create New Member Account, a new record is automatically created in the core for the primary applicant when the rule executes.

This field can be set through a rule configured to execute at any point in the application process that is prior to when the applicant record should be created. For example, if it is desired to create the new applicant record during a specific event, an Event Processing rule can be authored and assigned to an Event/Action pair that includes the Create Member Account Number action. When the action is fired during the specified event, the NewMembership field is set to Create New Member Account, which automatically creates a new record in the core for the primary applicant. 

Reference the table below for an overview of the rule logic that can be used to automatically create a record in the core for an existing primary applicant:

Entity Level Rule Template Example
Application Set the value of a field

To set the value of the NewMembership field using the set the value of a field template:

  • Click [field] and select NewMembership.
  • Click [value] and type “value from list” in the filter box. Select value from list to populate the lookup values for the NEW_MEMBERSHIP_STATUS lookup.
  • Select Create New Member Account from the list.
  • Once all rule logic has been defined, click  within the New Rule window to retain the rule logic. Click within the Rule Application Toolbar to save the logic to the rule application.
For more information on authoring rules, please see the Rules Management topic in this guide. 

Show2 - Application Summary

The Applications Summary panel is configured in the Workspace Summary attributes of each sub-product within Loan Product definition. Here, administrators are able to define the content and layout of the application summary as well as assign it to one or more sub-products.

For more information on defining the application summary for a loan application, see the Workspace Summary section within Loan Application Types topic.

Show3 - Application Workspace

The application workspace consists of screens and workflow toolbars.

Applicant, Collateral and Application screen content is defined within System Management > Origination > Screens.

The workflow toolbar only populates when processing an application using the workflow. The following icons populate within the workflow toolbar toggle based on the application's progress within the workflow and the user/security group's permissions:

Icon Title Workflow Stage Permission
Back All None
Save and Next All None
Decision Origination


Approve Underwriting

Approve Application


To configure the Approve Loan permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.
Decline Underwriting

Decline Application


To configure the Decline Loan permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.
Disburse Approval

Disburse Loan Application 


To configure the Disburse Loan permission:

  • Navigate to System Management > Users to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to System Management > Groups > Security Groups to manage group permissions.

Show4 - Application Navigator

The Application Navigator contains three tabs: Navigator, Notifications, and Comments. Each tab is always visible and does not depend on user or group permissions.



The navigator is divided into three sections: Workflow, People and Collateral, and Screens.


The Workflow is located at the top of the Navigator tab. It is a series of screens that aid users in the application process.

To learn more about the application tracking icons that appear within the Workflow, please see Application Progress Indicators within the Application Navigator section of the User Guide's Lifecycle Management Suite Workspace topic.

To define workflows, navigate to System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Workflow Models. Within a workflow model, administrators are able to assign screens on the Workflow tab according to the various stages of an application life cycle.


Workflow models are then assigned in the General attributes of each sub-product within Loan Product Definition. At the bottom of the General tab, update the Workflow Model field to identify the desired workflow.

For more information on assigning workflow models, refer to the Model Selection section within the Loan Application Types topic.

People and Collateral

The People  and Collateral section includes an Overview screen as wells as an index of all People , and Collateral associated with the application. This section is driven by configurations made within a Workflow Model's Screens attributes.



To assign screens to this section, the following screen types must first be created:

Administrators must map an Overview, Primary Applicant, and Other Applicant screen.
If screens are not mapped to the Authorized Users, Collaterals, or References fields, users are unable to add authorized users, collateral, or references from the application navigator.


Screen Description Screen Type Workflow Model Configuration Required

An application screen that provides users a summary of the application.

The screen designated as the overview is the default screen that populates in the workspace when an in progress application is opened.
Application Screens > Edit Screens > Overview Yes
Add Applicant

The default screen that opens when a user adds or edits an applicant from the Application Navigator.


Screens > Edit Screens > Primary Applicant


Screens > Edit Screens > Other Applicant




Add Authorized User

The default screen that opens when a user adds or edits an authorized user from the Application Navigator.


If an authorized user screen is not mapped to the Authorized User edit screen within Workflow Models, users are unable to add authorized users from the Application Navigator.

Authorized User Screens > Edit Screens > Authorized User
Add Collateral

The default screen that opens when a user adds or edits collateral from the Application Navigator.


If collateral screens are not mapped to the pledge, real estate, stock and vehicle edit screens within Workflow Models, users are unable to add collateral from the Collateral screen.

Institutions are able to limit the collateral types that can be added from the application navigator by only mapping screens to the desired edit screens. Unmapped collateral types cannot be added to an application.

Screens > Edit Screens > Pledge Collateral


Screens > Edit Screens > Real Estate Collateral


Screens > Edit Screens > Stock Collateral


Screens > Edit Screens > Vehicle Collateral

Add Reference The default screen that opens when a user adds or edits references from the Application Navigator. Reference Screens > Edit Screens > Reference


The Screens section is located at the bottom of the Navigator. It contains a list of all the screens available to users for processing an application.


The screens that populate in this section are configured within a Workflow Model's screen attributes. To assign screens, navigate to System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Workflow Models. At the bottom of the Screens tab, move the desired screens from the Available Screens box to the Assigned Screens box.

Only application screens are able to be assigned to the screens section.


The Notifications tab displays all informational and validation messages that have been called by rules when an application is saved, calculated, or called by actions. The notifications that populate within this section appear automatically during the application process and are driven by:


No configurations are required to view or maintain comments.



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